The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 61 Antique advertising, amazing effect

Chapter 61 Antique advertising, amazing effect
"Are you sure? I can tell you that Yan Yileng should audition for "Chen Qing Ling". If there is no accident, she will be the heroine of this drama, at least the second female lead." Ge Chen said again.

Ge Chen's suggestion is very tempting.

It is hard for anyone to refuse such an offer to film with the girlfriend he is passionately in love with, especially Yan Yileng's body and appearance are top-notch.

Hong Chen thought about it, but still chose "The Best of Us".

"Choosing "Chen Qing Ling", maybe I will have a very happy time with her in the past few months, but I prefer "The Best of Us"." Hong Chen said.

His meaning is clear.

A few more months of time with my girlfriend, and firmness in my own life path, obviously the latter is more important.

What's more, he and Yan Yileng have been together for a long time.

"Well, okay." Ge Chen was not surprised by Hong Chen's choice.

Hong Chen is a very thoughtful and principled person, and he will not let others manipulate him at will.

It is also a good thing for the agent to have such an artist.

Immediately, Ge Chen reported the matter to the general manager Wang Yao, and began to connect with the crew of "The Best of Us".

However, before that, Hong Chen had to go to Chang'an Film and Television City.

"Chen Qingling" was filmed in Chang'an Film and Television City. Hong Chen was going to audition nominally, but in fact he was visiting Yan Yileng.This will not cause any unnecessary trouble.

There are several hotels next to Chang'an Film and Television City, Hong Chen naturally chose to stay in the same hotel as Yan Yileng.

There's something exciting about this.

Part of the surveillance system in the hotel was cut off by the conscientious people of the crew, just to reduce unnecessary troubles, and at the same time to facilitate Hong Chen and Yan Yileng.

At night, Hong Chen knocked on Yan Yileng's door.

The door opened, and a girlfriend wearing a lavender suspender dress, bare feet, and exposed shoulders looked at him with a smile.

Hong Chen stepped forward to hug Yan Yileng, closed the door with his feet, and after turning around a few times, pressed Yan Yileng against the wall and kissed him.

As for the audition for "Chen Qing Ling", there were so many male actors to audition, Ge Chen just found a reason and Hong Chen's audition was cancelled.

To be more precise, this audition was just a cover. Behind the starring role of "Chen Qing Ling" is the struggle in the capital market, and the leading role has long been taken down by someone with bigger capital.

Not all roles require auditions.

Hong Chen stayed in Chang'an Film and Television City for three days, and these three days were extremely happy.

Then, he and Ge Chen returned to Kyoto.

The movie "Li Bai" is still on the air, and the box office has accumulated 14 billion in more than ten days, but the growth rate has slowed down.

According to the final forecast of Maoyan Software, the total box office of "Li Bai" is almost 20 billion.

The results are very good, and it can already be regarded as a masterpiece.

Because of this work, many old-fashioned programs, commercials, performances, etc. extended an olive branch to Hong Chen, and his announcements kept coming.

Ge Chen and Wang Shaoqi are very busy, but they are also happy.

In the end, Ge Chen chose a very large advertisement for Hong Chen, from the global sports brand Adidas.

In fact, Adi wants to take advantage of the popularity of Gufeng to shoot a large-scale hard-core summer commercial. This commercial is not the usual kind of commercials, introductions, or small theaters.

Instead, find the younger generation of well-known figures in the entertainment industry to shoot a cool song and dance.

There are only bursting music and dances, for which Adi specially designed several clothes.

This topic is called "Chinese style" by Adidas.

The participants in this advertisement are all top-notch: Ren Tianzhi of the young generation, Yang Yi, one of China's Four Young Actresses, Yi Xiaoqian, who is good at dancing in the popular boy group TB, and Liu Xiaofei, who is known as "fairy-looking" , and Hong Chen.

This advertisement took three full days to shoot, which is because these people have practiced special dances in the early stage.

After that, Adi hired someone to edit the video, and at 12 o'clock in the morning of the same day, the advertisement was placed on major social media and TV stations on time.

Adi's publicity team is closely watching the data in the background.

The ad cost a lot, after all, five top stars were invited.

Hong Chen's advertising fee is 1000 million, but his advertising fee is the lowest among the five people, because the other four people are much bigger than him now.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, many people are still using short video software such as Douyin. Every time a few videos of this kind of software are used, there will be an advertisement, but the advertisement will basically be crossed out quickly.

This time was different, because few people saw it as an advertisement at first sight, and they even thought it was the TikTok account of big-name celebrities.

First of all, the music sounded, with a bit of restlessness and compactness, which made people want to dance along with it.The flashing screen and stage in the picture are full of antique taste.

Then, the screen was opened from the middle, only to see Yang Yi dressed in red, with fair skin and beautiful skin, dancing gracefully with a small ancient fan in her hand. There were four dancers in red dancing behind her, and the whole scene was particularly stunning.

Yang Yi's camera freezes when she opens her fan, which has Adi's logo on it.

Then, the screen turned to the right, Ren Tianzhi was wearing a hoodie full of Chinese style, he put on the hat, and posed a few cool poses, accompanied by the explosive music, which was also very eye-catching.

Then the camera turned again, and Yi Xiaoqian was dancing with a group of people in another Chinese-style outfit.His dance has very modern elements, and his movements are vigorous and powerful, completely igniting the atmosphere.

Liu Xiaofei is also a hot dancer, her dancing is extraordinarily cool and full of momentum, A burst the audience!
Finally, the camera zooms in, the screen opens, and Hong Chen comes out.

The music was still crackling, and Hong Chen was wearing casual clothes with a landscape style. He said they were casual clothes. The style was more like Tang suits, with a bit of an antique taste.

Hong Chen is also a dancer, and everyone does not have many scenes, so his movements are not many.However, he still made several difficult moves.

The difficult dance made the audience who watched the advertisement completely excited.

Hong Chen's final action is to turn his back to the camera and turn his head to show his side face.The pattern on the back of his clothes is a landscape painting, and his good looks, coupled with his sharp eyes, made this scene extremely explosive.

His appearance immediately became the finishing touch.

Finally, the Adidas logo emerged.

The people who used Douyin discovered that this turned out to be an advertisement.

But the effect of this ad is so good that the blood of the people watching it is no less than a wonderful performance.

"This is too handsome!" People praised this short video one after another.

Many people even re-watched the ad several times. This is the first time they have watched an ad so seriously.

At the same time, this advertisement became popular on all major social platforms, and even became a hot search on Weibo.

#Adi Summer Advertising#
It is also surprising that an advertisement is popular on Weibo.

Adi's publicity department kept a close eye on the background data, and the result was that the data exploded.

Take Douyin as an example. In just two hours, it has been played 2000 million times, with more than 40 comments and more than 300 million likes.

You know, this is a praise for the advertisement, and 300 million in two hours is already very exaggerated.

The Adidas team cheered excitedly. The advertising investment this time has obviously achieved or even exceeded the expected effect.

Antique theme + novel theme + correct casting, it is normal for this advertisement to explode.

Unknowingly, Hong Chen's popularity and popularity are gradually rising.

(End of this chapter)

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