Chapter 93 Birthday party?

Filming continues.

Behind is another actor in the villain, An Jie, fighting with Yuan Yongbi, and then the two of them had a wonderful fight.

Fighting is a major feature of Hong Kong films, and it is naturally indispensable.

There are special martial arts instructors for fighting scenes, and the martial arts instructors for Hong Kong movies are very professional, and the movements are all discussed by them.

However, according to the plot, the villains naturally teased Yuanlong again.

In the end, there was only one policeman tied up in the sky, and the villain lit a fire on his rope, and five people rode away on small electric vehicles.

Before leaving, it was a close-up of Hong Chen. He looked at the corpse lying on the ground, smiled triumphantly, and immediately pressed the timer button on the remote control.

Even if this scene is over.

After Hong Chen's role was over, he came to the back of the set to watch Yuanlong's performance.

At this time, it can be seen that Yuanlong has worked hard.

The fire on the rope was real fire, and he wrapped his sleeves around his hands and slid down the rope.

The rope snapped, and he was taken high into the air, the sleeves on his hands already ablaze.

That is to say, in this scene, Yuanlong had to set his hands on fire during the process of hanging Wia in order to complete the filming.

This level of hard work made Hong Chen look at him with admiration.

The fire is not small, and it still burns on the body. It is not an exaggeration to say that not many actors can do this.

The show manager with a fire extinguisher was already waiting aside, waiting for the director to give an order, and he would immediately rush to put out the fire.

This kind of scene has happened before. Hong Kong films pursue reality and excitement, which is often very dangerous.


The director finally gave the order.

I saw a large group of theater staff surrounded the past, extinguishing the fire, cooling down, disinfecting, and inspecting the wound, all in one go.

This is also a very common scene in filming.

"It's okay, it's okay." Yuanlong had a few burns on his hands, but the situation was not serious, he said to everyone with a smile.

The crew couldn't help admiring him even more.

Hong Chen also admired him very much, and took him as an example in his heart.

This is the actor.

"Everyone has worked hard, call it a day!" Chen Mushen shouted, and the crew cheered.

Wen Jiayu was also on the set at this moment. She saw Hong Chen was filming just now, so she didn't rush to disturb her. She just sat next to the director Chen Mushen and stared at the camera quietly.

One thing to say, Hong Chen in the camera is very handsome.

How should I put it, it's normal for a villain to be handsome, and it's normal for a villain to be bad, but it's rare for a villain to have leadership charisma.

Villains with leadership skills are often very attractive.

Because there is a model.

For example, when we were filming just now, Hong Chen waved his hand, and my younger brother immediately loosened the rope.

This is how the aura manifests itself.

This kind of villain is especially lethal to women.

Wen Jiayu's eyes lit up after watching the performance.

So, after the filming ended, Wen Jiayu couldn't wait to come to Hong Chen's side.

"Hong Chen, here." Wen Jiayu ran over waving his hands, looked up at him, and said with a smile, "You were so handsome just now."

"Really?" Hong Chen also smiled, after all, he was more happy to hear people praise him.

"That's right. Tomorrow night is my birthday party. My second uncle and brother Yuanlong will be there. I want to invite you. What do you think?" Wen Jiayu said directly.

Hearing this, Hong Chen pondered for a moment.

Adults cannot do without socializing, especially in showbiz.

Just like Hong Chen, when he was filming before, he had to eat and drink with characters like Zhang Hai and Wang Yao, and he also had to eat and chat with Wu Zhan.

This is the basis of getting along, and it is also a way of maintaining connections.

No artist can leave this kind of social interaction. If there is, it can only show that the artist has no connections at all.

Now Jiayu's birthday is a good opportunity for Hong Chen to get in touch with the Hong Kong circle.

This is very realistic. In the eyes of adults, social occasions are a good place to make friends and accumulate contacts.

"Okay." Hong Chen agreed wholeheartedly.

Both Chen Mushen and Yuan Long went, so there shouldn't be any problem.

The next day, perhaps because of Wen Jiayu's birthday at night, I only filmed a few literary scenes during the day, and the crew called it a day at four in the afternoon.

"Sure, HK pays more attention to birthday parties. If this girl can invite you, she seems to have a good impression of you, so she should behave well." Ge Chen made a handsome appearance for Hong Chen, and smiled.

Hong Chen responded with a light smile: "Hey, I think so too, but I already have a girlfriend, so I can't help it."

"Do you regret it now? You decided to have a relationship so early, you can't mess with flowers."

"That's impossible."

The two chatted a few words in private.

At this time, Hong Chen and Ge Chen imagined a birthday party in a high-end restaurant with soothing music played, people wearing suits, holding gifts, and communicating at the dinner table.

Just like the banquet that Lei Luo attended at the beginning of "Chasing the Dragon".

But in reality, this is not the case.

Then, Wang Shaoqi sent Hong Chen to Wen Jiayu's address. After getting off the car, Hong Chen looked at the scene in front of him, slightly surprised.

In front of you is a private villa.

It seems that Wen Jiayu's family is indeed rich.

When he showed his identity to the security guard at the door and entered the villa, he was even more surprised.

Only then did he understand what Wen Jiayu meant by "Party" on his birthday.

It's a pool party!

The weather in October and November in HK is still relatively hot, and there seems to be a heating system in the villa.

What Hong Chen saw was a huge swimming pool. There were various life buoys and water toys beside the pool, and the surrounding tables were filled with brightly colored cocktails, vodka, and whiskey.

A group of girls in swimsuits are playing by the pool, the spring is beautiful.

There are also some young men, all handsome and handsome, wearing big swimming trunks, shooting each other with water guns.

The background music is so hilarious that people can't help but dance along after listening to it.

Swimsuit party.

Hong Chen was wearing formal attire, with slacks on his lower body and a white shirt on his upper body, which seemed a bit out of place with the surroundings.

Wen Jiayu was laughing and chatting with a few girlfriends. She was also very well dressed, wearing a light green swimsuit and a foreign style hat.

The good figure is almost unobstructed.

"Hey, here we come." Mo Huihui noticed Hong Chen coming in and touched Wen Jiayu's arm.

Hearing this, the other girlfriends also looked over, and their eyes lit up when they saw Hong Chen.

"That's the mainland actor you mentioned, he's really handsome."

"Yo, white shirt, abstinence type, no wonder we are obsessed, Jia Yu doesn't want it."

"If you two fail, introduce him to me."

The girlfriends laughed.

Wen Jiayu rolled her eyes at the girlfriends, and immediately walked towards Hong Chen with bare feet.

"Happy birthday." Hong Chen handed her the gift and smiled.Then he asked: "You said Brother Yuanlong and the director are also here, why didn't you see it?"

The reason why Hong Chen came was because Yuan Long and Chen Mushen also came, but on this occasion, even if he was killed, he would not believe that the older generation would be there.

"Oh, we did it this afternoon. At home, it's so boring. It's just the elders chatting. They're probably having a good time drinking and drinking now." Wen Jiayu explained.

Only then did Hong Chen realize that there were two birthday parties.

One is a family dinner and the other is a Party.

He was invited to the second session.

(End of this chapter)

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