Chapter 79 Live Streaming
"The host chooses a god-level lottery draw: God-level singer with skills, won the lottery, failed the lottery."

"The host chose a god-level lottery: skill god-level singer, the lottery is in the lottery, and the lottery is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: god-level singer."

God-level singer: Full marks for infectious power, full marks for voice, and perfect temperament when singing.

Because it does not belong to performance skills, this skill is rated as C-level.

"The host chose the god-level lottery: skill god-level performer, the lottery is in the lottery, and the lottery is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: god-level performer."

God-level virtuoso: Automatically proficient in playing musical instruments, full score in musicality.

Because it does not belong to performance skills, this skill is rated as C-level.

After drawing the skills, Hong Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Although he won the first skill draw twice before winning the god-level lottery, the skills that can be drawn are to earn money.

He spent 3000 million favorability points just for this battle.

At this time, his fans need him to turn the tide.

Then, Hong Chen asked again: "System, are there any classic songs from parallel worlds that don't exist in this world?"

"Host, you can choose a directional item to draw a lottery. The consumption of favorability depends on the preciousness of the item. According to the host's requirements, the most suitable item is: Parallel World MP3. Consumption of favorability: 100 million."

Hearing this, Hong Chen had a tinge of joy on his face, he didn't expect the system to have this function.

Hong Chen immediately chose to draw a lottery.

"The host chooses a directional item to draw: Parallel World MP3 (contains 100 songs and accompaniment), consumes 100 million favorability points, the lottery is in the lottery, and the lottery is successful."

As soon as the sound of the system ended, a black two-finger-wide MP3 fell down from the air.

Hong Chen immediately found the earphones and plugged them in, and began to choose songs.

The function of the system is very powerful. The MP3 contains both the original sound of the song and the accompaniment, which is just suitable for Hong Chen to play.

Because Hong Chen has the skills of a "god-level singer", he can sing after just one listen.

Then, Hong Chen didn't hesitate, and immediately contacted Ge Chen to find a recording studio to sing.

Ge Chen was taken aback by these words.

"Do you really want to sing?" Ge Chen had never seen Hong Chen sing, so he was a little hesitant, but he still asked Wang Shaoqi to contact the recording studio.

"Well, not only to sing, but also to broadcast live! Help me contact a live broadcast platform."

Now, Ge Chen was really dumbfounded.

Then, Hong Chen found an empty classroom and sang for Ge Chen and Wang Shaoqi.

After listening to the song, the two were shocked, and immediately contacted the recording studio and live broadcast platform, and at the same time promoted it online.

At six o'clock tonight, Hong Chen will start the live broadcast to meet fans and sing!
This is undoubtedly another blockbuster on the Internet.

Hong Chen, who was fighting with Yaomai, wanted to broadcast live?Still singing?
Just kidding!

Fans shouting Mai ridiculed:
"Haha, I really want to sing, I'm dying of laughter, do you think any cat or dog can sing?"

"Brothers, prepare to launch a general attack tonight, so that he can't step down."

"It's not good for a good actor to sing. Has he ever sung?"

"I guess it's Yin Xiu, aren't all celebrities like this now? Hehe."

Hong Chen's fans were cheering for him, and the idol's live broadcast made everyone extra happy.

In any case, at such a critical time, Hong Chen made such a move, which immediately attracted countless attention.

Most of the netizens were attracted by Hong Chen's actions.

People have speculated, what does he want to do?
The storm was raging online, getting stronger the closer it got to [-]pm.

"How do you feel now?" Ge Chen asked, rubbing Hong Chen's shoulders.

The burden on Hong Chen these days is too heavy. Although he doesn't care about these things, his millions of fans are still running for him, so he has to pay attention to this matter.

He needs to cheer up and do what an idol should do.

"It's nothing, but the feeling of being watched by the whole network because of this kind of thing is really uncomfortable, like a monkey surrounded by people watching in the park." Hong Chen curled his lips.

He hopes that his work achievements will be recognized by others, not the current situation, because of public opinion and gossip.

Ge Chen comforted him: "Come on, we trust you."

Wang Shaoqi also nodded seriously. As a life assistant, he has met many artists.

But there are very few artists like Hong Chen who are outstanding in all aspects and have a guaranteed character.

Hong Chen chose to live broadcast on the Penguin Weishi platform. It was not a long-term contract, but a short live broadcast for one night.

Moreover, Hong Chen made a special request not to enable the function of swiping gifts. This matter was also negotiated with the live broadcast platform, but Penguin Weishi happened to compete with other live broadcast platforms at this stage and needed popularity, so he agreed.

As the time approached, Hong Chen's styling team chose a sunny look for him, a white T-shirt and jeans, very gentle.

Before the live broadcast started, the popularity of the live broadcast room reached 300 million.True fans, black fans, and people who eat melons poured in one after another.

There is no doubt that Hong Chen's live broadcast room will soon become a battlefield.

"Are you ready?" Ge Chen asked, seeing that the time was almost up.

Hong Chen took a deep breath, nodded, "Let's begin."

Immediately, Ge Chen pressed the live broadcast button on his phone for him.

At this time, he wasn't the only one broadcasting live.

The three anchors of Badao, MC Tianzuo, and Paipai Liu played Hong Chen's live broadcast in their live broadcast room at the same time.

They were about to ridicule Hong Chen to the point of being ashamed.

"Brothers, let's watch and see what waves this guy can make?" Ba Dao shouted loudly in the live broadcast room.

The barrage responded one after another.

Hong Chen's live broadcast started, and what caught his eye was a very beautiful scene.

Hong Chen waved to everyone in the live broadcast room, and said with a smile: "Hi everyone, I am actor Hong Chen, very happy to meet you all."

The barrages rushed past densely and violently, and there were all kinds of barrages.

Hong Chen knew what everyone was concerned about, so he said: "I heard that many people questioned that I don't understand music. I just heard a song recently and wanted to sing it to everyone."

"Do you still remember the accident half a year ago? A family of three accidentally fell from the cable car. The parents lifted the child high with their hands so that the two-and-a-half-year-old boy could survive. In the end, the child survived."

"The song fits the story well."

Everyone knows the story Hong Chen told. It was very popular half a year ago, and the parents were called "the most beautiful parents".

Everyone didn't know why Hong Chen mentioned this story.

After finishing speaking, Hong Chen took a few steps back, sat on a chair, and picked up an acoustic guitar.

Ge Chen pushed the phone holder forward to make sure that Hong Chen was always in the shot and the angle was just right.

Hong Chen put his fingers on the strings.

God-level performer, activate!

(End of this chapter)

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