Chapter 67 Yan Family
The editing of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" has been completed, but at this time, something went wrong.

The Yan family has a lot of connections in Kyoto City. His father is the leader of the film review department, and his mother is the chief executive.Moreover, the Yan family has always been in charge of the mothers of Yan Chi and Yan Yileng.

If I had to say it, Yan Wanjun's father, Yan Wanjun, was able to achieve what he is today, basically because of her mother Yang Lin's assistance.

Yan Yileng became a popular floret, and both Yan Wanjun and Yang Lin fully supported her.But it's different for Yan Chi. Yang Lin really wants Yan Chi to go into business and take over her multi-billion-dollar company.

But Yan Chi wanted to be a great director.

Yan Wanjun didn't care. He was quite supportive of his son being a director.But there is no way, Yang Lin has the final say in this family.

"Let me tell you, you don't want to give him a review of his son's movie, let him go to work in my company honestly." In the Yan's villa, Yang Lin said commandingly.

Yang Lin looks too rich, her body is full of jewels, but her eyebrows are slightly mean, she looks very strong.

Hearing this, Yan Wanjun suddenly showed embarrassment, and said: "This is not good, most of his movies cost Yi Leng's money, and Yi Leng is still the heroine, you have the heart to let the two children's months of hard work go to waste .”

"Besides, it's not good for me to abuse my power."

Yang Lin thought for a while, and felt that this was going too far, and she blamed Yan Wanjun, and said, "It's not your fault. I didn't teach them how to order when they were young. What kind of place is the entertainment industry? Why do you go in? Our family is short of money. ?"

Yan Wanjun nodded hastily, "Blame me, blame me, the main reason is that the child likes it, isn't it?"

At this moment, there was the sound of the door opening outside their villa, and the two looked at the surveillance camera. It turned out that it was Yan Chi and Yan Yileng who came back together.

The two of them came back because Yan Wanjun couldn't stand it anymore, so they called them back to distract Yang Lin.

Seeing Yan Chi, Yang Lin became furious immediately, turned her head away, and snorted there.

Yan Wanjun showed a look of "your mother is angry again".

Yan Yihan hastily launched a coquettish offensive, ran up to Yang Lin, hugged her arm and joked.In this family, Yan Yileng is very favored, which makes Yanchi extremely envious.

To give a simple example, when the two of them were young, Yan Wanjun was playing Contra in the Xiaobawang game console, and both of them went to pester Yan Wanjun.

Facing Yan Yileng, Yan Wanjun picked her up, kissed her on the cheek, then put her in his arms and continued playing games.

For Yan Chi, Yan Wanjun kicked him away, and then said impatiently: "Go, go, do your homework."

It's not that Yan Wanjun doesn't love Yan Chi, it's just that sometimes an old father's love for his son is different from his daughter's, and only people from the father's generation can understand this.

"Mom, my brother's movie is very good. I'm still the protagonist, so just leave it alone." Yan Yi said with a sweet smile.

Seeing her precious daughter, Yang Lin's anger subsided a little, and soon after seeing Yan Chi, she became angry again.

"What's the future of making a movie? The risk is high, and you might lose money! Don't let me wipe your ass then!" Yang Lin glanced at Yan Chi and said.

Yan Wanjun smiled gently at Yan Chi to express his comfort.

Yang Lin is in charge of this family, and everyone is used to it.

"Mom, I specially brought the film back. It hasn't been encrypted yet, and it hasn't been submitted for review. I'll show you it first. If you don't think it looks good, then let's talk about it!" Yan Chi stepped forward, patted his chest and promised.

He's clearly confident in his films.

It is also worth mentioning that the movie he made is different from the parallel world movies that Hong Chen has seen, except for the ending, there are also some unhealthy clips.

It is very suitable for watching with parents.

Although Yang Lin was angry, she also wanted to see how the movie directed by her son and starring her daughter was going.

Yan Wanjun smoothed things over and said, "Hurry up, let it go, your mother and I are bored."

As he said that, Yan Chi had already operated beside the TV to play the movie.

Yan Yileng obediently took some drinks from the refrigerator and put them on the table.

The living room and the TV in their home are big. Once the lights in the living room are turned off, it's like a home theater with a good atmosphere.

But Yan Chi didn't realize that this behavior was not a good thing for a certain person.

Yan Yileng is the heart and soul of Yan Wanjun and Yang Lin, and this movie tells the love story of Yan Yileng and Hong Chen.

"Why does this guy look familiar to me?" Yang Lin asked when she saw Hong Chen leaving the country.

Yan Yileng thought for a while, her mother must have never watched "Bath of Fire" and "Slaying the Wolf 2", and "Li Bai" probably wouldn't have watched either. Adi's commercial is possible, but unlikely.As for the game promotional video of "Peace Elite", it is even more impossible.

"Oh, he filmed a public service advertisement, morning exercise, kicking a bottle." Yan Yileng explained calmly from the side.

"Yes, it's this young man. The public welfare film is not bad." Yang Lin nodded and said something.

For some reason, when Hong Chen was mentioned, Yan Yileng felt a little nervous unconsciously.

The movie is very good, this is the first time Yan Yihan has watched it, and he was also attracted by the plot in the movie.In particular, this movie is a love story between her and Hong Chen, and the two people outside the movie are also lovers, so it has a special flavor.

She couldn't stop laughing there.

Yan Wanjun and Yang Lin didn't think so.

The whole movie is nothing but exciting. Although the two of them are middle-aged, they can both see that this movie is very good, very sunny, and has no bloody scenes.

Only at the end, in the kiss scene between Yan Yileng and Hong Chen, the two elders frowned.

Yan Chi didn't feel anything, but Yan Yileng was already blushing.

After all, it was rather embarrassing to see myself kissing others in front of my parents.

And the feeling of this kiss is not quite right.

"Yan Yileng." Yang Lin called out, using her full name.

Parents are called by full name, which is basically the beginning of tragedy.

"Mom!" Yan Yileng responded in a low voice.

"Are you filming a kissing scene? Didn't you stop filming a kissing scene? What's going on?" Yang Lin asked with a slightly cold gaze.

Yan Chi took a sip of his drink, felt that the matter had nothing to do with him, and was still enjoying his own video.

Yan Yileng glanced at Yan Chi, and said in a low voice, "It's brother, he is the director, he arranged it. As a younger sister, I can only obey."

Hearing this, Yan Chi squirted out the drink from his mouth.

Are you kidding me?
At that time, Yan Chi and Yan Yileng said that if you don't want to, you can borrow a seat.Unexpectedly, Yan Yileng agreed and said it was nothing.

Now you say you forced yourself?

"Mom, it's not like this, how could I?"

However, before he finished explaining, Yang Lin grabbed his ear, "Is this how you treat your brother? Let others kiss your sister."

Yan Chi looked at Yan Yileng, Yan Yileng showed an apologetic look, that look really made people angry, Yan Chi had no choice but to admit it.

But it's not over yet.

During dinner, Yang Lin looked at Yan Yileng and asked, "Daughter, tell me honestly, do you have a boyfriend? Mom has no other intentions, just asking."

"Mom, how can there be?" Yan Yileng suddenly thought of Hong Chen, and retorted with a blushing face.

What kind of person is Yang Lin?

Immediately, Yang Lin thought of something, and asked tentatively, "Could it be the boy in the movie just now?"

Yan Yileng's eyes panicked, and he said in displeasure, "Mom, what are you talking about?!"

And at this moment, by coincidence, Yan Yileng's cell phone rang.

Her mobile phone was placed on the table, face up, and someone made a WeChat video call to her, and the note was "My old Hong".

For a while, the atmosphere became awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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