Chapter 123 Return (recommendation ticket requested)
Mu Bingqing hadn't had dinner yet, and she didn't feel disgusted with the food on the table in front of her.

After all, although she now has the ultimate wealth, she has also lived a hard life since she was a child, so she naturally doesn't feel that she is superior and does not eat these home-cooked meals.

In addition, Luo Xuan eats like this in front of her, this kind of visual stimulation will naturally stimulate her taste buds.

Even she couldn't hold on just now, and swallowed subconsciously.

Seeing that Luo Xuan seemed to have realized this, Mu Bingqing's expression was also somewhat unnatural.

The blush on Mu Bingqing's snowy face disappeared in a flash, but how could it escape Luo Xuan's gaze.

Looking at Mu Bingqing, Luo Xuan said calmly: "Mu Bingqing, you don't have to force yourself in front of me. If you're hungry, just eat a little."

With that said, Luo Xuan pushed a dish towards her.

Mu Bingqing thought for a while, and finally picked up the chopsticks.

Glancing at Luo Xuan opposite, although the blush on her face had disappeared, her expression was still somewhat unnatural.

With a cold snort, Mu Bingqing said: "Hmph! I don't want to eat, but I'm afraid that if you can't finish such a table of food, it will be a waste of money, and you will be stuffed to death after eating it!"

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, a strange color flashed in Luo Xuan's eyes.

Although Mu Bingqing's words just now were still cold, they were clearly trying to hold on.

Obviously, she was just looking for a suitable reason for her to have this dinner with Luo Xuan.

But since he invited her to dinner, Luo Xuan would naturally not expose this point, so as not to make it difficult for her to come down.

At this time, Mu Bingqing had already started using her chopsticks.

The way she ate was much more elegant than Luo Xuan's.

To be precise, the dining postures of the two are very similar to a large extent.

Although Luo Xuan was eating non-stop just now, due to his personality, he naturally couldn't act like he was feasting, but was eating in an orderly manner.

Mu Bingqing obviously did the same.

His eyes stayed on Mu Bingqing for a while, and at a certain moment, Luo Xuan seemed to notice something, and Luo Xuan couldn't help frowning.

Because he felt that the four people at the next table had come here with malicious intentions.

Sure enough, not long after, that group of people had already arrived at their dining table.

"Beauty, I see that the stunned boy in front of you doesn't know how to be sympathetic, so why don't you eat with my brother, okay~"

The one who spoke was a punk with dyed yellow hair, who seemed to be the boss of these people.

And hearing this person's words, Mu Bingqing's expression didn't change at all, she didn't even raise her head, as if this person didn't exist in her eyes at all.

The man frowned, but he didn't mind, and said very frivolously: "Beauty, what's so delicious about these things, brother, I'll give you something more delicious~"

Although Mu Bingqing didn't seem to have any reaction, in the eyes of the young man with yellow hair, she was undoubtedly just holding on.

In the heart of the young man with yellow hair, he wanted to laugh out loud.

Unexpectedly, he just came to this food stall casually to meet such a top-notch beauty, which is really a big profit!

As for Luo Xuan on the side, he was directly ignored by him.

In his opinion, wouldn't it be easy for him to get rid of such a brat?
The diners at the other tables also noticed the change here, but no one came up to take care of it, and they didn't dare to take care of it!
This young man with yellow hair is considered well-known in this area, if he manages this matter, he will be in trouble!
However, the owner of the food stall, as well as several diners, are already preparing to quietly call the police.

"Boy, your girlfriend will lend me for a while first, if you are sensible, get out of here!"

After swearing at Luo Xuan viciously, the young man with yellow hair ignored Luo Xuan directly, stretched out his hand with fiery eyes, and grabbed Mu Bingqing's arm.

However, before he touched Mu Bingqing's arm, Luo Xuan's hand directly grabbed his wrist!

Afterwards, directly and fiercely fold it!
The yellow-haired young man's expression was distorted in pain, and he opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't make the slightest sound.

Because his voice was directly blocked by Luo Xuan at this time!

Luo Xuan's expression was indifferent, he invited Mu Bingqing to dinner, naturally he didn't want to be disturbed by others.

These ants are really courting death!
A chopstick shot out directly from Luo Xuan's hand, sank into the shoulder bone of the yellow-haired young man, and came out directly from his shoulder bone, completely stained with blood!
Under the severe pain, the yellow-haired youth stepped back a few steps.

Seeing this, the other people were about to step forward when a black glow flashed in Luo Xuan's eyes, and he swept across them coldly.

Vientiane Heavenly Art, Soul Phase!
After Luo Xuan's eyes swept across, the young man with yellow hair and the others suddenly felt as if struck by lightning, their bodies completely froze in place, and their eyes became completely hollow.

They also experienced the shock that Dao Scar suffered that day because of provoking Luo Xuan!
"I have eaten."

At this time, Mu Bingqing stood up from her seat, said lightly, and then walked out.

Luo Xuan didn't look at the young men with yellow hair anymore. Their fate would undoubtedly be the same as the scar that day, and they were no longer worthy of his attention.

After walking to the front desk and paying the bill, Luo Xuan and Mu Bingqing left the place directly.

And until he finished paying the bill, the owner of the food stall, as well as the enthusiastic diners who were about to call the police just now, were all in a state of confusion.

It was as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Luo Xuan didn't stay any longer, and left here directly with Mu Bingqing.

After walking out of the food stall, Luo Xuan held Mu Bingqing's hand very naturally. Mu Bingqing's body froze slightly before returning to normal, and she did not break free from Luo Xuan's hand.

Seeing Mu Bingqing's extremely calm expression, Luo Xuan said, "Mu Bingqing, you didn't seem nervous at all at the food stall just now?"

"Why should I be nervous?" Mu Bingqing asked in a flat tone.

Looking across Mu Bingqing's snowy face, Luo Xuan said indifferently, "Don't tell me you're not afraid of those people at all?"

"Because you are by my side, with you protecting me, I will naturally not be afraid." Mu Bingqing's expression did not show the slightest wave.

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Luo Xuan couldn't help but pause.

Afterwards, he said lightly: "This point is not wrong, you are a very smart woman."

At this time, Mu Bingqing said: "Recently, I feel like there is an extra force in my body. I don't know where it came from, but it's not my illusion."

"Even without you, those people shouldn't be worried."

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Luo Xuan couldn't help but frown a little, and then returned to normal.

He naturally knew the reason for this.

(End of this chapter)

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