The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 303 Audition Clown, A Strong Competitor

Chapter 303 Audition Clown, A Strong Competitor
New York, Warner headquarters building.

This time, it was the clown's second audition, and those who could stay were all characters approved by the director.

When Hong Chen walked into the lounge, there were already two people waiting, and they were obviously taken aback when they saw Hong Chen.

These two people, Hong Chen, are acquainted with each other, they are both Hollywood actors, one is Robert Knepper, who played the perverted killer T-bag in the American drama "Prison Break" that most people enlightened.

His T-bag is a very controversial character, a real pervert, bisexual, character-wise, the devil crawled out of hell.

But it's such a character, who just fell in love with the protagonist for 5 seasons, and has a lot of fans around the world.

It can be said that Knepp played the role of T-bag too well.

Charismatic pervert.

Another actor is Penn Badgley, the actor who played DAN in "Gossip Girl" and also played the psycho killer in a TV series.

It can be said that these two are relatively good at playing villains.

Especially Knepp, with that evil smile, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, afraid that he will take out his pocket and say to you:
"Grab this pocket and your life will be perfect from now on."

But at this time, Knepp still looked normal, after all, it was just acting.

If this is the case, it can also be seen how much competitive pressure there is to play the clown.

"Everyone, please do some makeup first. Today's audition needs makeup. Also, here is the script for the audition. Please familiarize yourself with it first." Not long after, the beauty assistant came in and said to them.

They are just the first wave of auditions, and there are many more behind, and there are not a few people who pass the initial audition.

Hong Chen first read the audition script.

The content of the script should be part of the plot.

It is about a charity banquet hosted by Bruce Wayne, when the clown suddenly appears to find Harvey Dent from the crowd and kill him.

Harvey Dante, known as the Sin Slayer, is the city's Knight of Light.

One of the clown's ideas is to plunge Gotham into chaos and despair. The appearance of Harvey Dante has given people faith and hope, so Harvey Dante must die.

The name of the second part of Batman is called "The Dark Knight". The Dark Knight refers to Batman, and another important role in this movie is the light knight Harvey Dent.

The content of the audition is that the clown forces everyone to tell the whereabouts of Harvey Dente, and the most important scene is to force Harvey Dente's girlfriend Rachel to tell the whereabouts of Harvey Dente.

Rachel is also a very important character in this movie.

Then, every ten minutes, they went to the backstage to make up.

Knepp was the first to go, he was the first to arrive, first in order.

It's a pity that the audition footage was kept secret, otherwise Hong Chen would really like to see Kneip's performance.

The first American drama he watched was "Prison Break", and he was deeply impressed by this character.

The moment he saw Knepp when he entered the lounge just now, he thought he saw that pervert T-bag, and almost couldn't resist punching him.

However, there is one thing to say, Knepp's temperament is very different from that of the clown.

Knepp's smile is that kind of sinister smile, like a poisonous snake, licking his lips in the dark and staring at his prey sinisterly.

But the clown's smile is different, his smile is ostentatious.

The character of T-bag has a tragic fate, which causes a distortion of human nature.Although the clown suffered the same misery, he has his own code of conduct.

The clown is a lunatic, but he is also very smart, which is a contradiction.

Hong Chen waited quietly.

The audition time for each person is about 10 minutes, but the makeup may take more time.

Today's audition is very important, because today's audition is to see what kind of effect the actor will have when he plays the clown.

If the effect is not good, then it will definitely be passed immediately.

Not long after, Hong Chen went in to put on makeup.

The makeup of the clown took longer than expected. The makeup team is a Hollywood-level professional makeup team. The makeup skills of this team are not generally strong.

For example, the nebula and surround view in the "Avengers" series are not special effects, they are actually painted.

There is also Mystique in "X-Men", Gamora in "Guardians of the Galaxy" and so on.

The makeup of the clown is that the skin is pale, and the mouth is painted with big red lipstick, which spreads to both sides of the lips, which is close to the root of the ear, and the hair is green.

The image of the clown in the parallel world Heath Ledger is very classic, but in fact the clown in the original comics is a very capable man with his hair combed back. The image of the clown in "Harley Quinn" is closer to the original.

After Hong Chen puts on his makeup, his image fits the image in the comics, tall and capable, but he hasn't started acting yet, so he doesn't have the aura of a clown.

Then, Hong Chen changed into the clown's signature costume—a full purple tuxedo suit, like a gentleman.

To be honest, this makeup, without the clown look and expression, would actually look comical.

The make-up artist looked at Hong Chen, always felt that something was missing, and was very dissatisfied, as if he hadn't painted well.

Hong Chen saw his troubles, and knew that his temperament should be milder, which conflicted with this makeup.

Thinking of this, Hong Chen sat on a chair, looked at himself in the huge makeup mirror, and suddenly activated his skills and entered the performance state.

In an instant, his temperament completely changed.

He was just an ordinary person wearing funny clothes just now, at this moment, his eyes were murderous, and his face became cold and horrified.

Seeing Hong Chen's eyes and smile in the mirror, the make-up artist was startled and couldn't help but took several steps back.

At that moment just now, he felt as if he was being stared at by something, and the hairs all over his body stood on end!
"Is it alright?" Hong Chen recovered from his performance and became gentle again, asking.

The makeup artist nodded quickly, then pointed to the distance and said like a plague god, "It's okay, it's okay, the audition is over there."

Seeing his appearance, Hong Chen shrugged helplessly, then walked towards the audition hall.

At this moment, Nobara had just watched Begley's performance, and there was no expression on his face.

"I think Knepp's performance was better just now." DC executive Ed expressed his opinion.

This is obvious, and everyone else nodded.

Nobaran sighed, and said: "Knepp's performance was indeed very good, expressing the cold feeling of the clown, but I always felt that something was missing, and the effect was not what I wanted. "

"The clown is not an ordinary villain, he must have a kind of soul inside. He is a reckless person, the release of his heart regardless of his care, and the freedom to do whatever he wants is his greatest charm."

Nobar is right, why clowns are so popular all over the world, because people have too many things imprisoned in their lives, and clowns are a truly "free" person.

To do all kinds of evil is not freedom, but to be willing to leave everything behind for one's own ideals and beliefs is freedom.

Knepp's performance is more like a pure villain.

"Let's look again, this role is indeed very difficult, and it is very difficult to perform it." Nuo Bar sighed again.

"Who is the next audition actor? Is the makeup done?" At this time, Ed asked loudly.

"Mr. Ed, the next audition is the Chinese actor Hong Chen, and the makeup is ready." The female assistant said hastily.

Hong Chen.

Hearing this name, Nuo Lan's eyes lit up.

Nuo Lan still vividly remembered Hong Chen's performance in the audition last time, and he even watched Hong Chen's audition video no less than five times.

Whenever Nobara understood the image of the clown more clearly, he would watch the video for inspiration.

The phrase "Why so serious?" is still echoing in his mind.

"Chinese?" Charles Rowan, a famous Hollywood film producer and the producer of this film, frowned and asked, "Are you sure you are right?"

Charles is a real upper-class figure in the United States, with a slightly fat body, white hair, and a black suit. He is a typical representative image of the exploiting class and has very strong financial resources.

When he heard that the person auditioning for the clown was a Chinese, he was suddenly curious.

"Mr. Charles, this Chinese actor's performance is definitely the most exciting performance I have ever seen. I even think he is the most suitable for the clown among all the audition actors." Nobar explained with a smile.

Hearing Nobar's comment, Charles' eyes widened slightly.

Noah has always been harsh, and he was not satisfied with so many actors who auditioned for the role. Who would have thought that he would have such a high opinion of a Chinese person now?
Thinking of this, Charles suddenly became curious.

(End of this chapter)

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