Chapter 419 A new world record!

"It has ended!"

When he said this, Hong Chen was full of confidence.

The audience was stunned, the audience was very quiet, and a needle could be heard.

Because they didn't see what happened at all.

"what happened?"


"What just happened?"

The audience at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay.

Fortunately, this time the whole process of recording was recorded by a camera, and it was a high-precision camera.

The referee Louis stepped forward and asked Hong Chen if he was sure. After getting an affirmative answer, the referee cast the video directly on the big screen of the program group, and everyone could see the video.

In the upper right corner of the video, there is a time record:
Then, the video began to play, slowed down by 8 times.

But then everyone discovered that even if it was slowed down by 8 times, they could still only see a shadow of punches, and it was impossible to count how many punches Hong Chen had punched.

Then, the program group directly chooses to slow down by 32 times.

This time, I can see clearly.

When Hong Chen hit the iron plate with his first punch, time began to move.

00:01, 00:02
Because it is slowed down to double speed, time moves very slowly.

All the audience were silently counting the number of times Hong Chen hit the iron plate.

1 punch, 2 punches, 3 punches.
When counting to the 10th punch, the time display is 00:42
The 13th punch, the time display is 00:54.
At this time, Hong Chen had already broken the record.

The audience couldn't help but become tense.

Then, Punch 14, 00:57
The moment the 15th punch touched the iron plate, the time showed 01:00
Every second is right!

1 minute, 15 punches!
New Guinness World Record!
When the final picture was fixed at 01:00, all the audience stood up and applauded enthusiastically.

They are excited.

Hong Chen broke the Guinness World Record.

1 punches in 15 minute, what kind of human limit is this!
How could such a person exist!

The two referees began to discuss. In the end, they confirmed that the challenge was real and effective. Therefore, they also confirmed that Hong Chen's challenge was successful.

Fei Lun's excited voice also came out at this time:

"Oh my god! Hong Chen successfully broke the Guinness World Record. The new world record is 1 punches in 15 second!"

"1 punches in 15 second!"

"This data is valid!"

"The two referees and the two recorders all confirmed that this result is true!"

"Let us congratulate Hong Chen, who won this honor for Huaxia again two years after Bruce Lee's record was broken."

"And, he raised this record to a new height!"

"Let's applaud him again!"

Fei Lun was impassioned, as if he had broken the Guinness World Record.

Before, he couldn't believe that Hong Chen had such ability.

Now after seeing Hong Chen's performance, he is sure that Hong Chen has done it!
This guy has created a miracle.

"This guy is really amazing!" Fei Lun couldn't help admiring.

At this time, Fei Lun hurriedly picked up the microphone and came to interview Hong Chen.

He asked: "You successfully guarded the record of China that Bruce Lee once created. Do you have anything to say now?"

Hong Chen took the microphone, with a calm expression, and said: "Here I want to say that Bruce Lee uses the real Chinese Kung Fu. His fists are not only fast, but also full of lethality. I just pursue speed. If only speed , Bruce Lee should do better."

"Secondly, it's great to be able to reach the Guinness Book of World Records."

Hong Chen's answer immediately received applause.

"Hong Chen! Hong Chen! Hong Chen!"

I don't know who took the lead, but the audience began to cheer in unison, and the atmosphere became extremely enthusiastic all of a sudden.

Fei Lun felt his blood boil in it.

Is this the charm of Chinese Kungfu?
Then, a president of Guinness World Records came out, holding a certificate in his hand.

"Mr. Hong Chen, you really exceeded my expectations."

"Congratulations, you have successfully broken the Guinness World Record."

The president handed the certificate to Hong Chen, with a look of sincere admiration on his face.

"Thank you." Hong Chen took the certificate and thanked the president.

After that, this grand and solemn performance was completely completed.

And tonight is destined to be recorded in the annals of history!

The audience still couldn't get enough of it. Laomei especially admired the physically strong. In the United States, the status of sports students is far higher than that of top students.

They advocate violence, such as American football and WWE wrestling performances are very popular.

But now Hong Chen's extremely fast punching speed easily touched the point where they were most likely to climax.

"Is this guy so powerful!"

"Huaxia Kungfu, it's amazing!"

"It's amazing, it's amazing, I'm convinced."

The audience was still immersed in the shock of the scene just now.

Especially when I saw the fist under the 32x slowed down lens, I couldn't believe it.

Hong Chen once again shocked everyone with Chinese Kungfu.

However, the matter is not over yet.

Because this episode was urgently recorded and broadcast, on Friday three days later, this episode of "Jimmy Talk Show" will be officially launched.

Sure enough, the Oscar winner challenged the Guinness Book of World Records. As soon as such a gimmick was released, this episode of the show immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The popularity quickly climbed to the top of the US Internet popularity rankings.

Especially after the netizens saw the end of Hong Chen's performance, they all praised loudly:

"Is this Chinese actor so good?"

"Hong Chen was a kung fu star in China before, and his kung fu is already very good."

"It really opened my eyes, and it broke the Guinness World Record."

"This man is really handsome."

People praised him one after another, and this episode of the program obviously achieved very good results.

However, at this moment, a discordant voice came out.

And the person who spread this voice is a well-known free kick champion in the United States, the first fighter in UFC history to hold two championship titles at the same time:

Conor McGregor!

He is the top star of UFC, defeated Jose Aldo, who successfully defended the title 7 times, and became the new favorite of UFC in one fell swoop!
He is the top star in the American fighting world, and he is also very popular in China.

But there is a big shortcoming, and it cannot be said to be a shortcoming. On the contrary, there is one thing that Lao Mei likes very much:
That is, he is very arrogant, especially likes to say some arrogant words to provoke opponents.

Therefore, his nickname is also "Mouth Cannon Connor"!
And after Connor saw the popular video on YouTube, that is, the video of Hong Chen challenging the Guinness World Record.

He immediately retweeted and tweeted:
"You call this fighting? His fists landed on me, but it was just tickling! A record that is useless at all, I don't know what the challenge is."

"If he fights me head-on, I can knock him down in 3 seconds!"

As soon as his tweet was posted, a stone caused a thousand waves!

(End of this chapter)

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