The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 393 The invitation is successful, the big coffee joins

Chapter 393 The invitation is successful, the big coffee joins
After resting in Shawshank Prison for one night, Hong Chen got on the plane again and headed straight for Hollywood.

He came this time, naturally to find a way to sign Morgan Freeman.

However, as a national treasure actor, it is not so easy for Morgan Freeman to appear in this movie.

If you go directly to it, you will probably be politely declined.

This situation is also normal. For example, Hong Chen is at home, and suddenly a famous Japanese actor knocks on his door, hoping that he can act in a Japanese movie, then Hong Chen will definitely refuse directly.

Therefore, we have to find someone to coordinate this matter from the middle.

The first thing Hong Chen thought of was Fei Lun.

Jimmy is not only the host of a talk show, but also has multiple identities such as actor, singer, producer, author, etc. He also has a high status in the American entertainment industry.

Last year, he was rated as the most popular host by netizens in the United States, and he hosted the Emmy Awards and Golden Globe Awards and other ceremonies at the same time.

"Hong, my old friend, why did you think of calling me?" Jimmy said in surprise after receiving Hong Chen's call.

"I need your help with something." Hong Chen said straight to the point, "Are you in Los Angeles, please have dinner."

"No problem." Jimmy readily agreed.

Jimmy is more enthusiastic, and Hong Chen had called Jimmy several times when he was in Huaxia.

Moreover, this time, just before dinner time, is just right.

Not long after, the two met at a fantasy western restaurant in a rich area.The environment of Fantasy Western Restaurant is very good, and Hollywood stars often come here to eat.

The two chatted while eating, and when they talked about Morgan Freeman, Jimmy said in surprise:
"You want to cast Freeman? That's not easy. The people who ask him to act in movies are all big directors, and he has no shortage of resources."

"I still want to try it, it doesn't need to be too much trouble, you just need to introduce me." Hong Chen said with a smile.

"Alright then, but you have to think about it carefully. Freeman is well-known as a golden supporting role. He has a lot of movies where the limelight completely overwhelms the protagonist."

"Haha, don't worry about that."

"That's just right. There will be a charity auction in a few days. Freeman will definitely go there. You can try your luck there."

Hearing this, Hong Chen's eyes lit up, this is just right.

After that, Jimmy helped Hong Chen get a ticket for the charity auction.

A few days later, Hong Chen wore a suit and leather shoes, and drove a luxury car to his private estate in Beverly Hills to participate in this charity auction.Because most Hollywood stars live in Beverly Hills, it is convenient for Hong Chen to go there.

Hong Chen got his number plate and took a seat. He met a few Hollywood movie stars he knew and greeted them with a smile.

At this time, a Hollywood actor sat beside Hong Chen, with an unfriendly expression on his face, and looked at Hong Chen a few times.

Hong Chen also knew this person, he was a second-tier male star in Hollywood, named Terry Barton, who had acted in several Hollywood blockbusters as the male number two.

"Hey, Huaxia people, you are not welcome here." Terry Barton said to him expressionlessly, with a strong sense of threat in his tone.

Hong Chen frowned, what era is this, and there are such racially discriminatory people.

In fact, racial discrimination in the United States is very severe.Not just for black people, but also for yellow people.

Terry was clearly that kind of guy.

Hong Chen glanced at him indifferently, and ignored him at all.

Terry was tall and mighty, with muscles all over his body. After seeing Hong Chen's indifferent expression, his face was not very good-looking.

"Get out of America and go back to your poor country."

"Fuck off!" Hong Chen directly used the word "fuck" which expresses the highest degree of disgust in English.

Terry seemed to want to say something more, but this is a charity party, and it's okay for everyone to have a few verbal disputes, but it's not friendly to anyone if they do it.

Hong Chen never expected to meet such a disgusting person.

It didn't take long for the auction to start, and the auction items were all exquisite jewelry, collectibles and the like, and Hong Chen didn't have much interest in it.

Terry has been silent on the sidelines, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

Terry does have racial discrimination, especially hates Asians. In his eyes, whites are the most noble race, and other races should not share the resources of the United States with them.

Especially Hong Chen, a glamorous Asian who is very popular in the United States, is the object of Terry's deep hatred.

That's the way it is in the United States. This kind of people are not only racist, but also advocating violence.

You can refer to the policemen who killed black people. In fact, in the eyes of these policemen, the lives of black people are really worthless.

Hong Chen ignored Terry.

Not long after, the auction took a break, Hong Chen found the right moment and walked towards Morgan Freeman.

The two have filmed together in "Batman 2" before, so they know each other.

"Mr. Morgan, hello." Hong Chen went up to say hello kindly.

"Hong Chen, long time no see. Your clown impressed me very much last time." Hearing Hong Chen's words, Freeman sighed with emotion.

"Mr. Morgan, it is also very pleasant to work with you." Hong Chen also replied with a smile.

Then, he said again: "Mr. Morgan, I came to the auction this time to find you."

"Find me?"

"Yes, I'm preparing to make a film, and there is a very important role in it. I think only you are capable of it, so I want to invite you to play it." Hong Chen said sincerely.

"You can send the script to my agent directly, so why bother to go there yourself?" Hearing what he said, Freeman was a little surprised.

The fact that Hong Chen came to him in person was enough to see Hong Chen's sincerity.

"Mr. Morgan, I hope you can read the script. It will only take about 10 minutes of your time. Can you read it?" Hong Chen said again.

Morgan Freeman hesitated.

To be honest, if Hong Chen hadn't come here in person, he definitely wouldn't have read the script.

I don't know how many big directors look for him every day, and he is getting older now, and he doesn't want to work so hard in filming.

Unless it is a really classic movie, he may come out.

But now that Hong Chen found him in person, it was a bit embarrassing to directly refuse.

"Okay, then I'll take a look." Morgan Freeman was too embarrassed to refuse directly, so he decided to take a look first.

His idea was to reject Hong Chen after seeing it. In this case, Hong Chen had nothing to say.

To be honest, Morgan Freeman still gave Hong Chen face.

Because Hong Chen's performance in "Batman 2" was so amazing, Morgan Freeman had a good impression of him.

After saying that, the two of them came to the rest area, and Hong Chen asked his assistant to take out the script.

"The Shawshank Redemption"

After Morgan Freeman saw the name of the script, for some reason, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

It was as if in some unknown world, his name and the name of this movie had been closely linked.

Morgan Freeman immediately put away his perfunctory thoughts.

He started reading the script.

The script was written in great detail, and as he read more and more deeply, a story slowly appeared in his mind.

Shawshank prison, everyone in the cell, every prison guard, as well as protagonist Andy and big brother Red.
This is a very rich story.

This is also a very touching story.

Hong Chen waited silently at the side.

He knew that as long as he could get Freeman to read the script, he would be successful.

This script has its own magic.

Finally, Freeman finished reading the script.

He also knew which role Hong Chen asked him to play.

"It's a beautiful story," Freeman exclaimed.

"As you can see, besides you, I really can't think of any other suitable candidates for the role of Reid." Hong Chen laughed.

Freeman glanced at Hong Chen and said, "Have the crew and shooting location been decided? Who is the director? Is there a cast list?"

Hearing what Freeman said, Hong Chen knew that he was already interested in this movie.

Hong Chen responded with a smile: "I have prepared all the details of this movie, and I will prepare a copy for you when the auction is over."

Freeman nodded, and immediately glanced at the script again, feeling an increasingly strange feeling in his heart.

It's as if if I don't make this script, I will lose a lot of things.

However, Freeman really didn't want to miss such a wonderful story.

(End of this chapter)

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