Chapter 344 Stunning Appearance!

The first group of two contestants, one male and one female, sang the classic "Cool" together.

Hong Chen was in the backstage room, watching the performance of these two people.

There is one thing to say, they sing very well, but there is still an awkward feeling of deliberately lowering their voices or deliberately changing their voice lines.

Because the purpose of this program is to make the guessing team unable to guess who they are.

This is more difficult.

Currently the most powerful one is the master of the singing world, Lin Zhixuan, whose voice change has not been guessed for three consecutive episodes.

Lin Zhixuan is really good at singing. In the first episode of "Singer", Lin Zhixuan beat all the big shots to win the championship, which is enough to show his strength.

"Cooler like the night"

"Flowers turn to frost"

The woman's voice is very soft, and the man's voice is very thick, very confusing.

The audience was stunned for a moment.

After all, most of the audience are not professional musicians. With so many singers in the music circle, how can they guess who they are?
"Who does this voice sound like, Zhang Xinzhe?"

"What are you talking about upstairs? Could this fucking be Zhang Xinzhe?"

"Who is that? Zhou Chuanxiong?"

"No, Zhou Chuanxiong's voice is very recognizable, it can't be him."

The audience fell into discussion.

The guessing group also looked puzzled at first, and everyone was communicating in a low voice.

Here is a word, only they can hear each other's communication, and it will be collected in the microphone, and the director team can also hear it.

There are many programs that are recorded and broadcast, and the judges or other contestants speak while the singer is singing. In fact, this has no effect on the singer at all.

But when the audience sees this, they often comment, saying why these judges and these singers are so disrespectful, and what other people say when they sing.

The singer is singing on stage, she can only hear her own singing, and all she sees is the audience.At this time, even if other players fight in the background, it will not affect her.

Therefore, there is no such thing as respect or disrespect.

It's just that from the clip, the audience can hear the voices of the two people, and feel that the speaker disrespects the singer.

The guessing group was full of doubts at first, but as the song gradually progressed, Yang Xiaomi, Liu Huan, and Wu Qixian really wanted to have an idea.

Not long after their songs were sung, it was the guessing group's turn to comment.

At this time, Wu Qixian had a confident smile on his face.

"Haha, I probably know who you are?"

Liu Huan also said: "The way you change your voice is very clever and very confusing, but the habit of singing will not change."

Yang Xiaomi said: "I have worked with you, so I am very familiar with it."

Hearing what the members of the guessing group said, the audience was full of curiosity.

The bullet screen is full of names.

The results of the voting were varied, and the final votes were "Zhou Chuanxiong" and "Li Yuchun".

Of course, the latter is because the audience has more evil tastes, and watching the excitement is not a big deal.

"Cool and Cool" is the theme song of the TV series "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", and Yang Xiaomi said that she has collaborated with them.

The answer is about to come out.

Wu Qixian smiled confidently and said:

"You sing very well, but we still know your identities."

"Zhang Bichen, Yang Zongwei, the original singers of the theme song, I'm right."

After hearing Wu Qixian's answer, the audience suddenly realized.

"It seems to be them."

"Don't tell me, although the voice line has been changed, it's so close to the original singing."

"Yeah, I didn't hear it."

"These two sing really well."

Then, the two argued with the jury a few more times, hoping that the jury could change the answer.Of course, they all changed their voices when they spoke.

But the jury was indifferent, and finally the two were sent to the unveiling table to announce the results.

as predicted.

The guessing team guessed absolutely right.

It's Zhang Bichen and Yang Zongwei!
The two lost the first round unexpectedly. They were helpless and disappointed, but they still left the stage.

Only then did the audience post how powerful the members of these judging groups are.

Because just now Yang Zongwei and Zhang Bichen really hid it very well and changed a lot, but they still couldn't escape the eyes of the guessing group.

Phew, Enter the Dragon and the Tiger.

The second group of guests is more powerful, and they are completely capable.

This time, the guessing team was full of doubts.

Even Wu Qixian didn't guess their identities.

However, everyone underestimated one person.

That is Yang Xiaodi.

Yang Xiaodi finally gave his answer and said: "Believe me, it is definitely the two of them. I have heard their songs and I am very familiar with them."

In the end, the answer was revealed, and Yang Xiaodi's guess was correct.

The second group was once again eliminated.

The guessing group this time covers a wide range of artists, and the contestants are really struggling.

"Hahaha, I was guessed again, the guessing team is so good!"

"Have a script!"

"I think so too. Can those two people guess it?"

"Didn't everyone read the explanation later? Yang Xiaodi has collaborated with them in variety shows."

"Oh, no wonder."

"There will be no script, this time Wu Qixian and Mr. Liu Huan didn't guess it."

"The third group won't cool down so quickly."

"This episode is really a fight between gods and gods. I haven't guessed any of them. I can guess a few in the previous episodes."

"Well, this issue of "The Masked Singer" started so wonderfully."

The audience can't help but look forward to the next singer.

It stands to reason that the further back you go, the stronger your strength should be.

In Hong Chen's lounge, the staff came and invited him out.A cameraman shoots him.

At this time, Hong Chen was wearing a dark blue suit and a "Fox Nick" helmet on his head. The entire image appeared in the live broadcast room, and the audience could see it clearly.

"Wow, this figure looks good."

"Yeah, the suit is straight, and the temperament is not bad."

"Nick, it makes me want to watch "Zootopia" again."

"Who does this figure look like? I feel that there are not many people with this figure."

The audience immediately set off a discussion.

Yan Yileng was watching the live broadcast at home, and immediately saw that this person was Hong Chen, and immediately became excited.

"Yeah, my husband is here!"

The person who cooperated with Hong Chen was a female singer, and she was wearing the mask of "Rabbit Judy".

The female singer is wearing a long dress with a pair of white and long legs that are particularly eye-catching. Because wearing a helmet, the audience will be unconsciously attracted by the female singer's figure.

I have to say that this female singer has a very good figure, her skin is fair and tender, and she is well maintained.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, she immediately ignited the fiery passion of the audience.

"I'll go, this group of handsome men and beauties."

"Who is this woman, her legs are too tall!"

"Wow, so beautiful, so amazing!"

"I can't stand it, I like her!"

"This group is looking forward to it."

"I really want to know who they are?"

Everyone exclaimed.

On the stage, the elevator slowly rose, and a man and a woman made a stunning appearance.

After seeing the two people, even the guessing group couldn't help but exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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