The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 378 Netizens in major cities are arguing!

Chapter 378 Netizens in major cities are arguing!

Huaxia, a certain tour group.

"What? It must be a ticket from Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines? Can I ask why? There is a chance to meet Hong Chen, right? Okay, okay, I understand, let's try our best to get in touch."

After Liu Fei hung up the phone, she smiled helplessly.

"What's the matter, you want Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines again?" Her colleague Xiaoya saw something and asked.

"Yeah, this is the third one today, and I don't know what's wrong with the tourists now, what kind of plane they take is different." Liu Fei shook her head helplessly.

"Hey, it's because the advertisement released by Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines yesterday was too popular, and Hong Chen was invited to be the spokesperson. There is no way." Xiaoya explained with a smile.

"Is it so magical?" Liu Fei was curious.

Immediately, Xiaoya showed her the promotional video.

In the video, Hong Chen is very handsome, wearing the captain's costume, and the slogan "I'm waiting for you at Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines" is even more inspiring.

"It's really handsome." Liu Fei praised, after watching this promotional video, she wanted to fly with Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines.

At the same time, Sichuan and Chongqing Airlines, Ministry of Commerce.

The general manager Liu Deming's face was full of excitement at this moment, and there was no other reason. Since the invitation of Hong Chen to be the spokesperson, the stock price of Chuanyu Airlines has skyrocketed.

Not only stocks, the number of passengers of Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines has increased by about 20% in one day, and this growth rate is still increasing.

The company made a fortune.

It was his idea to invite Hong Chen to be the spokesman, and the board of directors would definitely commend him heavily.

Looking at it now, the [-] million endorsement fee is too worthwhile.

On this day, Hong Chen received a call from Liu Deming.

Hong Chen looked at the notes and knew that this person was the general manager of Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines, so he answered the phone.

"President Liu, what's the matter?"

"Master Hong, you are simply too powerful. Now our board of directors wants to invite you to dinner. Didn't I invite you specially?" Liu Deming's voice was very respectful.

"Bring me to dinner?" Hong Chen was a little confused.

"That's right, Lord Hong, the news is all over the place now, it's really the wisest decision for us to ask you to be our spokesperson." Liu Deming continued.

Hong Chen still didn't know what happened, and then Liu Deming gave him a detailed explanation.

It turned out that after Hong Chen became the spokesperson of Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines, the passenger flow of Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines surged, and correspondingly, the stock price of Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines also began to skyrocket.

Daily limit for five consecutive days.

It is conservatively estimated that Hong Chen's endorsement this time has created at least nearly 10 billion wealth for Sichuan and Chongqing Airlines.

According to official data, within seven days, Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines ranked No.1 in terms of passenger traffic among major airlines, even far exceeding No.2 Cathay Pacific Airways by a lot.

Liu Deming said that Hong Chen, as the spokesperson, can enjoy unlimited travel with Sichuan and Chongqing Airlines, and will receive VIP-level treatment.

Of course, the current Hong Chen doesn't care about the money, it can only be said that Sichuan-Chongqing Airlines gave Hong Chen a little thought.

Hong Chen did not expect this.

Even more unexpected things are yet to come.

Because Sichuan and Chongqing Airlines became popular, other airlines were naturally jealous.

But there is no way, Hong Chen is already the image ambassador of Sichuan Airlines, so he can't go to other airlines.

Therefore, each family also showed their own talents, and invited many other top artists as image ambassadors.

Although there were some results, it was obviously not as appealing as Hong Chen.

It's different in other fields, they don't compete with Sichuan Airlines.

As a result, advertisements inviting Hong Chen as the image ambassador came one after another.

Ge Chen told him that even if he shoots one advertisement a day now, it will take until next year.

Also, it makes a lot more money than making a movie.

After all, he paid him a large amount of money for shooting an advertisement for only one or two days, and the accumulation must be astronomical.

But Hong Chen is not stupid, he knows that advertising is actually something that complements fame.

Taking too many advertisements will greatly damage the reputation.And because there is no work for a long time, many audiences will be disgusted with this star.

To give a simple example, suppose a celebrity is very popular and has made many endorsements.

There is him in Pepsi, in airports, in home appliances, in basketball shoes, and in mobile phone endorsements.

Then, the audience will absolutely hate this star, and they will be annoyed to death.

Therefore, Hong Chen didn't accept any more endorsements.

In fact, he has endorsed quite a few things now. He is also the spokesperson of Hengdian, and has advertisements with food companies and beverage companies in the Northeast. He has also endorsed Lamborghini and Adidas' national style clothes before.

At the same time, Hong Chen also approached Yan Chi to learn about the construction of the prison.

"Don't worry, I've already found the land and the engineering team. By the way, after the local government heard about this incident, it seems that they intend to really transform this place into a prison, saying that it will wait until we finish filming. Just buy the movie." Yan Chi said on the phone.

"And this?" Hong Chen didn't expect this.

"Yeah, there's no way around it. The security here is pretty bad, and the prison is almost out of capacity, so Zheng-fu has long planned to expand the prison." Yan Chi said again.

"That's a good thing."

"Yes, but the quality was mediocre when we built it. After all, it was only for shooting, and the government will be renovated later."

"It's none of our business, as long as we can make this movie well."

"Okay, the project is not so fast, it is estimated to take more than two months. How is my sister?"

The two chatted a few more words, after all, they are also considered relatives now.It's just that two people prefer to get along as friends, which is more in line with their wishes.

Hong Chen is looking forward to the new movie.

There are still more than two months, and thinking of this, he still feels that time is a bit slow.But film preparations always take a long time, which is normal.

The promotional work of "Huaxia Captain" is still going on.

Hong Chen, Ou Hao, Du Jiang, Li Qin'er, and Zhang Tian'an have been traveling back and forth for road shows in major cities these days. Although it is very hard work, their relationship is getting closer and closer.

Handsome men and beautiful women, plus the temptation of uniforms, there are other stories in it, but they can't be told.

They are very attentive in the road show, and the fans in the city are more enthusiastic than each other.Moreover, since several big cities did not invite Hong Chen to the road show, many netizens spontaneously left messages on the official Weibo to apply.

The first fan to leave a message was from Chang'an. He commented on the official Weibo: "Please come to the Chang'an Roadshow, we Chang'an people will definitely support it!"

When netizens in Chang'an saw this message, they all agreed.

"Brother is doing well."

"we support you!"

"Please come to Chang'an Roadshow."

This comment was instantly liked the highest.

Netizens in other cities lost their composure for a moment, and our city didn't say they were coming to a road show.

As a result, all kinds of invitation messages were liked the highest.

"Come to the mountain city, the people of the mountain city welcome your arrival!"

"Come to Daocheng, the scenery in Daocheng is beautiful."

"For roadshows, I must have a name in Suzhou and Hangzhou!"

"I beg you to come to Nanjing!"

In less than half an hour, the latest official promotional Weibo has more than a dozen hot comments in a row, all of which are requests from major cities.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

The atmosphere was good at the beginning, but suddenly, some netizens started to pick up the rhythm.

"The road traffic in the mountain city is so inconvenient, what should I do if it is blocked? Don't go there, come to Suzhou and Hangzhou."

"What's so good about Suzhou and Hangzhou? The weather is stuffy and hot. Come and see me!"

"Tch, in terms of background, is it better than Chang'an?"

"The ones sitting here are all younger brothers, and I, Nanjing, am the best."

Several other cities that have been roadshowed: Kyoto, Pudong, Ducheng, Changzhou, etc., and their netizens watched the excitement from the sidelines.

This incident intensified later, and netizens in more than a dozen cities fought.

In the beginning, they just wanted to invite the starring team of "Captain Huaxia" to come to the road show, but gradually, for some reason, it turned into a big fight.

The keyboard warriors with dark regions have found a paradise here.

At this time, in more than a dozen cities, it was completely impossible to distinguish between enemy and friendly forces.

Looking around, except for my city, people in other cities are enemies.

See which one is not pleasing to the eye and scold which one.

Just when everyone was arguing extremely fiercely, the official Weibo had no choice but to turn off the comment function.

So far, this scolding war has come to an end.

At the same time, the starring team of "Huaxia Captain" has completed the content of the road show, and began to be a guest on some variety shows to promote.

Such as "Ace Vs Ace", "Happy Camp" and so on.

At this time, Ge Chen reported to him that he had received an invitation from the Mnet Asian Music Awards.

This music award, also known as the Han Country MAMA Awards, can be said to be one of the most representative and authoritative music award ceremonies in Han Country.

At that time, all the well-known boy groups and girl groups in Han Country, such as Big Bang, Black Pink, former Girls' Generation members, new upstart girl groups, etc., will participate.

Every time there will be many Chinese people going.

For example, Liu Dehua, Zhou Runfa, etc., often go there as award presenters, and there are constant cheers every time they appear on stage.

For another example, at the MAMA Awards last year, Chen Yixun's singing skills shocked the netizens in the cold country, and he was dubbed "smash the field" and won praises from Chinese netizens.

Hong Chen naturally agreed to the invitation.

The cold country MAMA award is about to usher in the arrival of a truly terrifying big devil.

(End of this chapter)

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