The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 48 Public opinion is in an uproar, and the promotional film turns the tide

Chapter 48 Public opinion is in an uproar, and the promotional film turns the tide
"Did you see the comments on the official blog of "Li Bai"? It seems that Hong Chen is in trouble this time."

In the headquarters of Huahai Company, Yuan Jiaming is talking about this matter with his agent Dong Wei with a smile.

Yuan Jiaming is also Huahai's B-signed artist, and Hong Chen grabbed resources from each other. Now seeing the negative public opinion on the Internet, he is naturally very happy.

"But this fire is not burning well, it seems that Ge Chen suppressed it." Dong Wei looked at the comments and slapped his mouth.

"I can also mobilize some of Huahai's resources. This time, we will make him look good!" A complacent smile appeared on Dong Wei's face.

"It just so happens that he still has a few good resources in his hands. After doing this, those resources are not ours yet."

The matter about the starring role of "Li Bai" continues to ferment.

Xiao Xianrou playing Li Bai sounds unreliable to anyone.

And it was a university professor who really put this matter on the hot search.

Zheng Yesen, professor of the Department of Ancient Chinese, Kyoto University.

Zheng Yesen is well-known at Kyoto University, and he has devoted his life to studying ancient Chinese, especially poetry.Therefore, Li Bai occupies a very important position in his heart.

Now, when I heard that a young man in his 20s was starring in Li Bai, I suddenly felt that the entertainment circle was in charge, and Li Bai's beautiful image would also be ruined by these people.

He wrote:

Li Bai is the most magnificent treasure of China from ancient times to the present, and the fairy in poetry. He represents the prosperous Tang Dynasty, an era, and the greatest artistic achievement of the ancients!
Now, let a so-called "little fresh meat" in the entertainment industry play Li Bai, do you think he can show the spiritual culture of China?

I hope future generations will not disappoint the ancestors!

As soon as his Weibo was posted, it immediately caused a lot of controversy.

It was as if the surface of the lake, which was originally only slightly turbulent, suddenly set off a stormy sea!
Of course, Dong Wei's help is indispensable behind this.

#Professor of the Department of Ancient Chinese Questions Li Bai's starring role#
This hot search quickly climbed.

The masses are sometimes blind. When keywords such as "Kyoto University", "professor of the Department of Ancient Chinese Literature", "studying poetry for decades", "little fresh meat playing Li Bai" appeared, the public opinion immediately became one-sided.

Voices doubting Hong Chen immediately spread on the Internet.

Ge Chen paid attention to the public opinion on the Internet, and the publicity team worked tirelessly to quell this trending search, but it was obvious that someone was deliberately fanning the flames. This kind of thing is not that simple.

What's more, various other negative news that came with it also appeared.

For example, an article titled "Shocked! This is why Zhang Hai chose him to play Li Bai", clicked on it and found that the author finally said that Hong Chen's nose and Zhang Hai really missed each other, and that he might be Zhang Hai's illegitimate child.

This "possible" is used just right.

It was also said that Hong Chen brought money into the group and had a relationship with Zhang Haipan, and doubts continued for a while.

Hong Chen was filming on the set of "Those Years", so he naturally saw the news on the Internet.

"Idols, they are all villains talking nonsense. They commented on the movie without even watching it. I am so mad." Lu Jia comforted Hong Chen beside him.

Regarding this, Hong Chen frowned. He opened Weibo and found that there were many comments on his first Weibo, many of which were bad comments.

"Don't ruin my Li Bai!"

"Get out of the entertainment industry!"

"Hong Chen's acting skills are very good, and his image is also very suitable to play Li Bai. Please stop arguing (5 cents for one piece, not for those in brackets)."

Both direct black and reverse black are here.

Hong Chen could tell at a glance that these people were sailors.

It should be that people who dislike him want to take the opportunity to add insult to injury.

His fans are trying their best to defend him, fight back against these trolls, and send all kinds of words in support of Hong Chen.

Hong Chen noticed that Lu Jia was also typing away, as if he was fighting with the navy on his Weibo.

Lu Jia's concentration was so cute, Hong Chen was a little moved.

He doesn't care about the opinions of black fans. Looking at the entertainment industry, everyone has black fans.

His fans are his real support.

However, this turmoil did not last long, and a new change occurred.

Duan Muhong, a master of Chinese studies, also posted a Weibo:
I have seen Hong Chen's performance in the crew. Although he is young, he plays very well and expresses Li Bai's temperament very well.He's the best actor I've ever seen.

Duanmu Hongde is highly respected. As soon as he spoke, there was a new change in public opinion.

Zheng Yesen also did not expect that Duan Muhong, a master of Chinese studies, would actually support Hong Chen?

Afterwards, there was another force behind the Internet, and began to find out that Duanmuhong and Zhang Hai were friends, and rumors that Duanmuhong took money spread, intending to worsen the matter again.

At the same time, Hong Chen's cell phone rang, he checked the number, it was Zhang Hai calling.

"Director Zhang." Hong Chen greeted.

"Hong Chen, what's the matter, it hasn't been affected too much." Zhang Hai's voice sounded relatively stable.

"No, I'm in a good mood."

"Haha, that's good, don't worry, I'll send out the clip of your audition in the Tang Palace first, and post a promotional video in two days, it's a trivial matter."

"Thank you Director Zhang." Hong Chen greeted with a smile.

In the Huahai headquarters, Yuan Jiaming and Dong Wei were overjoyed to see the overwhelming trend of public opinion.

"Hahahaha, let him compete with me for resources, it's a mess!" Yuan Jiaming said mockingly.

"It is estimated that he and Ge Chen are already ants on the hot pot. This film may be boycotted by the audience before it starts broadcasting." Dong Wei also laughed aside.

"Bad reviews are all over the place, what will he do now?"

On the other hand, Zheng Yesen, a professor of the Department of Ancient Chinese at Kyoto University, is also paying attention to this matter in real time.

He attaches great importance to Li Bai, so naturally he must try his best to maintain Li Bai's image.

He opened Weibo, and many comments were on Aite, saying that he was looking at Zhang Hai's Weibo.

So, he opened Zhang Hai's Weibo and found that Zhang Hai had just posted a message, which read:
"Li Bai is the representative of the prosperous Tang Dynasty in my heart, and it is also the dream I have always wanted to shoot to present to everyone. In order to choose the right role, I spent a lot of effort, and finally decided that the leading role is Hong Chen."

"He can conquer me with his acting skills, and naturally he can conquer you with his acting skills. This is a clip of his audition, and a promotional video will be played later."

"Whether he is suitable, please read it before making a conclusion!"

Zheng Yesen frowned, "Conquer us? I still don't believe that a young man in his 20s can play Li Bai!"

Having said this, Zheng Yesen clicked on the video.

In the video, Hong Chen changed into Li Bai's clothes and participated in the re-examination with Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu.

His white clothes are not neat, and his hair is a little messy, but the airy aura on his body makes him look like a drunk poet!
Zheng Yesen was taken aback for a moment, this image fit the stalwart figure in his heart.

Then, it was Hong Chen's performance, reciting poems while drunk.

"Don't you see! The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky! It rushes to the sea and never returns!"

This line of poetry is deafening, and the voice echoes in the palace of the Tang Palace, full of pride, rebelliousness, and chic comfort.

Just the first line of the poem made Zheng Yesen stunned!
So similar, so similar!
The magnificent Tang Palace, the drunk Li Bai, reciting poems, this is exactly what he has always wanted to see.

After that, Hong Chen continued to chant poems.

"Don't you see! Gaotang Mingjing's sad white hair! It's like blue silk in the morning and snow in the evening!"

Hong Chen continued to chant poems in the video, while Zheng Yesen listened intently, his attention was completely attracted by Hong Chen's performance.

Unknowingly, the scene of this audition ended.After a long time, Zheng Yesen let out a long breath.

He knew that he was completely wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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