Chapter 322

These seven days have been much more solid than the actors imagined.

They thought there would be a lot of boring time, but as a result, their daily schedules were full, and they were exhausted from practicing all day.

Queue, physical fitness, professional knowledge, etc. are all subjects that they must practice.

If we talk about the effect, it is that the 7 people stand there now, with their chests raised up, and a chilling air rushes towards them.

It smells like that!
When Lin Chaoxian saw them again, he was very satisfied with their performance.

When making a movie, you must strive for perfection. Since it is a military-themed movie, the actors must look like soldiers.

Today is the end of the acting. Although the 7 days are short, the actors still get along well with these fighters.

Lin Chaoxian, the leaders of the ships, and the leaders of the maritime administration all came here, counting it as an inspection and condolences.

The leaders left soon, after all, the next stage belonged to Lin Chaoxian.

Hongchen Media is the co-producer, and the lead actor is responsible for funding and guaranteeing the support from above.

They were not filming on this ship, so they had to bid farewell to these fighters.

At this moment, a beautiful figure slowly appeared at the landing stage of the ship.

A long white dress, a small light blue satchel, and a white round hat with a lily flower hanging on the hat.

It was Yan Yileng.

In the next two days, the boat was already approaching the shore and the mobile phone had a signal, so Hong Chen called Yan Yileng to come over.

On the one hand, it was because after this period of time, Hong Chen and others were going to go to North Africa to film a movie, which would take about three months, so he naturally wanted to spend more time with Yan Yileng.

On the other hand, it was also to satisfy Wang Han and others' desire to take a photo with Yan Yileng.

The soldier's thinking was very simple and simple. Seeing Yan Yileng, Wang Han was stunned.

Yan Yileng's outfit today is extraordinarily youthful, like the girl-next-door feeling in Japanese movies.

Hong Chen and Yan Yileng looked at each other and smiled, Yan Yileng walked to his side, looked at him, pouted his mouth slightly, and said softly: "You seem to be a little darker."

Hong Chen shrugged, looking calm, "No way."

Even though he said that, Hong Chen silently thought in his heart that he had to draw a skill to prevent sunburn.

After all, he is an actor, so he has certain requirements for appearance and temperament, especially this trip will go to North Africa for filming.

I can't come back and feel like Jike Junyi.

Then, Yan Yileng took a photo with the group of soldiers.

The soldiers were very excited, they were very measured, they just stood next to Yan Yileng, without any physical contact at all, instead they seemed shy, and deliberately distanced themselves from Yan Yileng.

Seeing the happy faces of the soldiers, Hong Chen had no expression on his face.

After a while, after taking the photo, Yan Yileng came over, looked at him, and asked mischievously, "You don't look very good, are you jealous?"

Hong Chen looked aside, took her hand, and said, "No."

Seeing his appearance, Yan Yileng smiled happily.

At least, she knew that Hong Chen cared about her very much.

The training was over. At this time, the crew rushed to the pier and started to get busy.

Immediately, the filming will officially begin.

The first scene is nothing worth mentioning. It is about a Chinese merchant ship being hijacked in the waters of Somalia, and all the crew members are taken prisoner. The Jiaolong commando led by Hong Chenwei calmly responds, sneaks into the merchant ship for a surprise attack, and successfully rescues the hostages.

The main thing to shoot is the scene of the Jiaolong commando on the boat coping calmly.

After the filming started, the effects of the actors' training in the past few days came out immediately.

They held guns one by one, with murderous looks in their eyes, they looked like real soldiers.

The surprise action in this scene was shot in multiple shots, but the real protagonist is Wang Yanlin.

He is the sniper of the team, and later applied on the helicopter to chase down the fleeing pirates and successfully prevented the pirates from escaping, but his spine was also pierced by the pirates who came to support him.

So far he's done.

It can be seen from this that the keynote of this movie is to highlight the truth.

During the exchange of fire between the Jiaolong commando and the pirates, some people would be seriously injured.

As the captain, when Hong Chen reported the situation to the chief, the crying and sadness in his eyes were also very real.His performance also received unanimous praise from everyone.

This is just the beginning, what follows is the key to the whole play.

The political situation in Ivia, North Africa, is in turmoil. Terrorist organizations and rebels have invaded the capital, and local overseas Chinese are in danger.

As a result, the Jiaolong commando, which was originally only to rescue the Huaxia merchant ship and had already set foot on its way home, received an order to turn the bow of the ship and carry out the mission of evacuating overseas Chinese.

Eight members of the Jiaolong commando are ready to go.

When the evacuation was about to end, the Jiaolong commando suddenly received news that the Huaxia hostages had been hijacked by terrorists.

Everyone deeply felt the heavy responsibility, and without hesitation, they once again launched a shocking rescue.The road ahead is dangerous, and what they are about to encounter is far more than just rescuing hostages.

The conspiracy of the terrorists slowly surfaced, and where will the Jiaolong Commando go.

The following plot is the key to this movie.

The beginning was to evacuate overseas Chinese, but because it is difficult to find so many Chinese ensemble performers in North Africa, this scene was also filmed in the port of Guangdong.

There are no big actors in this scene, only ensemble actors.

At first, a group of people sat on the dock surrounded by men in navy uniforms protecting them.

These people, including old people, children, and women, sat on the ground with despair and numbness on their faces.

Many people had disheveled hair and dirt on their faces, and they were leaning on the luggage, lost in thought.

According to the plot, the political situation in Ivia is in turmoil, and the country is in complete riots. These overseas Chinese are waiting to be evacuated.

Not far from them, there are nationals from other countries waiting to be evacuated.

Every Chinese diaspora holds the national flag of China in their hands.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation.

"Look, it's our ship!"

An exclamation sounded, and all the Huaxia people stood up and looked into the distance of the pier.

Regardless of what happened, I saw a huge white warship, splitting through the waves, and slowly heading towards the pier.

Looking at the ship again, it is on second-class alert at this moment, all the artillery is on the outside, keep vigilant, the side of the ship is full of Chinese navy, they hold guns on their chests, they are full of energy and mighty.

The overseas Chinese laughed and cheered, and the red flag in their hands was raised higher and higher.

After the civil strife broke out in Ivia, the first ship to appear was a Chinese warship!
The motherland will never abandon them.

Then, under the leadership of the navy soldiers, these overseas Chinese boarded the ship in an orderly manner. The ship was large enough to accommodate them.And because it is carrying out the evacuation mission, the material preparations are also sufficient.

Looking at the expats from other countries, I can only look envious.

Some people wanted to get involved, but they were ruthlessly stopped by Huaxia soldiers.

Only Chinese citizens who hold Chinese passports, we are responsible for protecting their safety, other people have nothing to do with me.

The evacuation of overseas Chinese is just the beginning of this movie. The subsequent plot is that the Jiaolong team went to Ivia, where the civil strife broke out, to carry out the task of rescuing the hostages.

Therefore, after more than ten days of filming at the pier in Guangdong, the crew packed their bags and prepared to officially head to North Africa.

"Going to North Africa again? Why are you always outside all year long?" When saying goodbye, Yan Yilen was very concerned about him.

"Now I have a burden on my body, I have to make money to support you and the company." Hong Chen said helplessly.

He also didn't want to leave Yan Yileng, but there was no other way.

"I see." Yan Yilen smiled slyly, and said immediately, "Then I'm going to Morocco, I want to see the sea."

Hearing Yan Yileng's words, Hong Chen's expression was filled with astonishment, which immediately turned into surprise.

What did Yan Yileng mean, to accompany him?
"I've decided to go with you this time. Anyway, the filming of this year's drama has already been finished, and I've turned down all subsequent activities." Yan Yileng said with a happy smile.

"The law and order in Morocco is not very good, there are quite a lot of motorcycle gangs." Hong Chen thought for a while and said.

What he said was the truth. After all, it is North Africa, the law and order is really bad, and the situation of being robbed on the road happens from time to time.

"I don't care, you protect me." Yan Yilen said coquettishly, and immediately made a phone call, and a female assistant came over pushing her two large suitcases.

It seems that she has long planned to go with Hong Chen.

But North Africa is really suffering, Hong Chen still doesn't want Yan Yileng to suffer.

"I'll pay for the accommodation and food myself. I don't want to occupy the crew." Seeing that Hong Chen still wanted to refuse, Yan Yileng said again, his expression becoming a little aggrieved.

Hong Chen hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, go, go."

In his heart, Hong Chen also wanted her to go, but making a military-themed movie, going to North Africa to endure hardships, and taking his lovely wife with him, always felt that it was not particularly righteous.

However, since Yan Yileng was willing, he naturally had nothing to say.

This is actually Hong Chen's "male chauvinism" at work. His idea is that he doesn't want Yan Yileng to suffer, and Yan Yileng's idea is that he is willing to suffer with him.

In reality, many couples also break up because of this idea.

It's just that the man feels that he can't give the woman good things, and the woman actually doesn't care about that.As a result, the man didn't dare to take a step forward, and in the end some thick-skinned people who were not as good as him were able to embrace the beauties.

Therefore, thick skin is very important.

Now, Hong Chen doesn't care so much, he plans to go to North Africa with Yan Yileng.

Morocco is a country in northwestern Africa. Each city has its own characteristics, such as the red city of Mala KS, the blue city of Chefchaouen, the white city of Casablanca, and the picturesque Essaouira.

The people here are very enthusiastic, and they especially like Chinese people.

As long as Chinese women are walking on the road, young women and children in big cities will ask for a group photo.

Also said words like "hello", "thank you", "you are beautiful".

Moreover, if it is in a rich area, the security is not so bad.

In this way, after packing up, the crew boarded a special plane and flew across the ocean to North Africa, ready to officially start filming.

(End of this chapter)

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