The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 397 At this moment, everyone feels free

Chapter 397 At this moment, everyone feels free

Brooks' story is very touching.

Institutionalization is really a scary thing.

He will change a person unconsciously.

How many people who have been changed can escape from it.

Just like the predicament Hong Chen is facing now.

He, too, is facing life imprisonment and will stay in a cell for the rest of his life.

Perhaps, he will be paroled in a few decades, but what will the world be like by then?
After adapting to the life inside the high wall, can they survive outside the high wall?

Just like a domestic cat, it has no worries about food and clothing every day. When a domestic cat is released into the wild in a harsh environment, will it survive?
Brooks' story is undoubtedly thought-provoking.

Yet Brooks' story is only a microcosm.

The current prison is densely packed with hundreds of prisoners.

For example, Freeman, he applies for parole every year, but every year the parole is not granted.

This also includes Hong Chen, who is facing life imprisonment.

"The Shawshank Redemption" allows the audience to see from Hong Chen's perspective how many terrible problems a prisoner who has been imprisoned for life will face.

Sometimes, the cost of going to jail is not just time.

Filming continues.

After Brooks' story ended, Hong Chen received a donation from the State House.

Some used books, $200 donation.

At the same time, there was a thank you letter, the last sentence of which said: "Please stop writing."

And Hong Chen's first words when he saw these things were:

"Wow, it's only been six years."

6 Ah.

For 6 years, I insisted on writing letters to the State House every week, just for the original sentence of wanting to expand the library.

Freeman, the warden and others even forgot what Hong Chen said back then.

Hong Chen sorted out the books and sundries donated by the State House, and found an old record inside.

So, this afternoon, in Shawshank Prison, the sound of the first song in decades came.

The prisoners who were used to the sound of assembly whistles were stunned at this moment.

They looked towards the window where the music was coming from.

Everyone had an intoxicated look on their faces.

"I would like to believe that it is beautiful, the beauty is unbelievable, the beauty is heartbreaking."

"The singing is high-pitched and melodious, and it floats high and far, beyond the imagination of those inside the high walls."

"It's like a colorful bird has flown into our drab cells, making us forget for a moment the existence of the high walls and fences."

"For a moment, everyone in Shawshank felt free."

Because Hong Chen played music without authorization, the warden was angered, and he was imprisoned for two weeks because of this incident.

When he came back, everyone discussed whether it was worth it.

Hong Chen's answer is worth it, because music is needed here, and hope is needed here.

"Hope is a very dangerous thing. There should be no hope here." Freeman warned him very seriously.

Hong Chen was noncommittal.

Ever since Hong Chen appeared in Shawshank Prison, he has been out of tune with this world.

This should have been a world full of despair, silence, and gray. These prisoners should have struggled to die in pain and exploitation.

The tranquility, enthusiasm, and hope in Hong Chen unconsciously affect everyone around him.

Later, the state legislature realized that $200 wasn't going to pay off the crowd because they just couldn't stand it.

After receiving the donation, Hong Chen increased from one letter per week to two letters per week.

Therefore, the State House decided to invest in a library for the prison every year, and contacted the local library to donate a lot of used books.

Then, Hong Chen led the prisoners in the prison to build a library together.

This story is really good. Hong Chen, who is caught in adversity, should have brought wonderful changes to this decades-long prison.

At the same time, Hong Chen's status in the prison is getting higher and higher.

Because the warden is very black-hearted.

He colluded with each other, used prisoners as coolies to make money, and scheming.

Hong Chen said to Freeman: "Black money flows through here like a river."

"But he always has to explain how the money came from?" Freeman said with some common sense.

Hong Chen smiled and said: "So he has to use me. I use various methods to transfer his money, and when the money comes back, it will be clean."

Freeman shook his head and said, "Impossible. Documents will always leave traces. The FBI and the Tax Service will definitely find someone in this matter."

Hong Chen was very confident, with a relaxed expression, "That's right, but this person won't be me, nor the warden."

"Who is that?"

"Harvey! A ghost I created. A man who doesn't exist. He exists only in the papers. Even if the tax office really wanted to find out, it would only find him because the money laundering started from him. .”

Once again, Freeman looked at Hong Chen with admiration, his expression full of admiration and admiration.

Afterwards, another batch of new prisoners came in.

Among them was a young guy, Tommy, who was very energetic and passionate, and he was a nice guy, and everyone liked him very much.

Tommy has a young wife and a newborn daughter. After contacting Hong Chen, he took the initiative to seek Hong Chen's help, hoping that Hong Chen could help him get a high school diploma.

Prior to this, Hong Chen had already helped several prisoners get high school diplomas.

At the same time, Tommy also revealed another important thing:
That was one of his former companions who had personally admitted that he had killed Hong Chen's wife and her lover.

That companion was held in another prison.

In other words, now there is evidence that can prove Hong Chen's innocence!

At this time, Hong Chen had already been in prison for 17 years.

Then, Hong Chen excitedly went to the warden to explain, and he also said that he would not tell about the warden's black money.

The result was a one-month confinement.

This is the longest confinement in the history of Shawshank Prison.

Later, Tommy got his high school diploma.He was serving only two years in prison for stealing a TV set from a store.

However, one night, Tommy was called out by the warden for a talk.

After confirming that what Hong Chen said was true, the warden ordered Hadley to shoot and kill Tommy.

A prisoner who only served a two-year sentence, fantasized about going out to be a good man, a good husband, and a good father, just died in a pool of blood.

Just because of the warden's self-interest.

The warden can't let Hong Chen go, he still needs Hong Chen to launder money for him.

Later, he threatened Hong Chen again, if Hong Chen did not continue as before.

"I'll transfer you out of the single cell and into that group of perverts."

"I will smash the library you have worked so hard to build, and then burn all the books in the square. The flames can be seen by people from miles away."

"I'm going to make the rest of your life miserable."

The warden tore off the mask of hypocrisy, and his well-dressed appearance looked like a beast.

Afterwards, he locked Hong Chen in confinement for another month.

Hong Chen could only compromise.

But this time, Hong Chen changed his mind.

The peaceful smile on his face was gone.

He's guilty of Tommy's death.

The plan in his heart continued to stir.

And at this time, the climax of the movie really came.

(End of this chapter)

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