The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 276 The movie is released, a strange start

Chapter 276 The movie is released, a strange start
Hong Chen and Yan Chi returned to that border town.

He also knew about the public opinion on Huaxia Network, and Ge Chen reported all these things to him.

"Many people criticize this movie online, what do you think?" Yan Chi asked him while drinking cold beer.

There was no expression on Hong Chen's face, and he said: "Normally, in this business, there will always be opponents who come out at some point to disgust you."

"I used to care about it, but now I see it. It's useless to say so much on the Internet. The key is the quality of the movie."

"When the movie is released, whether it is good or bad, we will see the result naturally."

"Don't look at the many people on the Internet who are criticizing happily. Assuming that this movie has a good reputation, these people may be the first to take the lead in praising this movie, and they may even be the first to jump out to support me."

"Hahahaha." Hearing Hong Chen's words, Yan Chi laughed loudly, and he said, "You see it very clearly, it seems to be true."

"Many people comment on something to find a 'sense of presence'. This is not derogatory. Everyone needs to find their own sense of presence. It is very interesting to join a camp online and comment together."

Hong Chen also blew a bottle of beer from the ice bucket, opened the cap of the bottle, took a sip, and said.

"If you don't think so, if you lose Huaxia's people, then spray it. If the quality is good and increase Huaxia's prestige, then praise it, it's normal."

"Of course, there are also things that make people very uncomfortable. That is, when he sprayed you before, and later found out that he was wrong, they will praise you in another identity, but it is absolutely impossible to apologize in the original identity."

The two chatted about public opinion on the Internet, and Hong Chen's analysis was straightforward.

As a popular movie star, he must be watched by people all the time.As long as there is something bad about it, there will definitely be countless negative remarks.

If movie stars can't regulate themselves well, they won't be able to go too far.

Therefore, Hong Chen must treat this kind of thing with a normal mind.Wait for the final result of the movie to come out and see you later.

"There must be a reason for this, why don't you look for it?" Yan Chi asked again, with some deep meaning in his words.

Hong Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "I know who it is, and I've been paying attention to it. I heard that he also has a sci-fi movie on the Spring Festival this year. Then it will be a chance."

"As long as you have an idea. You have a good character, but you can't be too kind in this business." Yan Chi expressed his opinion.

Yan Chi's temperament is lazy, and he has never liked to argue with others, but he knows that when it is time to fight, he will fight.

Hong Chen nodded and said, "Don't worry, things won't pass that easily."

There is still half a month before the film's release, and Hill Pictures has given the film a B-level promotion as promised.

It's just that because of the public DISS of the leading actor George, the word-of-mouth of this movie is not very good in the United States.

The only good thing is that the popularity of this movie has risen.

There were not many people paying attention to this movie, but now there are a lot more people.

At present, this movie mainly focuses on two major groups of people, the first is science fiction fans and suspense fans, people who like this style.

The second type is people who are waiting to watch the excitement and make complaints about Chinese movies.

At this time, Yan Chi was intensively preparing for the shooting of the next film.

Hong Chen was always with him.

Gradually, half a month passed.

"The Night the Comet Came" is finally coming to theaters.

As Hongchen Studio's first overseas market test, this work has received a lot of attention before it was released.

The pre-sale box office is so-so, not very good, but it is also in the category of normal movies.

At the same time, Reed, the head of the Confederate Film and Television Company, is paying attention to the movie.

The last time he pretended to be a gesture, he didn't sign a contract with Hong Chen to release the film, but asked Hong Chen to come to him on his own initiative after putting forward conditions.

He originally thought that if someone from China wanted to release a movie in the United States, he would beg him in a low voice.

But what he didn't expect was that not only did Hong Chen not come the next day, but he also signed a contract with Hill Film and Television, the rival of Confederation Film and Television Company, and chose the other party as the distributor.

So, Reed was pissed.

He had been silently waiting to see Hong Chen's joke.

Not only him, but also Liu Chenglu's studio, especially so.

At this moment, Hong Chen was in the villa, looking at the distribution map of film schedules in various continents handed over by his assistant.

It shows that movie theaters near the west coast have a significantly higher screening ratio, about 15%, but on the east coast, as well as places in the middle of the United States, the screening ratio is only about 7-10%
Hong Chen pondered: "The filming ratio is very low."

The assistant replied, "Yes, but that's the best Hill Pictures can do."

Regarding this, Hong Chen didn't say anything more.

This movie is originally a relatively small movie, so it is naturally not as high as those blockbuster movies in the United States.Moreover, the production of movies in the United States is very large, so the ratio of movies is often not high.

Washington, AMC Cinemas.

AMC is currently the world's largest movie theater chain, which belongs to China Wanda Group and has the largest market share in the United States.

I have to mention here that Wanda Group is really powerful.

At 08:30 in the evening, half an hour before the premiere of "The Night the Comet Came", many sci-fi fans and black fans have already come here.

Hill Pictures has done a good job in publicity, and the gimmick of "Interweaving Parallel Worlds" is enough to attract many viewers.

Moreover, Americans like science fiction very much, from alien themes to superheroes, etc., all illustrate this point.

The story of this parallel world also attracts them.

"Watching Huaxia's movie tonight, hahaha, I can't wait to find some fun and post it on Facebook." The chatter was a few movie commentators from the United States.

The United States also has film critics who explain and recommend movies, and these film critics are very influential. Basically, after they judge a movie, fans will choose whether to watch it or not.

"I've seen a lot of Huaxia's movies. Those HK action and kung fu movies are okay. Now Huaxia people are making suspense and thrillers, and the effect must be poor." Another film critic also said.

"Aren't we here to appreciate how 'bad' this movie is?" Someone mocked again, his voice was loud, as if he wanted to make that contempt more obvious.

"Not necessarily. For example, the Chinese director Wen Ziren's "Chain Saw" did not have a large investment in production, and the shooting time was very short. It still won a very high box office." Another film critic named Tert said objectively .

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of several other people.

"Terte, you don't think this movie can be compared to "Chain Saw", do you? What kind of good movie can a little-known Chinese director make?" Doug curled his lips in disdain.

While a few people were chatting, the movie had already started, and they checked tickets quickly and took their seats.

Not long after, the movie started. They sat casually, with their heads tilted, looking like they were watching a good show.

They were here to find fault.

At the beginning of the movie, the heroine was on the phone with Hong Chen, but suddenly the phone lost signal and the screen shattered.

Seeing this scene, Doug sneered with disdain: "This method of creating an atmosphere is really low-level, barely."

Immediately, it was Shang Yuyan who rushed into the room, and several other people were having a conversation. There were some disputes during the conversation, probably because one person didn't remember what the other two said.

Listening to these people's conversations, Doug felt like he was about to fall asleep. This movie is so boring.

He was just about to complain to other film critics, but when he turned his head, he found that the other three people were watching it very seriously, their expressions were full of concentration.

what happened?

Doug wondered.

Aren't those few lines just now ordinary small talk?
The other three film critics are all well-known film critics and have seen a lot of suspenseful movies. The way they are now, they obviously discovered something.

Then, Hong Chen appeared on the stage, and the lines in the sentence contradicted with the lines when he called Shang Yuyan at the beginning.

Doug also discovered the clue at this time.

Instead of being idle, he cheered up.

He found something strange about this movie!
It turned out that the movie had been suspenseful from the very beginning. When Doug thought about it, he immediately understood that the Chinese who came in was not the one who called just now!
"At this time, has the parallel world already begun?"

Doug suddenly felt cold all over, and felt his body excited unconsciously.

God, that's it!
It turns out that the plot is like this!

This is simply unbelievable!
However, this is just the beginning, and what is even more incredible is yet to come.

(End of this chapter)

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