The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 319 Before the filming started, the warship practice

Chapter 319 Before the filming started, the warship practice

"Operation Red Sea" director, Lin Chaoxian.

He said: "There has been a saying on the Internet: 'We did not live in a peaceful age, but we are fortunate to be born in a peaceful country.' It was this sentence that touched me and made me determined to make "Operation Red Sea" A film like this is made to be as realistic as possible.”

"Truth is often cruel, but only when we face it bravely can we cherish the preciousness of peace."

It is with such enthusiasm that he can devote himself wholeheartedly to this film.

The navy here is well-known, such as some naval TV series "Fire Blue Blade", etc., were filmed here.

Today, the maritime administration specially contacted a certain naval unit to film a scene about the navy going out to sea to fight pirates.

The members of the navy team are naturally the protagonists of these people, and in order to shoot this kind of scene, it is natural to need coordination.

This is why this kind of film must be supported by the maritime administration.

A small team, at this moment, they stood upright and lined up in two rows, ready to welcome the crew.

"Hey, the big star is coming, and we have seen the star with our own eyes." In the team, a slightly dark-skinned person said to the person next to him.

"Look at how promising you are. It's like you haven't seen a star before. What's the matter?" Another dark-skinned man curled his lips in disdain.

"Have you heard? The leading actor seems to be Hong Chen." Another dark gossip said.

"Really? Hong Chen? I'm his fan." A dark man behind said excitedly.

"Isn't he a star!"

A few people were chatting, and a few people looked resolute and did not speak.

At this time, the captain came over, and these people immediately stopped talking and straightened their chests.

"Comrades, everyone knows the tasks for the next few days, everyone must perform well."

The captain's voice was calm and powerful.

"This is a channel for our superiors to promote our culture and image, and it is a task! I hope you will stop playing around and cooperate well!"

"In addition, this time there are local actors living with us, we must perform well and not lose face."

"Do you understand everything?"

"Understood!" shouted in unison, the voices hovering in the sky.

"Okay, there are all of them. Take a break and stand relaxed." The captain gave the password, ran to the stairs again, and looked down.

Not long after, he saw a large group of people walking towards him.

In the middle, one is his superior, one is the leader, and the other is director Lin Chaoxian. Hong Chen, as the co-producer and general investor, is also at the forefront.

Then came the other actors.

At this moment, Hong Chen had already taken a cut.

In his eyes, performance is obviously greater than image.This is much better than some actors who have to show idol baggage all the time.

There are many such actors in China, of course, sometimes it is understandable, such as Fan Baobao's "Legend of Wu Mei Niang", when she was editing in the post-production, she was censored frame by frame, and any pictures of her that were not beautiful had to be cut out. It took a year to complete.

There is also Huang Jiaozhu, who is always smiling evilly. In fact, the movies and TV shows he does not smile evilly are very good, such as "The Son of Man", "Huaxia Partner", "Langya Bang 2".
Today's audience is very resistant to this.

For example, a top performer in the parallel world, when he was filming the fortress, his hairstyle was not messed up and was complained about. Now that he is filming "Cross Fire", he has changed his previous style and followed the "hanging silk" route. Instead, he has gained a lot of popularity, which can be regarded as a successful transformation.

Of course, Hong Chen shaved his head, but he was still handsome.

Just like sheep in a parallel world.

Hairstyle is very important to appearance, but some people are still handsome without hairstyle.

You say irritating no.

Today amounts to just a familiar ritual.Here, the actors are arranged to get acquainted with the structure first, and give them an overview of some of the functions of the structure.

After all, if an actor wants to shoot that kind of military effect, he must have a basic understanding of warships.

Some things, without personal experience, just rely on feeling, it is not enough.

It is worth mentioning here that the last work "Operation Mekong" directed by Lin Chaoxian was filmed jointly with the anti-narcotics police department, and the filming effect is very good.

He is also a figure recognized by the mainstream.

Therefore, this film about maritime affairs will receive strong support.

Not long after, a group of people boarded the warship.

Captain Zhang Lin first asked the team members to rest and stand at attention, and then reported to his leader:

"Comrade Deputy **, the team members are ready, please give instructions! Captain Zhang Lin."

"Take a break."


Then, Zhang Lin ran back to the team and asked all members to rest.

I saw the team members raised their chests up one by one, without looking sideways, and a sense of chill and fortitude emanated from the team members.

This is the Guardians of China.

Then, as usual, the leader gave a speech.

Probably just to say that everyone has worked hard, how important this task is, I hope everyone will not take it lightly.

You know, publicity work has always been a big project of work.

Then, it came to the stage where the actors became familiar with the warship.

There is a dedicated female sailor as the narrator, who leads everyone forward while explaining.

Among the actors, Hong Chen is very curious about everything.

This is his first time aboard a warship.

Of course, they must not be able to enter the core classified area of ​​​​this warship, and they can only walk around in some public places.

"This is the No. 3 radar equipment compartment, which is mainly used to detect the movements of our aircraft and enemy aircraft in the rear."

"This is the No. 2 combat system equipment compartment"

"This is the rear navigation compartment, which is responsible for observing the dynamics around the ship."

"This is the passenger cabin. Everyone lives here when they are resting."

The instructor was very patient and explained most of the structures on the ship clearly.

The actors also listened carefully.

Lin Chaoxian has relatively high requirements for casting. The roles he chooses are all good actors who are down-to-earth and can endure hardships. At the same time, all male actors are "tough guys" style.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, and then follow what I said, live on the ship for a week, and everything will be managed in accordance with the management method of a warship." After the explanation, Lin Chaoxian said to these actors.

The actors all looked expectant. Of course, they didn't know what they were about to experience at this time.

China's country is peaceful and the people are safe, because there are people who silently carry the burden for us.This kind of suffering is not necessarily something everyone can bear.

The members of the team were also dumbfounded. They were originally ordered to act as a group performer, to act as a background, but now they suddenly learned that they would live with these actors for a week?
In their faces, there are surprise, excitement, excitement, disdain, and calm, and the expressions on each face are different.

This is Lin Chaoxian's arrangement.

In order to produce the best results for this film, these are all processes that must be experienced.

The actors knew about this in advance, so they didn't show too much surprise.

Then, a group of seven people, including Hong Chen, received their belongings.

Items include: a set of camouflage, two sea soul shirts (that is, the Navy's fitness suit, the kind with white and blue stripes), a pair of camouflage shoes, three pairs of socks, a yellow washbasin and toiletries, towels and mats, etc.

The remaining personal items, such as underwear, magazines, etc., need to be prepared by themselves.

"A friendly reminder, the ship will go to sea tomorrow morning, and you still have half a day to buy some things. There is no signal, no entertainment products, no supermarkets on the ship for these 7 days, so you should prepare well."

Director Lin Chaoxian said something meaningful.

After hearing his words, the seven actors immediately began to make up their minds.

"By the way, just a reminder that alcohol is strictly prohibited here. It is not allowed to bring any alcoholic items on board. Violators will be punished. Do you understand?"

Lin Chaoxian said again.

The seven people looked at each other and nodded.

Among them, there is an actor named Wang Yanlin, who usually looks like a tough guy when he doesn't speak, but in fact his personality is more sloppy, so he is more popular.

"Brothers, what are you going to buy?" Wang Yanlin asked the others.

"Snacks, you need to bring some drinks." Another actor, Huang Jinyu, shrugged. His temper was relatively calm, and his expression didn't change much.

He played the role of a sniper in Operation Red Sea, and snipers are usually people with very calm personalities.

"I have to find a photo of my wife and print it out." Du Jiang, who is married, said, which also aroused contempt from everyone.

At this time, Wang Yanlin looked at Hong Chen and asked, "Hong Chen, what about you? What are you bringing?"

Hong Chen thought for a while, and said, "Bring a book or two, and read them in your free time."

Hearing his words, Wang Yanlin gave a thumbs up to express his admiration.

When some other soldiers saw their appearance, there was a bit of gloating in their eyes.

These big stars really have leisure time.

(End of this chapter)

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