The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 64 Angrily Rebuke the Officials!

Chapter 64 Angrily Rebuke the Officials!

This scene is the scene after Kangxi found out that seven ministers had deceived the emperor, violated the law, embezzled and accepted bribes, and then dismissed the seven ministers from their posts and ransacked their homes above the main hall.

Hong Chen was wearing a dragon robe, sitting on a dragon chair, looking around, as if looking at the silent civil and military men of the court.

His eyes, which were calm at first, gradually became sad, and then, his deep voice sounded in the hall.

"The ancestors handed over the country into my hands, but it turned out like this." The voice of this line was relatively stable, but it contained sadness and helplessness, and then his tone suddenly increased.

"I am heartbroken!"

"I have sinned against the country, I am ashamed of my ancestors, I am ashamed of the world, I wish I could dismiss myself!"

In his words, the anger was getting stronger and stronger, as if it was about to explode at any time.

The audience watched him perform silently, all stunned by his acting skills.

"And you, although you are all standing on the dry shore, are you so clean? I know that some of you are more corrupt than these seven people!"

Hong Chen stepped down from the dragon chair, pointed at Manchao Wenwu, and angrily reprimanded.

The anger in his heart filled the hall.

He is the master of this world!

He wants to go down in history!

But the courtier's corruption and perverting the law severely slapped him in the face!

Then, the emperor was furious, and everyone in the world was shocked!

The judges, judges, and the audience in the audience could clearly feel the pressure emanating from Hong Chen, like a mountain.

They never thought that Hong Chen could play this role so brilliantly!
"I advise you to turn out your heart, lungs and intestines, dry them in the sun, wash them, and tidy them up!" Hong Chen continued to perform, his voice thunderous and full of energy.

The audience in the audience couldn't help holding their breath.

They felt as if they were on the scene, watching Kangxi angrily scold the civil and military officials of the court in the court hall.

Afterwards, Hong Chen's mood became calm, he was still furious just now, and then he said as if nothing happened:
"When I first came to the throne, I thought that Oboi was the most important person in the court! After I destroyed Oboi, I thought that my biggest enemy was Wu Sangui!"

"When I defeated Wu Sangui, Galdan became Qing's worry again!"

As Hong Chen spoke, he stepped up the steps and walked towards the dragon chair.His back is a little lonely, but he is extraordinarily stalwart.

"It is becoming clearer and clearer that Qing's troubles are not outside, but in the court."

Then, Hong Chen turned around and looked at Man Chao Wen Wu.

At this time, it was the time when Hong Chen's emotions exploded, and it was also the biggest climax of this scene!

He angrily said:
"It's right here in Qianqing Palace! It's right here among my flesh and blood princes and ministers!"

The emperor was furious and majestic, and everyone was shocked.

"You need to know! If our place is a bit rotten, the Qing Dynasty will be rotten! If all of you are rotten, there will be uprisings all over the Qing Dynasty, leaving us dead without a place to bury our lives!"

The sound is like a bell, and every word rings in the hearts of everyone.

Then, his voice became calm again: "Think about it, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian hanged himself on Meishan for only a few years."

Then, there was a roar that shocked everyone present.


"That old crooked neck tree is still standing behind the palace, staring at you every day!"

The voice was like thunder, hovering over the main hall, and a strong coercion emanated from his body, making people dare not look at him.

The audience watching the live broadcast was stunned.

What kind of acting is this? !
This is too exaggerated!

That sense of oppression made them feel chills!

So shocking, this acting is too shocking.

In the end, it was Hong Chen's ending, and his voice returned to calm again.

"I haven't closed my eyes for three days and three nights. I always want to say something to everyone, but I have to have something to say."

"After much deliberation, there are only four words!"

As he spoke, a huge plaque slowly rose on the big screen behind him.There are four big characters on the plaque: dragon, flying and phoenix dancing:

It's fair and square!

"Remember, from today onwards, this hall will be changed to Zhengda Guangming Hall! You all raise your heads, take a good look, think about yourself, and show me half an hour!"

After finishing speaking, Hong Chen took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

In this long sigh, there is helplessness, disappointment, and loneliness that is overwhelmingly high.

At this point, the performance ended, Hong Chen turned and left.

Both the audience and the judges were still in a daze.

They have been completely brought into the play, and they have not yet reacted.

They didn't come back to their senses until the lights on the stage were turned on and the big screen behind them was replaced with the logo of "I Am an Actor".

Hong Chen's performance is over.

All of a sudden, there was thunderous applause, and the audience stood up and applauded one after another, expressing their inner excitement.

At the same time, the bullet screens on the live broadcast platform and video software had exploded. Because there were too many bullet screens, both Douyu and Huya live broadcast rooms were paralyzed for a short time.

This performance was so exciting that the bullet screens were full of words like "66666", "Amazing", "Explosive acting skills", etc.

"It's so exciting, I got goosebumps watching it."

"This line is a bit powerful, and it can't be seen that it is a traffic niche."

"He's so domineering, is he really only in his 20s?"

"I haven't been an emperor in my previous life, and I can't act like this in this life."

Hong Chen's acting skills completely conquered the audience.

Backstage, Ma Yan was also dumbfounded when he saw Hong Chen's acting skills.

He originally thought that if he chose a difficult script for Hong Chen, there would be mistakes in Hong Chen's performance.Looking at it now, this script actually fulfilled Hong Chen!

Up to now, he has nothing to say, so he can only applaud from the sidelines.

Then, when the three judges commented on Hong Chen's performance, they all praised him.

Especially Zhang Yiyi, it was like picking up a treasure, she was very happy to see Hong Chen smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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