Chapter 119 Coincidence? (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Putting the condensed Bing Qing Jue in his hand, Luo Xuan turned his palm over, and a divine Jue exuding an icy aura appeared in his hand again.

It was the Ice God Art just now!

With Luo Xuan's ability, before he condensed the Extreme Ice Divine Art just now, he had already engraved a volume of the Extreme Ice Divine Art.

The Bing Qing Jue that was condensed just now is the reprinted version of the Bing Ji Shen Jue. Originally, Luo Xuan did not move at all.

Since he told Empress Bingyue that he borrowed her Bingji Divine Art, he would naturally not lie, let alone take it away directly.

Then, following Luo Xuan's thoughts, the entire volume of Ice God Art directly turned into an ice blue streamer and disappeared into the sky.

Naturally, he returned to the side of Empress Bingyue.

After doing all this, Luo Xuan stared at the Bing Qing Jue in his hand, but Luo Xuan didn't put it away directly.

"Three Thousand Illusory Worlds!"

With the activation of Luo Xuan's divine sense, the scene in front of him changed drastically in an instant.

Even, as if all the heavens and worlds appeared directly in front of him!
Looking at everything in front of him, Luo Xuan's expression was still impassive, he stepped in and disappeared in place.

He wants to use his power to temper the Bing Qing Jue again!

Although the current Bing Qing Jue has been tempered, it is only tempered with the power of heaven after all.

And his level of strength is several times higher than that of Tiandao!
Since this volume of divine formula is going to be used by Mu Bingqing in the future, for his only woman, he will naturally make it perfect!

At the same time, on the earth, Mu Bingqing had already washed the dishes after breakfast.

And just as she finished washing the dishes, she received a call, and her expression changed instantly.

After that, he left the villa directly and headed towards the hospital where Lin Yunhai was!

"Professor Li, you said that you saw the man who came with me that day come to my father's ward under surveillance, is it true?"

In the private monitoring room of the hospital, Mu Bingqing listened to Li Nianyun's words, her icy eyes wavered slightly.

"Of course it's true, President Mu will know it with his own eyes."

Li Nianyun smiled kindly, and then let Mu Bingqing to the monitor.

Seeing the person under surveillance, Mu Bingqing's crescent eyebrows moved slightly, it was none other than Luo Xuan!
The monitoring screen showed that Luo Xuan did not use any other means to enter the intensive care unit, but walked in directly from the main entrance.

Luo Xuan was so straightforward, it could even be said that he swaggered in from the main entrance, but in the monitoring screen, none of Mu Bingqing's special bodyguards stopped Luo Xuan!

At this time, the bodyguard leader Yang Hao and others had already bent over and half knelt on the ground, trembling.

They couldn't understand why they let Luo Xuan in like this.

Even in their memories, there was no impression that Luo Xuan had been there that day!
But the monitoring screen will not lie. With this scene, their crime of dereliction of duty cannot escape.

Bing eyes swept over Yang Hao and the others, and Mu Bingqing said calmly: "You all step back first, I will investigate this matter myself, if it has nothing to do with you, I will not care about it."

As she said that, Mu Bingqing's voice turned cold, and she said coldly: "But if I find out that you are really lax and dereliction of duty, you will be severely punished!"

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Yang Hao and the others hurriedly withdrew as if they were granted amnesty.

"President Mu didn't pursue the crime of negligence of duty of his subordinates. He really has a kind heart." Li Nianyun said.

Mu Bingqing's snowy face was calm, and she said: "Professor Li is absurd, I just don't want to make a conclusion before the matter is fully investigated, so as not to wrong innocent people."

As she said that, Mu Bingqing frowned while looking at the surveillance video, and said, "After all, there are many doubts about this matter."

Hearing this, Li Nianyun also nodded lightly, and said: "That's true, even if Yang Hao and others are lazy and negligent, it's not like such a big living person just walked in, they are completely indifferent."

After Li Nianyun finished speaking, Mu Bingqing's crescent eyebrows still did not loosen.

She remembered that the last time Lin Yunhai told her that Luo Xuan had come back that day, when she asked about Yang Hao and the others, Yang Hao and the others insisted that Luo Xuan had not come back.

Today, looking at the appearance of Yang Hao and others, it is clear that they don't remember Luo Xuan's previous appearance.

Will there be any connection between these two things?
It's a pity that the surveillance camera was damaged that day, and the scene of Luo Xuan coming back here alone last time was not captured. Otherwise, she might be able to infer some connection between the two pictures.

At this moment, Mu Bingqing couldn't help but wonder, was the damage to the surveillance system last time a coincidence?

The last time when Luo Xuan returned to the intensive care unit, the monitoring system of the entire hospital was damaged, so the scene of Luo Xuan returning to the hospital last time was not photographed at all.

And last time, it was the damage to the monitoring system of the entire hospital, not just the damage to the monitoring of the intensive care unit on the top floor. It seemed more likely to be a coincidence.

Today, after the surveillance at the entrance of the intensive care unit was reinstalled, the scene of Luo Xuan coming to the intensive care unit was photographed, and the surveillance system of the intensive care unit on the top floor was not damaged at all.

No matter how you look at it, what happened last time seems to be a coincidence. It just happened that at that time, the monitoring system of the hospital was broken.

"Is what happened last time really a coincidence?"

As Mu Bingqing thought about it in her heart, she tightened her eyebrows more and more. She always felt that things were not that simple.

In fact, Mu Bingqing's feeling was not wrong, because what happened last time was not a coincidence at all!
The last time the monitoring system of the hospital was damaged, it was naturally caused by Luo Xuan!
To be precise, it was the instinctive rejection reaction of Luo Xuan's power under this kind of monitoring.

Luo Xuan hates the feeling of being watched by others, so when encountering this kind of monitoring, his power will instinctively destroy it!

But today's situation is somewhat different.

After the surveillance system in the intensive care unit on the top floor was broken last time, Mu Bingqing sent someone to install the best surveillance system in the fastest possible time, and checked it several times in person.

In this way, those cameras inevitably got a little bit of her breath.

Today, when Luo Xuan's power was about to destroy these surveillance cameras, he sensed Mu Bingqing's aura on them, and after a little thought, he did not destroy these surveillance cameras.

Although he hated the feeling of being watched by others, if this person was Mu Bingqing, he could ignore it.

After all, Mu Bingqing was his only woman, and the two of them were married. If Mu Bingqing wanted to know these things, Luo Xuan would naturally not deliberately hide them from her.

But Mu Bingqing doesn't know all of this right now.

Looking at the surveillance screen in front of her, Mu Bingqing only felt that there were many unreasonable things revealed in it!

(End of this chapter)

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