Chapter 1 Blocking the sun!

Jianglin City, at the gate of Tianhai University.

It was the entrance time in the morning, and the students were walking towards the school one after another.

A young man dressed in ordinary clothes but with an unusually handsome appearance stopped at the school gate with a little confusion in his eyes.

Soon, the confusion in the young man's eyes disappeared, replaced by a kind of indifference that regards all beings as nothing.

"This emperor is finally back." Luo Xuan said lightly to himself.

With the opening of the spiritual sense just now, he has remembered everything.

He is the god emperor who traverses the starry sky and commands all gods!

He is the mighty devil emperor in the universe, commanding all demons!

Both the gods and demons respect him as the emperor!

In the entire starry sky, even if all the god masters and demon masters are added up and multiplied by a hundred times, they are no match for him alone.

A long-lived divine body, cultivated to perfection!

An immortal demon body, cultivated to perfection!

God body and demon body, no matter how difficult it is for him to advance.

The only thing that can be cultivated is this human body that has not yet reached perfection!

With Luo Xuan's cultivation base, it is easy to cultivate the cultivation base of the human body to the peak.

But if you want to achieve complete perfection in the human body, there is one thing that cannot be ignored.

human nature!
If you want to cultivate your body, you must cultivate your heart!
Luo Xuan's divinity and demon nature have already been cultivated to perfection, but his human nature is far from this level.

Before his ascension, his starting point was too high, even with a mortal body, he was a well-known underground king.

Afterwards, he ascended prematurely and left the earth. He did not experience many things in the human world. Without a lot of experience in this world, it is difficult to achieve perfection in the cultivation of human nature.

After becoming the emperor of the two worlds of gods and demons, the height is different, the vision is different, and the state of mind is naturally different, and it is even more difficult to experience the feeling of being a human being.

In order to experience and cultivate human nature to perfection, Luo Xuan directly used great mana to add three top-level magic weapons, and the three top-level artifacts reversed the time and space of the earth, returning to his youth, and experienced human nature.

"Too strong, sometimes, is also a kind of distress."

Feeling the strength in his body, Luo Xuan frowned slightly.

The time outside the earth is still flowing, but the time and space of the earth is completely reversed, allowing Luo Xuan to return to his youth. This kind of great magic power is bound to come with a price.

But Luo Xuan's cultivation was really too heaven-defying. Relying on his strong cultivation, Sheng Sheng resisted the entire countercurrent of time and space without any loss in his cultivation.

At most, it's just that the three artifacts, the three magical artifacts were damaged.

Moreover, it is not completely broken, and it is only a matter of time before it is repaired.

Such a result made Luo Xuan frown slightly.

"Forget it, since it is to experience human nature, it is better to use the power of the god body and the devil body sparingly, so as not to blow up the whole earth by mistake."

Luo Xuan's expression was indifferent, but his eyes flickered slightly.

With a heaven-defying cultivation to reverse the time and space of the earth and return to his youth, Luo Xuan did not pay any price for his cultivation.

However, Luo Xuan paid a special price...

This time, when he returned from time reversal, although his strength was not damaged at all, his spiritual sense was blocked for three days at the beginning.

During those three days, Luo Xuan only thought of himself as an ordinary person, and didn't remember that he was the supreme god emperor and devil emperor.

What's even more absurd is that the night before yesterday, an extremely beautiful woman got drunk and went to the wrong room in the hotel, and the two had a relationship by mistake.

Luo Xuan didn't know that woman, but only vaguely remembered her.

After all, in his previous life, he left school prematurely, left Huaguo to go to Europe and other places, and flew away directly within a few years, and didn't pay much attention to Huaguo's affairs.

But with that woman's appearance and temperament, I'm afraid she is not an ordinary person.

Two faint golden lights appeared in Luo Xuan's eyes, and he was about to use the great tracing technique to find out the identity of the woman.

If it's just a woman, even an extremely beautiful woman, it's not worthy for Luo Xuan to check her identity.

Luo Xuan is the emperor of the two worlds of gods and demons. In the past ten thousand years, he has seen the peerless faces of many goddesses and witches, and he does not know how many people admire him.

Luo Xuan, the proud girl of the sky, ignores them all, let alone a woman with a mortal body?

But this woman is a little different.

Because Luo Xuan paid a special price for this woman.

What Luo Xuan is obsessed with is only one way of cultivation, no matter before becoming emperor or after becoming emperor.

Countless goddesses and witches admired Luo Xuan, and even several great gods and devils admired him, Luo Xuan was not moved at all.

For thousands of years, nothing has changed.

But this woman on earth has broken this situation.

In other words, this woman broke his ten-thousand-year boyhood!
Thinking of all this, even Luo Xuan's state of mind fluctuated slightly.

Just when Luo Xuan was about to use the Great Tracing Technique, after thinking about it, he still put it away.

"Since it is to experience human nature, you must first try to treat yourself as a person. It is better to use these techniques sparingly."

He reversed time and space with his heaven-defying cultivation and returned to his youth, just to experience human nature.

If he wants to rely on divine techniques and magic skills for everything, then his humanity is doomed not to be experienced.

"Since it is to experience human nature, you can't rely too much on the power of the god body and the devil body. This human body can be cultivated well."

With a thought, a practice appeared in Luo Xuan's mind.

Vientiane Heavenly Kung Fu!

This is the exercise that Luo Xuan obtained in an ancient ruins. The exercise is so exquisite that he nods his head several times.

However, this exercise requires starting from scratch to practice, and Luo Xuan's divine body and demon body naturally cannot be cultivated.

But reversing time and space and returning to the earth, the current human body can be cultivated.

After activating the Vientiane Heaven Art, Luo Xuan started to walk towards the school gate.

While walking, the aura of heaven and earth poured into the protagonist crazily. Before Luo Xuan entered the school gate, there was a feeling of breaking the shackles in his body.

Vientiane Heaven Skill, the first level, refined!

Sensing the changes in his body, Luo Xuan didn't feel any joy, but he let out a long sigh in his heart.

Too much talent is also a kind of distress.

His talent is really beyond the sky. In such a short period of time, he has cultivated the first level of the Vientiane Heaven Skill that ordinary people would not be able to achieve in decades.

"Forget it, it's better to deliberately suppress it and let the cultivation base slow down as much as possible. Otherwise, the cultivation of the human body can't keep up, and the cultivation of human nature can't keep up, and it will be troublesome."

With the current strength of the first level of Luoxuan's Myriad Phrases Heavenly Art, the human body is completely capable of resisting machine gun bullets, and there is basically no danger.

Luo Xuan decided to temporarily slow down the progress of cultivation.

Besides, even if he encounters any danger, with his talent, a short time is enough for the cultivation of Vientiane Heavenly Art to advance by leaps and bounds, without worrying about any enemies.

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have improved this Vientiane Heaven Art."

The senior who created the Vientiane Heavenly Art in ancient times is naturally amazing and talented, but I am afraid that even this senior is alive, and he does not have Luo Xuan's powerful cultivation base, and there are some flaws in the cultivation method.

Luo Xuan had already improved this Vientiane Heaven Art by himself, removed the dross and added his own understanding and perception.

With his terrifying talent, coupled with his understanding of the Vientiane Heavenly Art, it would be a long way to go to practice the Vientiane Heavenly Art.

If the entry is promoted too quickly, it will naturally not be conducive to his experience of human nature.

Without thinking about all this, Luo Xuan strolled into the campus, and his appearance changed from the unusually handsome appearance after becoming an emperor to the appearance of a boy.

At that moment, all the girls who had seen Luo Xuan just now, and even many girls who were secretly staring at Luo Xuan, were in a daze, forgetting what Luo Xuan had just seen.

Walking to the campus and basking in the sunshine, Luo Xuan's mood gradually calmed down, and he felt a touch of humanity.

God Realm and Demon Realm, how can we see such sunshine?
Even if he created nine suns with great mana, and even changed the orbit of the sun to cause the sun to run in the God Realm and Demon Realm, he still didn't have the feeling of bathing in the sun.

Such sunshine made him feel very useful, and it also helped him to experience human nature to a certain extent.

"Wang Song, don't come here, I won't be your girlfriend!"


When Luo Xuan walked to the teaching building, a voice suddenly came from the roof.

Immediately afterwards, the sunlight around Luo Xuan was covered by a black shadow.

Luo Xuan looked up and saw a girl falling from the roof.

Seeing Luo Xuan downstairs, Xia Mengxi couldn't help feeling sad.


This time she fell from the seventh floor, she must have died, and there were still people below, if not, Luo Xuan below would be implicated.

She tried her best to wave her arms to get Luo Xuan out of the way, but the falling speed was so fast that she couldn't control it at all.

Seeing the two getting closer, she couldn't help closing her eyes in despair.

Luo Xuan frowned, and waved his right hand, without touching the girl's body, the girl seemed to be bounced away by a breeze, and landed gently on the ground.

Xia Mengxi only felt that her body was light, and the severe pain she imagined did not happen.

Opening his eyes carefully, he found that he was standing firmly on the ground, and Luo Xuan was standing not far from her.

Could it be that the young man in front of him saved him?
A gleam flashed in Xia Mengxi's beautiful eyes, just as she was about to thank her, Luo Xuan turned her gaze to her with a slightly angry expression.

"You, block my sun!"


[PS: This book has a single heroine, the heroine does not appear at the beginning, please read back~

Book lovers who like e-sports, you can read the old book of the author Jun under the same pen name, "League of Legends: I Really Didn't Want to Master All Positions" (also known as "All-round Genius of League of Legends")~
Thank you for your support to the author~]

 The new book is released, I don't know if there are any old book friends coming over, do you still remember this humble little author like me.

  Originally, what I thought was that the last book would be my last book, but what happened in reality later made me feel a certain depression in my heart.

  More importantly, I love the characters in my book and the happiness they bring to me.

  On April 2017, 4, I typed the first word of Almighty Genius. In retrospect, I was so new at that time that I couldn’t be more new, and I couldn’t even do the most basic division.

  I kept updating until close to 5 words before I finally signed the contract. At that time, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. I asked other people for their experience in groups and forums every day.

  The speed of the code word is so slow that the turtle crawls, but I still clumsily go back and modify the beginning a little bit, simplifying the segmentation, for fear that my readers will look tired, even though I didn't have any readers at the time.

  During that time, I was really tired and happy, but the almighty genius finished the book on March 2019, 3. I didn't feel relieved, but I always felt that something was missing in my heart.

  I suffered from insomnia for a few days. In the end, I still couldn’t get my head around it, so I started to prepare a new book.

  Today is April 2019th, 4. April 20th is the anniversary of the publication of the Almighty Genius, and the release of the new book is also scheduled for this day.

  I hope that I can live up to everyone's expectations and bring you something different.

  Sincerely, Piao Piao Yu


(End of this chapter)

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