The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 314 The final battle, the choice of two ships

Chapter 314 The final battle, the choice of two ships
Hong Chen now has a very high status in the crew.

He discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, after filming and removing makeup every day, everyone is obviously more enthusiastic about him.Especially for some actresses, there are various invitations.

But as soon as he put on the makeup of a clown, everyone turned a little colder towards him.

Of course, I still have a lot of respect for him.

The explosion scene made a deep impression on everyone, especially the last part of Hong Chen's impromptu performance, which is equivalent to saving the scene.

"Hong Chen is indeed amazing. Such an excellent actor, there must be a place for him in Hollywood." Director Nuo Lan praised, "His achievements in the future will also be limitless."

Nobar is one of the leading figures in Hollywood directors.

His films are loved by young people.

Now that he gave such a high evaluation, some people had to look at Hong Chen with admiration.

The style of the movie "The Dark Knight" tends to be depressive and dark, all because of the clown.

The first "Mystery of Shadows" didn't have so many fierce fighting or explosion scenes, and it was more about Bruce Wayne's transformation from an ordinary person to Batman's mental journey.

The reason why it got good reviews is because Nobar took the transformation of Batman so well, which hit everyone's feelings.

But this one is different.

This one is full of big scenes, and the lawlessness of the clown makes this movie a climax every moment.

No one can predict what the Joker will do next.

In a short period of time, he spread fear everywhere in Gotham City.

According to the plot, the following scenes are more exciting.

Gotham Central Hospital was bombed, and the entire Gotham City was in panic.

However, at this moment, Hong Chen turned on the live TV again.But this time it's not him, but Reese.

The game that Hong Chen said he wanted to play with everyone - kill Reese, and now Reese is in his hands.

Undoubtedly, this is Hong Chen's way of spreading fear again.

Hong Chen asked Reese to read a manuscript.

"It seems that you didn't kill this lawyer as I asked."

"I've got to get you moving, but how do I get you all to join the game?"

"This night comes, and this city will be mine. All of you must play by my rules!"

"If you don't want to play, get out immediately!"

"However, as a reminder, I have a surprise for you in the bridges and tunnels."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Reese uttered the last two "haha" with horror on his face, this feeling will only make the citizens panic even more.

Then, the live broadcast ended with a burst of clown laughter.

There is no doubt that Hong Chen will make another big move tonight.

At this moment, all the citizens were panicking. They couldn't wait to run back home, wanting to run outside the city.

Gordon, the head of the police station, is also in a hurry to evacuate the people in the city at this moment.

But Hong Chen said that the bridges and tunnels had already placed "surprises", that is, bombs.

Therefore, there is only one way to escape, and that is the ferry.

Gordon hurriedly contacted the two largest ferries in the city, preparing to evacuate the people in the city.At the same time, another group of criminals had to be evacuated in time.

Otherwise, the chaotic Gotham City would be unimaginable with a group of violent criminals.

As a result, two ferries, one full of citizens and the other full of Gotham prisoners, sailed from the sea to the land on the opposite bank at the same time.

There is also a dark line here, that is, Harvey Dent began to track down the person who escorted Rachel at that time. Every time he asked someone, he would use a coin toss to decide the life or death of the other person.

This is also the unique style of "two-faced man".

This is not the point, the point is that he started to kill people, and began to judge a person's life and death according to his own preferences.

This shows that the Knight of Light is gone forever. The Harvey Dante, who pursued justice and devoted himself to eradicating violence and peace, went completely into darkness after his beloved woman was blown to death and he was disfigured.

Batman's attempt to use Harvey Dent as a spiritual force to invigorate the city fell flat.

Next, is the biggest scene of the movie:

Choice between two ships!

Two ferries, one carrying innocent citizens and the other carrying unscrupulous prisoners.

As soon as it sailed out of the sea, it stopped.

The lights flickered on and off, and then, the engines of the two ferries all stopped!

Everyone on board panicked.

At this moment, Hong Chen's voice appeared.

As usual, with a bit of madness, with a bit of fun, and with his trademark laugh.

Hong Chen told them that he had installed bombs on both ships, and that at the hour, he would press the bomb button.

Moreover, the detonator of the bomb on one ship is on the other ship.

Hong Chen gave them a choice, that is, whichever side presses the detonator first will survive.

To put it simply, the people on the two ships can choose to blow up each other.

As long as they blow up each other, they can live.

That's the double boat option the Joker gave them!

It was also the first time when Batman interrogated Hong Chen, Hong Chen told him:

"These so-called educated people, when there is a little trouble, they would like to eat each other raw."

The two-ship choice means that the clown wants to prove to Batman that human nature is evil, and morality and principles are all bullshit in the face of his own safety!
By this time, all the clown's cards had been played.

First, the dilemma of choosing two ships!

Second, the fall of Harvey Dante!

This is the dilemma Batman faces.

The protagonist of this movie is Batman, and Batman is of course going to save this predicament.

After all, in the comics, the Joker's plan has been repeatedly sabotaged, and Batman's abilities are not weak.

It's just that in this movie, judging from the current performance, Hong Chen surpassed Bell by too much, and the aura of the clown completely crushed Batman.

Batman uses the mobile phone that monitors the whole city to locate the Joker.

There's also an argument here that Morgan Freeman's Lucius doesn't think Batman should be doing this, and if he did, Lucius would resign.

Monitoring the sound waves of mobile phones throughout the city has violated the bottom line of morality and law.

It has been hinted earlier that Batman has actually gotten deeper and deeper in the battle with the Joker.

But Batman is Batman after all, and he told Lucius that the Lighthouse had caught the Joker, just enter his name.

Batman is just. He built this surveillance system only to catch clowns. There is no prying into the privacy of citizens. Once the clown is caught, the surveillance system will be destroyed.

This also gained Lucius' understanding.

So, next, the shocking battle began.

This time is also the most meaningful time of this movie.

The circumstances of the two ships varied.

The gangsters were rioting, yelling to press the button, and the guarding police and army were desperately maintaining order.

On the citizens' side, under the suggestion of some people, everyone was given a note and started voting.Vote to decide whether to press or not.

The situation is dire.

Batman rushed to the building where the clown was, and found that Hong Chen had already kidnapped dozens of hostages, wearing a clown mask and holding a gun in his hand.Gordon led his men to target the hostages, thinking they were the Joker's accomplices.

So, Batman began to rescue these hostages in the building.

This also showed that Hong Chen had expected Batman to come.

In addition, Harvey Dent killed the black policeman, then came to Gordon's house and kidnapped Gordon's daughter Barbara.

Everything went as Hong Chen expected, and the entire Gotham City fell into chaos.

And at this time, where is Hong Chen?
He was standing on the edge of the roof of the building, overlooking the chaotic city.

As he said, "Tonight, the city is mine."

The wind on the roof was strong, blowing his messy green hair.

His face was full of determination, as if he was the emperor of Gotham City.

Everything is going according to his plan.

How can Batman turn the tide?
Hong Chen's back was full of fear, he knew that the decisive battle was finally coming!
He is waiting.

There are 3 minutes left before the explosion of the two ships.

He is waiting for the people on board to make a choice.

Afterwards, he's waiting for Batman to arrive, and he'll go out of his way to taunt him.

Meanwhile, he's waiting for Harvey Dent to kill Gordon's loved ones.

On the prisoner's boat, the detonator was in the hands of a police and army chief.

A burly prisoner stood up, and he said to the person in charge: "I know you don't want to die, and I know you won't be cruel. I was a criminal in the first place, and I will complete this crime for you!"

At the same time, on the citizens' boats, the detonators were placed there, but no one dared to press them. They voted to blow up the opponent's boat, but no one was willing to do it.

At this moment, the selfishness of human nature is fully exposed.

When they don't involve themselves, most of them choose to blow up the opponent's ship, but now when they want to come out to be this villain, no one is willing to stand out.

"I've had enough, I know you don't want to, I'll do it."

Finally, a middle-aged man stood up from the crowd and took the detonator.

And, on the prisoner's ship, the man in charge gave the detonator to the prisoner.

The person in charge doesn't want to die, so why not do it now that someone is acting as the villain for him?

This is human nature.

Everything is going according to Hong Chen's plan.

At the same time, Hong Chen and Batman fought fiercely on the roof.

One thing to say, Nobar is not very good at action scenes, so the fight looks like two adults fighting.

Hong Chen also wants to use his Chinese martial arts, but he is a clown, and he pays attention to all kinds of despicable fighting styles.

Just imagine, if the clown suddenly knocked Batman into the air with his palm, then put on a pose, and said calmly: "Wing Chun, clown", wouldn't it be full of violations?

The two were fighting. At first, Hong Chen used a trap to overshadow Batman and gained the upper hand.He laughed wildly and beat Batman madly.

As is always the case in movies, the villain always has the upper hand.

On the prisoner's boat, the burly menacing prisoner got the detonator.

On the citizen's boat, the middle-aged man who couldn't bear it also got the detonator.

"Come on, let's watch the fireworks!" Hong Chen controlled Batman, posing as a victor.

"There won't be any fireworks!" Batman said angrily.

The ideas of the two people directly conflict with each other, one believes in the goodness of human nature, and the other believes in the evil of human nature!
"It's about to start!"

Hong Chen ignored Batman and looked at the two ferries in the distance with anticipation on his face.

On the prisoner's boat, the irritable prisoner picked up the detonator and threw it out of the window decisively overseas.

This prisoner looks fierce and scary on the outside, but his heart is still kind, and he is a good person.

On the citizen's boat, the middle-aged man got the detonator, hesitated for a long time in his hand, and then put the detonator back into the distance.

He didn't say anything, and sat back to his original position without saying a word.

The faces of the citizens showed disappointment, despair, and relief.

Neither side chose to detonate the other's ship.

Two ships chose, Hong Chen failed.

In fact, there is no explanation here, whether the detonator on their ship is the other party's ship, according to the usual style of the clown, it is possible.

The time came to 12 o'clock sharp.

The camera was given to Hong Chen.

He looked at the time, then at the ferry in the distance, his face slowly became gloomy.

For the first time his judgment was wrong.

"What do you want to prove? To prove that everyone is as ugly as you?" Batman sarcastically sneered under control.

"It's an interesting world, but luckily I'm prepared."

Hong Chen took out the detonator and said unhurriedly.

Then, Batman found an opportunity, launched a bat dart, and immediately threw Hong Chen down from the tall building.

Of course, Batman's principle is not to kill people, so he tied Hong Chen's feet with the launched rope.

Just like that, Hong Chen was suspended in mid-air, Batman flew downstairs, and the two had a conversation.

Of course, these scenes were shot in separate shots, and Hong Chen's fall from the building was completed under the green screen.

But this scene is also classic enough.

Then came the last game between Hong Chen and Batman.

Hong Chen continued to laugh wildly and asked Batman to kill him.

Batman certainly doesn't.

"Oh, if you don't kill me, then I won't kill you. It's so much fun fighting someone like you. I think we're going to keep fighting like this."

Hong Chen uttered a sentence that runs through the relationship between Batman and the Joker.

"Just stay in the mental hospital for the rest of your life." Batman said viciously.

At this moment, Batman has not realized that the story of him and the Joker is just the beginning.

Because in the comics, the Joker ran out of Arkham Asylum without doing anything, caused some accidents, and fought wits with Batman.

This movie, here, is almost over.

Two-ship plan, Joker loses, Batman wins.

But there is another key to the game between the two, and that is Harvey Dante.

As the embodiment of justice, Batman also has to turn the tide.

(End of this chapter)

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