Chapter 95
If he wants to meet his girlfriend, Hong Chen needs to be extra careful.

He is in the circle, so he naturally knows that the HK paparazzi are well-known.

There is a special report that revealed the HK paparazzi, and the truth is shocking.

First of all, the HK paparazzi are very rampant. When they meet a celebrity with dirty material on the roadside, they dare to shoot the camera on the celebrity's face unscrupulously, and ask very sharp questions.

Secondly, there are various methods and excellent tracking skills.

Make-up techniques, tracking techniques, and professional guest appearances can also be recruited to enter clubs and high-end places to find "revealing news".

Finally, and most exaggerated.

They inquired about the hotel where the star stayed, and as soon as the star left, they immediately broke into the room where the star lived.See what they ate and drank, and even searched for "little umbrellas" in trash cans.

Therefore, the HK paparazzi are notorious.

But because the paparazzi's salary is very high, more than twice that of ordinary entertainment reporters, and they don't need writing, so there are a lot of paparazzi.

Celebrities have a rich nightlife and a lot of revelations, so at night, the paparazzi almost come out in full force.

"Beard, wig, hat, sunglasses, you've got everything you need." In the car, Hong Chen saw what Wang Shaoqi had brought out, and said with a smile.

"Brother Hong, be careful. The Feitian Hotel is a top-notch hotel, and I have found out about it from Sister Ge Chen. There is a big advertisement there recently. The young and top-notch gentlemen of the Hong Kong stars are also there, paparazzi are indispensable." Wang Shaoqi opened Get in the car, turn around and say.

"It's a little troublesome." Hong Chen frowned.

He was thinking in his heart, either he and Yan Yileng should just let it go in public, and he would be scolded if he was scolded for being soft food and relying on women.

But this matter involves too many interests of the two companies. Since they choose to sign with the company, they must abide by the company's regulations.

"Phew, it's so difficult to fall in love, who told me to win the lover of the country name." Hong Chen thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he changed his clothes and put on a camouflage, so no one would recognize it unless he looked carefully.

In addition, Feitian Hotel is a top-level hotel after all, and it protects the privacy of customers very much, so there is no problem in hotel monitoring.But the paparazzi will bribe the cleaning staff to go to the room to find evidence after the star leaves the hotel.

But Hong Chen was very witty, he asked Wang Shaoqi to open a couple suite first, and then the two of them entered the room together.

The front desk clerk looked at the backs of the two leaving with strange eyes.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shaoqi, a young man who looks very energetic, actually likes this kind of bearded man.

But the hotel has a rule that you can't ask more questions about customers, and you can't talk too much, so she just shook her head helplessly.

After the two entered the room, Hong Chen gave him a few words, and Wang Shaoqi left.One ID card cannot open two rooms at the same time, so he can only go to another hotel to stay.

Almost an hour later, Hong Chen looked down from the upstairs, and there were densely packed entertainment reporters standing below, taking pictures of something, and it was Yan Yileng who arrived.

Not long after, Yan Yileng put down his luggage in his room, ran to Hong Chen's suite, and knocked on the door.

Yan Yileng was wearing a white fashion dress at the moment, with a delicate water drop necklace on her white neck, her shoulders were exposed, and a pair of perfect legs on high heels were straight and delicate.

This kind of woman is the focus of attention wherever she goes, and she has a soul-stirring charm.

She communicated well with Hong Chen on WeChat, and knocked on Hong Chen's door with some joy.

Hong Chen opened the door and pulled her in, the two looked at each other, Hong Chen hugged her, and then kissed her lightly.

The touch of soft tongues feels wonderful.Yan Yileng closed his eyes, his eyelashes were trembling slightly, and he stroked the hair on the back of Hong Chen's head with a jade hand, seeming to enjoy it.

"Huh, why do I feel like we're having an affair?" After the kiss, Yan Yilen shyly buried her head in Hong Chen's arms and said softly.

Hong Chen hugged her and said softly, "We are having an affair, my girlfriend is filming in Chang'an, don't tell her about it."

"I hate it." Yan Yileng lightly thumped his chest angrily.

Afterwards, the two chatted about recent news and anecdotes, very happy.

Of course, he was not idle while chatting with Hong Chen.

"Hand, be honest." Yan Yileng held Hong Chen's hand in a jaded hand, stopping his attack.

Hong Chen shrugged helplessly, let go of his hands and said, "Okay, I'm almost an old couple, and I'm still so shy."

Hearing this, Yan Yileng's face turned a little red, and she thought in her heart: "Why don't you give yourself to him." Then she shook her head, and thought firmly: "No, a man is too easy to get and you don't cherish it."

"It's not so easy for you to succeed! I'll sleep on the bed at night, and you sleep on the sofa outside." Yan Yileng snorted.

The suite is very large and the sofa is very soft. It is not a problem to sleep two people, and there is nothing comfortable or uncomfortable.

"Okay." Unexpectedly, Hong Chen quickly agreed.

Hearing this, Yan Yileng had doubts on his face, why was Hong Chen so honest this time?

Then, she went to take a bath, Hong Chen looked at her graceful back, a meaningful smile flashed in his eyes.

The fight between the little white rabbit and the big bad wolf is still far away.

Not long after, Yan Yileng came out of the shower.This scene was also particularly fragrant, her hair was wet, her body was still steaming, and her fair skin was like milk, emitting a faint fragrance.

Hong Chen looked at her with a calm expression.

"It's getting late, you go to bed early, you have to shoot a commercial tomorrow." Hong Chen said with a light smile.

After hearing his words, Yan Yileng felt a little strange, and felt a little more lost for no reason.

Why did Hong Chen look so calm when he was like this?
It's already 12:[-] in the evening, it's really getting late.

"Well, good." She nodded in agreement, and then added, "Be honest at night."

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Hong Chen's mouth, but it didn't show on his face.

"Got it." He replied calmly.

Then, Yan Yileng lay down on the bed, Hong Chen kissed her on the forehead, and turned off the light for her.

There is no door between the bedroom and living room of the suite, the whole is one piece.

Yan Yileng was under the quilt, and when he saw Hong Chen go out and lie on the sofa, he also turned off the light in the living room.

This time, the room was completely dark.

The irritability and loss in Yan Yileng's heart became more and more obvious.

"He won't be angry." Yan Yileng thought to himself, "Am I too conservative?"

Just as he was thinking, Yan Yileng suddenly heard some movement.

Some scenes could still be seen in the suite, and she saw Hong Chen stand up.

"Why is he standing up? Going to the bathroom?"

"He seems to be walking towards me, what should I do?"

Yan Yileng was suddenly a little nervous, her slender jade hands tightly gripping the quilt.

Then, Hong Chen groped in the dark, got into Yan Yileng's bed and hugged her.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Yan Yileng called out coquettishly.

Both of them were wearing pajamas at the moment, Hong Chen hugged her, his hands gently stroking her skin, Yan Yileng tried to resist, but for some reason, he didn't have any strength in his body.

Apparently, Hong Chen's play hard to get had an effect on her.

Hong Chen didn't speak, just kissed her lightly.

She was still trying to resist at first, but after a while, her slender arms actively wrapped their arms around Hong Chen's neck in response.

This time, she fell completely.

When he was free, Hong Chen also turned on the bedside lamp.

"Why turn on the light?" Yan Yileng asked shyly, his face flushed.

Hong Chen smiled softly, bit her ear, and whispered in her ear: "This way we can see more clearly."

The hot air came from the ear, Yan Yileng groaned, his whole body felt numb, and he could no longer resist.

 It was blocked just now, because there is only this heroine, and there will be very few such plots in the future, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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