Chapter 72
Yan Yileng got angry, but the girls pretended to be angry, and the boys just had to coax them patiently.

And Yan Yileng is already considered very well-behaved, and compared to her appearance, this is a trivial matter.

Similarly, Hong Chen's emotional intelligence is not low, some sweet talk, no, after the sweet talk, finally made Yan Yi sneer.

"I'll go back to Kyoto in a few days, I'll go find you." Yan Yileng said softly.

With a bit of yearning in his words, Hong Chen naturally readily agreed.

After that, Hong Chen contacted Yan Chi again.

The contact between the two is also relatively frequent, and Hong Chen has been paying close attention to the progress of "Those Years".

After all, he also invested a large sum of money in it, and the profits and losses of the movie were related to his assets.

"Bad news." Yan Chi's voice was slightly vicissitudes, and he has been busy with this matter these days.

"What's the matter, tell me." Hearing this, Hong Chen's expression changed, and he asked with concern.

"The film has already been edited. I contacted the film and television company, but they asked for a high share, and the movie theater's screening rate for us was very low." Yan Chi explained.

Hearing his words, Hong Chen pondered for a while, obviously, the movie has encountered a problem now.

If a film wants to be released in theaters, it must go through a film and television company. Some film and television companies have affiliated movie theaters. By contacting the film and television company and negotiating a price, they can be released in theaters.

But because Yan Chi is a new director, this film is not favored by the film and television company, so when the film and television company talked with Yan Chi, the price was a bit too high.

Later, the film and television company relaxed some requirements when they knew that Hong Chen and Yan Yileng were starring.

"Tomorrow I happen to be free, so I'll walk with you." Hong Chen responded.

The next day, the two made an appointment to meet and planned to go to the film and television company again.

"Aren't you the second generation? Just use your relationship." After meeting, Hong Chen joked.

Yan Chi shrugged, "It's unfortunate news for you, my dad has banned many movies when reviewing them, and many of them were invested by film and television companies, so if you tell me that I am Yan Wanjun's son, you will die even more." awful."

"And this, I admire." Hong Chen gave a thumbs up.

"As for my mother, she doesn't like the 4000-[-] million movie business at all. She hopes that my movie will suffer so that I can go to work in her company."

Hong Chen rubbed his chin, it seems that the Yan family is quite complicated.

At this moment, Yan Chi turned his head to look at Hong Chen, stared at him and asked again: "By the way, there is one more thing. My mother seems to have found out that my sister is in a relationship. Is that guy you?"

Seeing Yan Chi's suspicious gaze, Hong Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled lightly, "That can't be done, Yan Yileng is a first-line star, and there is a gap between the two of us."

Yan Chi glanced at him, thinking about it was right, so he didn't pursue it any further.

Hong Chen secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

It's good for Yan Chi to know, but what he's worried about is that the Yan family's parents know, if something happens, it will still be troublesome.

With that said, Yan Chi contacted the boss of Jinchao Film and Television Company, and then the two of them walked into the headquarters of Jinchao Film and Television Company all the way, and met the general manager Chu Sanhong here under the leadership of the secretary.

"Director Yan, please sit down. There are also big stars, please sit down." In the office, Chu Sanhong looked very polite.

"Manager Chu, I don't want to talk nonsense anymore. When you watch this movie, can you mention the filming and sharing?" Yan Chi asked directly.

Hearing this, Hong Chen's gaze changed slightly.

He found that Yan Chi's approach was inappropriate.

First of all, it is best to talk about business at the dining table in a high-end box, and talk after making tea, which also looks high-end.

Secondly, speaking must be skillful, not so direct, and do not leave opportunities for both parties to test their cards and compromise with each other.

It seems that Yan Chi's ability in directing is very strong, but there are certain problems in communication.

Maybe because Yan Chi is a rich second generation, he has never experienced such occasions since he was a child.

"Hehehehe." Chu Sanhong smiled, then smacked his mouth and said, "Director Yan, you also know that the romance film market is not very good now, and it would be good if the box office can reach 3000 to [-] million."

"The company also wants to make money, so we take more of this share, seven to three, I really can't back down."

"As for the filming rate, let me do you a favor and give you 5%. I take good care of you, how about it?"

Hearing this, Hong Chen couldn't help frowning.

Chu Sanhong's request is very excessive.

Whether it is the share or the rate of filming, they are simply being slaughtered as fat sheep.

Moreover, according to Yan Chi, Chu Sanhong also negotiated with them to pay a part of the "guarantee deposit" in order to prevent the box office from failing and adversely affecting their theaters.

It is clear that it is bullying!

However, this is also the reason why Yan Chi has no connections.

In the film industry, the director is on the one hand, and the promotion and sales are on the other.

Yan Chi's director ability is very strong, but his promotion and sales ability is not so good.

"Manager Chu, your request is a little too much." Hong Chen couldn't stand it, and asked calmly.

"This is already my bottom line. As you all know, there are many movies that want to be released in theaters now. The starring role of this movie is Yan Yileng, so there must be a market, and you don't have to worry about losing money." Chu Sanhong started again persuaded.

Chu Sanhong's appearance showed that there was no room for negotiation on this matter.

Hearing this, Hong Chen stood up, said with a faint smile, "If that's the case, then don't bother Manager Chu."

Seeing this, Yan Chi naturally stood up too.When he saw Hong Chen turn his head and leave, he also hurriedly followed.

"No." Chu Sanhong didn't expect Hong Chen to be so straightforward, he was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily.

Just as Hong Chen and Yan Chi walked out of the office, they heard Chu Sanhong's mocking voice from behind:
"Do people nowadays think that they can cheat money by finding two traffic stars to make a love movie? A new director, what can he produce!"

Hearing his words, Yan Chi's face darkened, but Hong Chen was expressionless.

After leaving Golden Nest Company, Yan Chi cursed bitterly: "The manager of this film and television company is really not a thing. Seeing that I am a new director, he wants to pluck a layer of skin from me."

Hong Chen was much calmer, "It's normal. He is in this position, and there are countless movies that he wants to see in theaters every day. Naturally, he should make good use of his power."

"This kind of black area definitely exists. As long as our strength is strong enough, he will beg us to show it in their theaters in the future."

Hearing this, Yan Chi nodded seriously, and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

Hong Chen thought for a while, then said confidently, "I have a solution."

"Really?" Yan Chi's face brightened.

"Yes, as long as you really have confidence in this movie, we can follow the path of web drama."

"Internet drama?"

"It's a big online movie, but this kind of movie is generally crudely produced and the quality is relatively low. But if the quality is guaranteed, audiences are willing to spend money for such a movie. After all, the number of movie viewers on the Internet is much more than that in movie theaters."

Yan Chi hesitated a bit, and asked, "Is this possible?"

Hong Chen nodded, "Don't worry, there's no problem. It just so happens that I'm preparing an online drama recently, which is sponsored by iQiyi. I'll contact the person in charge there. Our movie will be changed to a big online movie."

Hong Chen's words strengthened Yan Chi's confidence, and he nodded seriously.

"Okay, let's do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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