Chapter 117 Karma on that day (recommendation ticket requested)
This is an extremely beautiful woman, and as she walked out, the entire world around her seemed to have completely lost its color.

Her eyes were cold, and her phoenix eyebrows carried a trace of power that could not be concealed. She was the Bingyue Empress whose beauty was unmatched by anyone in the entire God Realm!

If there were no Mu Bingqing, perhaps her appearance would have been the pinnacle in the world.

"Bingyue, I will use your Bingji Divine Art to make up for this volume of grandeur to conceal the sun."

Saying that, a cyan dossier flew towards Empress Bingyue.

Empress Bingyue didn't take it, and with her cold eyes, she moved slightly at this moment.

It's not because Haoran's ability to hide the sun is much higher than her Ice God Art, but because Luo Xuan unexpectedly wanted her Ice God Art.

"Master, please forgive Bingyue for talking too much. The Bingji God Art is only suitable for female body cultivation, and has no effect on the Lord. Why does the Lord... want this art all of a sudden?"

Luo Xuan's eyes were indifferent, and he said: "I have my own considerations on this matter, you don't need to ask more."

Empress Bingyue didn't say much, and with a touch of her hand, an ice-blue dossier appeared in her hand.

Even if it is far away, you can feel the slightest chill emanating from it.

This volume of Ice God Art flew directly into Luo Xuan's hands automatically.

However, Empress Bingyue still didn't take over the volume of Haoran concealing the sun.

"Since the lord wants the Bingji Divine Art, just take it directly, and between the lord and Bingyue... why bother about these things."

In the words, there is a little thought-provoking meaning.

However, after Empress Bingyue's words fell, the scroll of grandeur concealing the sun directly turned into a green light, which sank into the center of her eyebrows.

After a short silence, Empress Bingyue said: "Master, you really haven't changed at all. Is Bingyue the same as everyone else in the Lord's heart?"

After the Bingyue Empress finished speaking, Luo Xuan's eyes didn't change in any way, they were still so flat that there was no wave.

Seeing this, Empress Bingyue didn't bring up this topic again, her phoenix eyes glanced at the surrounding environment, and said: "It turns out that this is the place where the Lord was born and grew up, and it is really full of human breath."

"In such a place, perhaps the Lord can really experience his own humanity."

Luo Xuan said indifferently: "Bingyue, there is nothing else to do, you can step back, if you stay here for a long time, it will also be a kind of damage to the laws of the earth."

Staring at Luo Xuan for a while, Empress Bingyue nodded slightly.

"Bingyue should obey the Lord's order, but Bingyue also hopes that the Lord can visit the God Realm from time to time. Besides Bingyue, Ziyao also misses the Lord very much."

Luo Xuan's eyes didn't change in any way, and he said lightly: "The matter of staying in the human world is over, and I will naturally return to the god world."

The voice fell, and there was a brief silence in the air.

Empress Bingyue did not leave either.

Seeing this, Luo Xuan frowned slightly, and said, "Is there anything else?"

Staring at Luo Xuan for a while, Empress Bingyue said: "My lord, Bingyue... May I ask you a question?"

"Talk." Luo Xuan frowned slightly.

Empress Bingyue today undoubtedly talked a lot more than usual.

You know, Empress Bingyue is the number one empress in the Northern Territory of the Megatron God Realm, and her personality is also cold and decisive.

In front of him, although it wasn't so cold, but never like today, there were so many words.

Especially when she mentioned the Goddess Ziyao at the end just now, it already seemed like she was looking for something to say.

Looking at Luo Xuan's eyes, Empress Bingyue's eyes finally moved away slowly, and said softly:
"My lord...why is Yuanyang lost?"

After the words of Empress Bingyue fell, Luo Xuan's eyes finally changed somewhat.

At this time, he already knew why the Bingyue Empress was so abnormal today.

She clearly felt it early on, that Yuan Yang had lost this point.

If Luo Xuan hadn't suppressed his departure, let alone the Bingyue Empress, even a hundred Bingyue Empresses would not be able to detect any of his aura.

But now, he only used a small amount of divine power, and he is still in a human body. With the power level of the Bingyue Empress, it is not difficult to feel that his Yuanyang has been lost.

Luo Xuan turned his back on the figure, and said in a low voice: "You don't need to ask more about this matter."

Staring at Luo Xuan's back, Empress Bingyue's eyes flashed with a little sadness, "To win the Lord's love, she must be the most outstanding woman in the world, and also the luckiest woman."

"There is nothing else, Bingyue will leave..."

After the voice fell, accompanied by a very faint spatial fluctuation, the Bingyue Empress had disappeared there.

Everything around her returned to normal in an instant, as if she had never been here before.

Luo Xuan's expression didn't change at all, and he didn't turn around to look at the place where Empress Bingyue disappeared, and walked away from the river.

Mu Bingqing naturally got his boy Yuanyang, but as for getting his love, Empress Bingyue thought too much about it.

It can only be said that Mu Bingqing's position in Luo Xuan's heart is somewhat different now.

Thinking of the conversation with Lin Yunhai today, Luo Xuan's mood also changed slightly.

On the day he and Mu Bingqing just got married, he asked and even questioned the reason why Mu Bingqing married him.

In his opinion at that time, with Mu Bingqing's face and identity, he couldn't find any kind of man he wanted, but Mu Bingqing chose him who had nothing.

He even said, did Mu Bingqing get drunk on purpose that day, or did she often go there to get drunk, to see who could take away her virginity, would be her fiancé.

Luo Xuan remembered that after he finished his words, Mu Bingqing was greatly sullen, but she didn't explain anything, only saying that he could think whatever he wanted!
In the end, Luo Xuan made a slight exception and used retrospective techniques to find out why Mu Bingqing went to drink that day.

Because he was worried that it would affect his experience of human nature, Luo Xuan only used very little power at that time, only to find out the reason why Mu Bingqing went to drink that day, but did not find out the result of her going to drink.

And after the conversation with Lin Yunhai ended today, all these things were finally connected by him.

Mu Bingqing would go drinking on that day, precisely because that day was the anniversary of her adoptive mother's death!
This was the result of Luo Xuan's simple investigation that day.

But now, Luo Xuan already knew that that day was also the anniversary of Mu Bingqing's younger sister, Mu Mengqing's death!
You know, Mu Bingqing and Mu Mengqing are twin sisters, so they were born on the same day. Mu Mengqing died on her 16th birthday, and that day was also Mu Bingqing's birthday!

Luo Xuan naturally imagined that after the age of 16, Mu Bingqing must never have a good birthday again.

In a year, and only on this day, she would go to drink and let alcohol anesthetize herself.

Afterwards, the two had a relationship by accident. It was said that Mu Bingqing went to the wrong room, but if one looked deeper, the fault was actually not Mu Bingqing's fault, but Luo Xuan's...

(End of this chapter)

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