The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 349 Nick Fox's Identity Exposed?

Chapter 349 Nick Fox's Identity Exposed?
Evening, seven fifty.

The live broadcast room of "The Masked Singer" has once again opened live broadcasts simultaneously on major video software, live broadcast software, and even Bilibili and Douyin.

It's just that in the second period, the rules of the program group changed a little.

That is, the results of audience voting will not affect the overall result, but points will be accumulated. If the audience guesses correctly when the singer finally reveals his face, the audience will get a huge amount of points.

This point is also convenient for the director team to choose the right person to enter the finals.

Because judging from the previous few times, the audience's guess is really too accurate.

Except for Nick Hu, the audience didn't guess it. For all other singers' masked singing, the audience's guesses were almost correct. Even Mu Qingxue, who was disguised very well, was caught by the audience.

The director team found that this is not going to work, they can't play like this.

If this continues, I'm afraid that the finals "Night of the King of Songs" won't even be able to gather the number of singers.

At 8 o'clock, the host Li Hao stepped onto the stage.

"Friends in the audience, welcome to "The Masked Singer", this program."

When the stage was lit, Li Hao walked to the middle of the stage as usual and began to speak the host speech.

Then introduce the members of the guessing team, the guessing team is still those people, almost unchanged.

Wu Qixian, Tao Jingying, Da Zhangwei, Yang Xiaodi, the flying guest this time is still Yang Xiaomi, but Teacher Liu Huan did not come, and Xue Zhiqian was replaced.

The barrage atmosphere is also very hot.

"Qianqian is here too, it looks better now."

"Ms. Wu doesn't know how many people I can guess today."

"I want to see Fox, I want to see Fox!"

"Fox Nick! Fox Nick!"

"Haha, I really look forward to their singing."

Then, the first group of singers came on stage, a CP group consisting of a man and a woman.The man's mask is in the shape of a steam robot, and the woman's head is in the shape of a flower fairy.

The woman is very powerful, and she was not guessed this round, but unfortunately the man was revealed by Wu Qixian.

Then, the second group, the third group
Everyone knows why this episode is so popular?

The performances of the first three groups were amazing, but they did not arouse much enthusiasm from everyone.

The members of the guessing team worked very hard and kept driving the atmosphere. After all, they got the salary of the director team.

Yang Xiaomi is a bit bored, she has been quietly making a vase, rarely talking, just saying a few words occasionally.

She dressed up very beautifully today, wearing a white knee-length skirt, and the female star is "showing her legs" almost all the time outside, so her long legs are also visible to people.

The third group of singers left the stage, and the host Li Hao walked onto the stage again.

The audience obviously knew who was coming up next.

The barrage came surging, densely packed with the words "Fox Nick".

"Teachers, the next one is the masked singer who was not exposed in the previous issue. I wonder if the teachers have confidence today." Li Hao asked with a smile.

Wu Qixian smiled confidently, and vowed: "Don't worry, today I will definitely find out the true face of this cunning fox!"

Wu Qixian has always been this style, and the audience is very familiar with it.

"Hahaha, slap Wu Qixian in the face every day."

"Teacher Wu started setting up the flag again."

"Mr. Wu, come on, we believe in you."

"I feel Wu Qixian can do it today!"

Wu Qixian looked confident.

"I think, we already know who Nick Hu is in our hearts, and who of you doesn't go online, there are a lot of analysis posts on the Internet." Da Zhangwei said very easily.

This is also a disadvantage of the live broadcast. When there was no live broadcast before, there were fewer analysis posts, and there were quite a lot of blind posts from the guessing group.

"I also know who he is." At this time, Yang Xiaomi said something, she looked radiant, and she was obviously ready.

Several other members of the guessing group looked at each other in blank dismay. They really didn't know the real identity of Fox Nick.

"Okay, since that's the case, then let's invite the winner of the previous issue, Fox Nick. Whether he can pass tonight's test and get a ticket to the 'Night of the King of Songs', let us wait and see!"

"Audience friends, please invite the fourth group of performers, Flying without wings, Snow White! Crazy poet, Nick Fox!"

The host's voice fell, and in an instant, the audience cheered loudly.

Everyone waved their hands and shouted "Fox Nick" and "Fox Nick".

The members of the guessing group were also shocked by the momentum.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also surged past.

Fox Nick is destined to be the protagonist of today.

Everyone wanted to know his true identity, and everyone was looking forward to the moment when he stood on the unmasking platform and his mask was unveiled.

The elevator rose slowly, wearing a dark blue suit, and the singer wearing a Nick mask gradually appeared in the eyes of the public.

Next to him, stood a girl in a black skirt and a masquerade mask, who looked like a black swan.

The appearance of the female singer also made everyone feel very amazing.

The audience exclaimed, whether the director team is biased, every time they arrange such a powerful female singer for Nick.

Actually, that's it.

For the effect of the program, the director must have left the most critical things behind.

Therefore, the Black Swan himself must also be very brilliant.

Hong Chen stood on the stage, looking around, there was a dense crowd of fluorescent sticks and fluorescent notes in the audience cheering for him. People cheered one after another, and the momentum was extremely loud.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the audience, Hong Chen was a little surprised.

But at this time he couldn't speak, because he was going to sing soon, and the voice changer was not turned on, so he still had the original voice.

He just waved at everyone.

"Fox Nick! Fox Nick!"

Everyone was still shouting, until the host signaled that the contestants were going to sing, and they slowly quieted down.

Hong Chen took the stage for the second time, and he saw a slender girl standing beside him from the mask.This time, he couldn't help but wonder who this female singer would be.

Then, the two began to sing together, and the song they sang together was the classic song "Because of Love".

As soon as the melodious melody appeared, the audience immediately fell silent, watching the two of them silently.

The support stick in his hand swayed accordingly.

Hong Chen's deep voice drifted out:
"Give you a CD of the past, listen to our love at that time."

"Sometimes I suddenly forget that I still love you"

The girl found the rhythm very accurately, and the entry point was very good. She followed the music and said:
"I can't sing a song like that"

"When you hear it, you will blush and avoid it"

"although often forget"

"I still love you"

Sure enough, the director group obviously left the strongest group of singers at the end.

Another Kneeling Series!

The two sides cooperated very well.

The audience exclaimed, how could this couple have such a sense of CP!
In the previous group, the woman was Mu Qingxue, a top domestic trafficker, singer and actor, not to mention her figure, she was called the nation's first love.

Such a person and Fox Nick's CP are amazing.

This time, the fox and the black swan cooperated so seamlessly.

When Hong Chen sang, he deliberately switched his voice again.

This song is not easy to sing, because the rhythm is relatively slow, there are no false notes and high pitches, so the singer can easily expose the original voice.

Here, Hong Chen used a small trick.

There are currently three more credible guesses about Fox's identity on the Internet.

The first is Li Ronghao, because he starred in Deng Chao and Peng Yuyan's version of "Riding the Wind and Waves", he can also be regarded as an actor, and his singing skills are very powerful.

The second is Lin Youjia, a very powerful singer and a capable singer.Benziqi loved the man for many years, and finally married someone else, which also broke the fans' hearts.

The third is Hong Chen, a ceiling-level figure in the film and television industry. Several songs he released are also frequently searched, and they occupy various charts.

Hong Chen is here, deliberately learning Lin Youjia's singing.

Lin Youjia's voice is relatively thin, giving people a fresh feeling, with a little nasal resonance, and the vocal position is relatively backward, and the resonance point is between the eyebrows.

The most difficult thing about him is that his articulation is very special.

It can be said that Lin Youjia's singing style is very difficult to imitate. Some people even said: Don't sing his songs without Lin Youjia's voice, which shows how difficult his voice is.

However, for Hong Chen, this is not difficult.

Because he has skills, it belongs to another level.

Sure enough, after Hong Chen sang a few lines, many of the judges of the guessing group showed expressions of sudden realization.

Wu Qixian even laughed out loud. Familiar audiences know that whenever Wu Qixian is in this state, it means that he has already made up his mind.

Yang Xiaomi looked at Nick Hu, with doubts and growing curiosity on his brows.

Next, just wait for the reveal.

(End of this chapter)

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