Chapter 317 Wonderful Reversal

Doug, Turt, and several film critics and big Vs met again at the premiere of "Deadly ID".

"Doug, you're here too." Turt smiled at him.

"We must come to support. This director has created an atmosphere very well, and the plot is also very interesting. I am still analyzing the plot of "Comet"." Doug said with deep emotion.

You know, before the last movie was released, Doug looked down on Huaxia's movies.

Moreover, a few of them went to see "Comet" at that time, more to find some complaints, and to increase some popularity by belittling Chinese movies.

As a result, after watching "Comet", several people became Yan Chi's fans instead.

Because the plot and atmosphere of that movie were really sharp.

"Yeah, "Comet" has too many possibilities, so many parallel worlds, so many clues, I really don't know how many times those people have changed." Turt agreed.

"Look, is that the star of "Comet"?" At this moment, Doug pointed to the figure in the middle of the third row and said.

Several other people looked forward and found that Hong Chen was chatting and laughing with Yan Chi next to him, and suddenly became excited.

"It's really him, Chinese actor Hong Chen! The one next to him is the director Yan Chi! Both of them are here!" Tert became a little excited when he saw Hong Chen.

"Go, go and ask for a group photo!" Doug suggested.

"We'll talk about it after watching the movie, and the starting point of the last movie was so high, I'm worried that this movie will disappoint us." Turt calmed down and said.

Several others nodded.

After all, this kind of thriller and suspense style movie has too high requirements on the script, and there are few such movies in this world.

At this time, the theater went dark and the movie began to show.

A few people stopped talking, and they all watched the movie engrossed.

At the beginning, it was a scene where a fat murderer was wearing a prison uniform and being interrogated, and various objects flashed in the middle, which seemed to imply some clues.

"The tone is good." Turt said sharply.

Afterwards, the scene suddenly switched to a rainy night, and eleven people were forced to gather in a motel for various reasons.

Seeing this, a trace of doubt flashed across Doug's face.

What's happening here?What happened to that criminal just now?

Doug didn't understand, but he knew that the director's design must have a purpose.

Then, a homicide occurred in the motel, one person after another died, and the remaining people were in a panic to find out the real culprit.

Hong Chen played the most decent role in it, busy with everyone, and the atmosphere became more and more weird.

Seeing this, Doug sighed slightly.

Several other people also shook their heads.

They know that this movie is a failure.

"The creation of the atmosphere and the design of the plot are not bad, but there are quite a few films of this kind of 'Blizzard Villa', so this one doesn't seem that brilliant." Doug expressed his opinion.

Turtle nodded, "Yes, it may be that the setting of the interweaving of countless parallel worlds in the previous film was great, and our expectations in our hearts were too high, so we were disappointed."

"The plot is actually pretty good, but, how to put it? We want to see something that surprises us."


"Wait a little longer. These people died one by one in the order of the room numbers. I always feel that they are implying something to us, and the prisoner. I have never explained what it has to do with these people. It is one of them. friend?"

Several people continued to watch while discussing in low voices.

Then came the turning point of the movie.

The psychiatrist said to the prosecutor: "This prisoner has ten personalities, and there are ten handwritings on his notebook. Only one of the murderer's personalities is the murderer."

Seeing this, Doug and Turt were both speechless.

Their eyes widened and they stared at each other in disbelief, only feeling that their bodies were getting excited.

"The psychiatrist means that these people in the motel have the personality of prisoners?"

"Split personality? Ten? Fight each other?"

"Oh my god, the motel is just a virtual world! I remembered, there is a hint before the plot!"

"What kind of setting is this!"

"This setting is even more exciting than "Comet"!"

"I see."

They get excited.

At this point, the film officially begins.

After that, they started looking for the personality of the murderer, and the plot was reversed one after another. Every time they found one, they were quickly overthrown, because people continued to die.

The plot becomes exciting.

Until the end, it turned out that the guy who kept saying he was a cop was a fake cop who killed a cop and put on a cop's clothes to pretend to be a cop when he was actually a murderer.

In the end, Hong Chen died together with the murderer as the protagonist.

Only Amanda was left alive.

"Huh! It's finally over."

"Amanda is alive, that's great!"

"These ten personalities represent different personalities. The director and screenwriter are really good people."

"Sure enough, as I thought, Amanda is the most suitable personality, representing the prisoner's yearning for a free life."

They breathed a sigh of relief and discussed easily.

But at this time, the whole film ushered in the biggest reversal.

Amanda was farming, when she suddenly found a room number plate from the field: No. 1.

You know, when those people died before, there would be a number plate next to the body.

From No. 10 to Hong Chen's No. 2, all died.

Now, number 1 is here.

What does this represent?
All the audience suddenly became energetic at this moment.

They followed Amanda's gaze to the right, and there was a little boy holding a sharp farm rake in his hand.

The little boy's face was full of killing intent and tyranny.

At this time, the screen cuts back to the prisoner.

The prisoner would have stabilized because his personality was only that of a good guy like Amanda.

But at this moment, killing intent and hatred appeared on his face.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, the personality of the murderer was the most inconspicuous little boy.

This little boy left a foreshadowing from the very beginning. He is autistic and never speaks, but he is full of tricks.

He deliberately greeted his mother, let her be hit by a car, and then strangled his mother on the hospital bed.

He deliberately took advantage of his cowardly stepfather's love for him to create an accident, causing his stepfather to be hit and killed by a car.

Afterwards, he feigned death to eliminate the suspicion.

Seeing this, everyone was dumbfounded.

At this time, they remembered that there were eleven people who entered the motel.

There is another personality that has been overlooked by people, but it is a real murderer: the personality of a little boy.

The huge reversal at the end caught everyone off guard.

It can be said that this reversal is extremely impressive.

The whole movie has been sublimated so far!
The movie ends with the prisoner killing the psychiatrist.

The subtitles began to turn up, and the theater was silent.

After a long time, someone started to applaud, and then, there was a lot of applause!
Doug, Tert and the others, at this moment, smiled wryly.

"It's wonderful, it's really wonderful!"

"Huh, we didn't expect such an ending at all."

"I thought the movie would end if Amanda survived. Who knew that the last real survivor was the little boy personality."

"The design of this plot is too powerful!"

"Look again?"

"Look again!"

Several people raved about the movie.

They knew that this movie surpassed "Comet" to a certain extent.

The design of the plot is tightly stitched, and it looks more delicate. There is no bug in the whole drama, but there are clues everywhere.

Compared with the brain-burning feeling of "Comet", "Fatal ID" can make people feel the fear emanating from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially the final ending is perfect!
Then, Doug and the others ran to Hong Chen and Yan Chi to ask for a group photo and autograph, and immediately hurriedly bought movie tickets for the next movie.

They had a hunch that this movie might lead to a powerful trend.

(End of this chapter)

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