Chapter 434 After disappearing
Two years later, the "Lu Yu You Yu" column recorded the scene.

At this moment, sitting opposite Lu Yu is the most famous little flower, Lu Jia.

In the past two years, Lu Jia's TV dramas have exploded one after another, and her status has risen all the way. There is already a trend of a new generation of film and television Xiaohua leading figures.

Moreover, there are very few negative news about Lu Jia.

Lu Yu interviewed her a lot about filming, one thing to say, although Lu Yu is often hacked, but the interview ability is still there, otherwise it would be impossible to interview so many big stars.

Finally, Lu Yu asked a question:
"Who is the one person you admire the most?"

Hearing Lu Yu's question, Lu Jia blurted out without thinking:
"It's my boss and my teacher, Hong Chen."

Upon hearing Hong Chen, Lu Yu's expression changed obviously.

Because, there has been no news about Hong Chen for nearly two years.

It was as if he had evaporated from the world.

Hongchen Media, Yan Yileng and others did not respond positively to this.

Countless paparazzi and media are paying attention to Hong Chen's whereabouts and whereabouts.

The myth of the Chinese entertainment circle, the world's top actor, the boy who created Hongchen Media Company single-handedly.

In the past two years when Hong Chen was away, the Huaxia entertainment circle was beaten back to its original shape.

There is no longer a movie that can be an international smash.

Korean entertainment has once again invaded China's younger generation.

China Entertainment is still working behind closed doors.

"But he disappeared, didn't he? No one knows where he went." Lu Yu knew that this question was the audience's real concern, so he asked.

Lu Jia pursed her lips, her expression was firm: "The boss is just busy, and he will come back."


The huge promotional poster endorsed by Hong Chen has been taken down and replaced with another person.

Shang Yuyan was resting in the crew rest area, but she always felt a little absent-minded.

"What's wrong? Thinking about your boss again?"

Her best friend Lin Linlin saw her appearance and asked with a smile.

"Is your boss really so attractive? What makes you so persistent?"

"He is the best person I have ever met, and I really want to be by his side." Shang Yuyan sighed, with a bit of sadness and a bit of unspeakable melancholy.

In the villa in Kyoto, Yan Yileng was coaxing Hong Pingan and Hong Caier.

Both children are growing up healthily.

Hong Caier can already speak, but she doesn't want to be called "Dad", even if Yan Yileng points to Hong Chen's photo, she can't teach her.

That's all she can do.

When Hong Chen first left, Yan Yileng also searched desperately.

But Hong Chen had told him not to look for him or to call the police.

Hong Chen would send a card without words every month to prove that he was fine.

Now, she has received 24 cards.

"One more year, if you don't come back, see how I will deal with you."

Yan Yilen suppressed the sadness in his heart, smiled again and continued to coax Hong Caier.

At this moment, Hong Chen is in a small city in the northeast.

The city is not big, and most young people find ways to go to the surrounding big cities, so this small city seems a bit empty.

"Chen Hong, the rent has been paid."

There was a knock on the door, which brought Hong Chen back to his senses in a hurry.


Hearing the sound, Hong Chen messed up his hair, and then put on the prosthesis on his chin, making his entire face look fatter.

Hong Chen has the skill Disguise Master, he can easily disguise himself without any discomfort.

Hong Chen opened the door, took out an ordinary thousand yuan phone, opened WeChat, and sent it to the landlord.

Both the mobile phone and WeChat are new, and he prepared some money when he left, which is not difficult for him.

"Your hair needs to be trimmed." Li Ling looked at him and reminded him.

Li Ling is his landlord, only in her early twenties, but this building belongs to her family.No way, who made her a typical rich second generation.

Li Ling is pretty, but the key is her good figure. It's summer, and she wears a pair of shorts, suspenders, and slippers to collect rent every day. Her long legs are particularly eye-catching.

"Okay." Hong Chen smiled gently.

Li Ling glanced at him, and to be honest, Li Ling was still somewhat interested in him.

You know, for things like rent collection, she usually just sends a wechat message to the tenant, but here with Hong Chen, she has to come here in person every time.

She remembered very clearly that once the water pipe in Hong Chen's room leaked, and it leaked downstairs, and Li Ling opened Hong Chen's door angrily, intending to blame him.

At that time, Hong Chen had just finished taking a shower and was wiping his body with a towel.

When Hong Chen saw someone coming in, the first time he covered his face with a towel.

Yes, he covered his face.

The rest are not blocked.

Looking back on that figure, Li Ling couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, and even had the urge to drool.

"Chen Hong, why don't you invite me in? It's not an option for you to stay at home like this. It's not good for your development." Li Ling looked at him and said with deep meaning.

"My room is messy and my clothes are confiscated, forget it."

"What are you afraid of? You're a big man, and you're afraid that I'll eat you? You have to know how many people in this street are eager to invite me in." Li Ling said angrily.

Regarding Li Ling's words, Hong Chen just smiled helplessly.

Li Ling then left.

Not long after, Hong Chen received another call from Li Ling.

"Hey, Chen Hong, you know how to fix computers, don't you? Come and see, why is there no sound from my mic? I'm not joking with you, so don't talk so much, hurry up, I have to participate in a live broadcast today, and I'm delayed Don't live here!"

After hanging up the phone, Hong Chen sighed helplessly, then packed up and went to Li Ling's room.

Li Ling opened the door and pulled him into the bedroom.

Because the computer is in the bedroom.

Hong Chen looked around, only to find that the room was covered with posters of Lu Jia.

It turned out to be Lu Jia's fan.

In the posters, Lu Jia is young and beautiful. Lu Jia in each poster is perfect, with a sweet smile, which makes people's hearts move.

Hong Chen was touched for a moment.

"Hey, I said don't look at it, it's not yours anymore." Seeing him staring at Lu Jia, Li Ling said angrily.

Hong Chen shrugged, but didn't say anything.

He went to the computer and sat down. On the screen of the computer, an interview with Lu Jia was being broadcast live.

This girl is still so beautiful.

"Why are you in such a hurry to repair the mic?" Hong Chen asked.

Now that the whole people are live broadcasting, Li Ling naturally opened the live broadcast room when she has nothing to do, and usually spends time on live broadcasts.

"There will be a random lucky fan link in a while, and fans can directly connect with idols. If there is no sound after I connect, then I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Li Ling said a little excitedly.

In this regard, Hong Chen just smiled, hundreds of thousands of fans, just choose a few, it is so easy to fall on your head.

Besides, in many cases, it was the fans who had been prepared by the program group themselves.

Hong Chen glanced at it, and the actual principle is also very simple, it's just that in the sound function in the lower right corner of the computer, the microphone is disabled, just turn it on.

"You watch first, I'll get you a drink."

After Li Ling said something, she left the bedroom.

Hong Chen had already repaired the microphone and was about to leave, but found that a voice request suddenly popped up on the live broadcast screen.

Watching the live broadcast again, the host said, "Let's connect with the first lucky fan."

Lu Jia was also looking forward to it.

At this moment, Hong Chen was stunned for a moment.

Miraculously, he answered the phone.

"Hi, hello this fan." The host's voice sounded.

"Hello." Lu Jia also greeted.

At this moment, Hong Chen choked a little.

He didn't expect this kind of thing to actually happen.

It was silent for a few seconds.

"Why is there no sound, is this friend too shy?" The host asked again.



In the live broadcast room, Lu Jia could clearly hear the faint sound of breathing.

She felt that the voice seemed familiar.

When Hong Chen heard Li Ling's movement behind him, he worried that the other party would hang up if he didn't speak again, so he made up his mind and replied softly:

However, as soon as his words fell, the smile on Lu Jia's face disappeared suddenly.

She stood up abruptly from her seat, her expression full of disbelief.

this sound.
"Brother Hong Chen?"

(End of this chapter)

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