The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 333 Four directors looking for themselves?

Chapter 333 Four directors looking for themselves?
Hongchen Studio began to introduce foreign news into China.

At the same time, the official Weibo of "The Dark Knight" also released Hong Chen's audition video.

All of a sudden, the news about those black people disappeared without a trace.

There is a lot of praise on the Internet.

And those entertainment companies or studios who tried to belittle Hong Chen's popularity felt a little helpless after watching the audition video.

This strength is too strong!

How is this black?
They could only watch with envy that Hong Chen was about to take off, and they could only blame their artists for not living up to expectations.

The popularity of "Batman 2: The Dark Knight" is unprecedented online.

This is a big-budget movie that Hollywood doesn't produce a few every year.

It is simply the most luxurious lineup in Hollywood.

In other words, Hong Chen has now become a member of the world's top cast.

At the same time, Hong Chen was in the company and had been selecting suitable scripts and preparing for the next step.

There are a lot of scripts that come to him, and many of them are big-budget movies.But there are always some places that Hong Chen is not very satisfied with.

Seriously, there aren't that many good scripts every year.

Moreover, his current focus is actually scripts that can take the international route.

"Then what is your focus for the next step?" Ge Chen asked.

"One "Batman 2" is not enough, I need to find a way to gain a foothold on the international stage." Hong Chen thought for a while and said.

He knows that with a movie becoming popular, it is likely to be a flash in the pan, and such examples abound.

Without the maintenance of works, it will not last long at all.

At this moment, Hong Chen received a call from Xu Zheng.

"New script? It's only 20 minutes." A look of surprise flashed across Hong Chen's expression, "Okay, I'll watch it."

The two chatted for a few minutes, and it turned out that Xu Zheng had a new script and wanted to find him.

Hong Chen naturally wanted to save face, so he agreed wholeheartedly.

Then, at this moment, Ge Chen's phone rang again.

Not long after that, Hong Chen's phone rang again. This time, it was the famous director Chen Kai looking for him.

"Director Chen, is the script right? Yes, I will consider it."

After the two chatted for a while, Hong Chen hung up the phone.

Then his phone rang again
Counting Ge Chen's phone call, four directors were looking for him at the same time.

Hong Chen was a little curious, what's going on?
Four directors looking for themselves at the same time?
Then, Ge Chen opened the mailbox to check the script, and after some more research, he finally understood, so he explained to Hong Chen, "It's a movie dedicated to Huaxia: "My Motherland and Me."

"My country?"

"Yes, seven great directors aimed at the same theme, shot themed stories with the same theme but different plots, and then connected them into one movie."

"Connected in series?" Hong Chen's eyes lit up.

This is a very novel way of shooting.

Moreover, there are seven famous directors making a movie at the same time, which is exciting.

You know, actors often cooperate with each other, so we can often meet each other.But directors are different, often the king does not see the king, and it is rare to make the same movie at the same time.

The idea of ​​letting seven great directors make a movie together can only be imagined.

Now, has it really come true?

"That's interesting. It's exciting to think about the composition test for the new generation of great directors." Hong Chen was very interested immediately.

He also understands, no wonder these people are looking for him.

For the director, this is a real showdown with real knives and real guns.

The exam papers are the same, the exam questions are the same, how much you can play depends on your individual ability.

"Yeah, if it's really like this, these directors will probably try their best to shoot." Ge Chenying agreed.

"I made this movie! Give me all their scripts, and I will choose carefully." Hong Chen said immediately.

He chose to shoot this movie, on the one hand, because this movie is a tribute to China's National Day, and he is willing to do the same.On the other hand, if the seven directors gather together, there will definitely be many well-known Chinese actors. How can he be missing in this kind of occasion?
What's more, this is a movie with the main theme.

Hong Chen has always belonged to the mainstream of the market, so he couldn't be absent.

"Okay, I'll contact them right away and ask for the script." Ge Chen said with a smile, she was naturally happy that Hong Chen had chosen the script.

"Also, after I've selected the script, I'll contact the director to see if there are a few more artists from our company. A movie with such a main theme is very beneficial to the development of artists." Hong Chen said again.

"Understood." Ge Chen nodded seriously.

Ge Chen knew that Hong Chen cared more about his artists.

Although Hong Chen doesn't like to interfere with the company's routine work, he has never left behind in the development and cultivation of artists.

Hong Chen believes that if an artist does not have good moral character, he will not go far in this industry, and he may be a ticking time bomb at any time.

Nowadays, Lu Jia and Shang Yuyan are developing the best, and they have starred in a female lead drama respectively, and their popularity on the Internet is not low.

The worth of the two of them has also reached the quasi-first-tier position.

Female stars eat youth food, and they tend to achieve the highest achievements at this age, but they are also the most vulnerable to many temptations, or experience many helpless things.

But the company protected them both very well.

Other artists are also constantly developing.

"Then what if there is a script in the international market?" Ge Chen thought of something and asked again.

Hong Chen didn't hesitate, and said: "Make this movie first, and let the other ones be released later. This kind of meaningful movie is really rare."

The Propaganda Department has always had one requirement for artists, which is called "promoting positive energy in society".But there is one thing to say, looking at the entire entertainment industry, there are too few artists like this.

For example, Principal Gu donated hundreds of schools, Jiang Yiyan went to the mountainous area to teach silently for many years, Han Hong volunteered in the disaster area, etc., are all praised.

Other artists don't seem to do much of this.

Therefore, if you can make a movie that is a tribute to the motherland and arouse everyone's patriotic enthusiasm, it is definitely a very meaningful thing.

In the evening, Hong Chen got all four scripts he was invited to.

These four plays are: "Eve" directed by Guan Hu, which tells about the raising of the national flag on the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China; "Encounter" directed by Zhang Baibai, which tells the story of the staff who invented the atomic bomb and gave their names silently.

Xu Zheng's "Winning the Championship" tells the innocent and beautiful story of a little boy, and he plays the role of the little boy growing up."Day Meteor", directed by Chen Kaige, tells the story of the landing of the reentry module of the God-[-] spacecraft.

Just these four stories made Hong Chen feel extraordinarily exciting.

They are all wonderful, and they are all about the historical changes experienced by the great China.

That night, Hong Chen used the skill "Script Understanding" and couldn't wait to go to the parallel world to watch the stories of these scripts.

He looked at it for a long time.

Several stories have their own merits, but his favorite is Guan Hu's play "The Eve".

This story touched him deeply.

Parallel world, this story is starring Huang Bo, I have to admit that Huang Bo's acting skills are very good, it is almost perfect.

This world is a little different.Huang Bo is not that popular yet, last year his career just started to rise, and he won last year's Golden Rooster Best Actor.

Hong Chen knew that it would be a matter of time before Huang Bo became popular.

It's just that Hong Chen is still the leading actor in this movie.

Therefore, he decided that what he wanted to do in this play was "Eve".

 Thank you for the black and black rewards, and thank you for your rewards and subscription support, daily overtime code words...

(End of this chapter)

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