Chapter 125 The Way to Make Money (Please recommend a ticket)
Today, Luo Xuan did not invite Mu Bingqing to a better place for dinner, the reason is very simple, just one word - poor!

In layman's terms, there is no money.

Although it sounds a bit ridiculous, this is indeed the truth, and it is also the reality faced by many people.

When he was a teenager, Su Ningxue would bring him breakfast every day.

Hou Ji would also take him to various dinners. On the surface, he asked Luo Xuan to accompany him, but in fact it was to save Luo Xuan the cost of a lunch or dinner.

Both Su Ningxue and Hou Ji are helping Luo Xuan in their own ways, while protecting Luo Xuan's self-esteem from being hurt.

Even three meals a day have to go through the help of Su Ningxue and Hou Ji. It is enough to imagine how poor Luo Xuan was in his youth.

If Mu Bingqing is invited to a better place tonight, he really doesn't have that much money.

The black card given to him by the Scarlet Blood Wolf is also inconvenient to use today.

The gifts Bai Shixiong gave him were quite valuable, but Luo Xuan originally gave those gifts when he was going to visit the Su family.

Afterwards, those gifts were also sent out by Luo Xuan, and delivered to Su Qiancheng and the others. If none was left behind, naturally they couldn't be exchanged for money.

Besides, Luo Xuan didn't have the habit of selling things that others gave him for money.

Now, if Luo Xuan asked Bai Shixiong for money, Bai Shixiong would naturally give it to him very happily, and even wished to give him everything he could, just for his favor.

But Luo Xuan naturally didn't want to do this, let alone owe Bai Shixiong a favor like this.

After thinking about it, it's better to make some money yourself.

"However, even if you want to make money, the method of making money cannot be determined arbitrarily." Luo Xuan frowned slightly.

Even if he wants to make money, he can't make money by working part-time. Not only is the money coming too slowly, it's not suitable for him.

Using one's own ability, one can get a lot of money at will, but doing so is not in line with Luo Xuan's original intention.

Since it is to experience human nature, if you want to treat yourself as a person, you can't do some things at will.

And thinking of this, Luo Xuan couldn't help but frown.

It was because he thought of some other things when he found out the memories of old Chen and old Li who were beside Bai Shixiong about martial arts that day.

Martial arts black market!

From the memories of Chen Lao and Li Lao, Luo Xuan detected the existence of the so-called black market in martial arts.

The so-called black market in martial arts is a black market that only people in the martial arts world can participate in. Of course, ordinary people with high self-esteem and strong physique can also participate.

But soon, you will realize your lack of ability, and leave in embarrassment.

And this martial arts black market is not just a market for martial artist trading, but more, it is a task issued by some gold masters!

After completing the task, you will get the corresponding reward.

This martial arts black market is perfect for the current Luo Xuan.

Seeing that Mu Bingqing had already gone upstairs, Luo Xuan went to the laptop on the first floor, and according to the information in the memory of Chen Lao and Li Lao, he boarded the address of the martial arts black market.

Entering the martial arts black market, Luo Xuan directly entered the task page regardless of the market transaction page.

After Luo Xuan entered the task page, dozens of pages of tasks appeared directly in front of Luo Xuan.

Among them, the number of rewards varies, and the types are also various, including escorts, investigations, contests, and pursuits.

Luo Xuan flipped through it, and there was a task that made Luo Xuan's gaze slightly fixed.

"Assassinate Canghai City Wenren's daughter, the bounty is 800 million!"

Publisher, showing unknown.

Obviously, this is an assassination post. For a powerful warrior, such a task is no different from sending money.

After all, if it is an escort, it may be necessary to escort a certain person or certain property to the destination, which will inevitably waste time, the same goes for probing, fighting, chasing, etc.

But there is only one life. Assassination is a mission, as long as the assassin's life is taken away, there is no need for any timeliness.

For Luo Xuan, it is undoubtedly something that can be done easily, and the 800 million is also within easy reach.

However, Luo Xuan did not intend to accept this task.

Even if he needs a sum of money now, he doesn't want to directly kill an innocent girl because of the money.

Instead of doing this, it's better to ask Bai Shixiong for a sum of money directly, the worst is to owe Bai Shixiong a favor, and give him a chance in the future.

Of course, this is just a way to guarantee the bottom line. If there is no suitable task in the martial arts black market, Luo Xuan may consider it.

When there is a suitable task in the martial arts black market, he will naturally not consider it.

He glanced at the black market again, scanned the task just now, and found that the task had already been accepted, and it was taken over a few hours ago.

He hadn't planned to accept this task, so naturally he didn't need to think about it.

However, when he continued to look down, a task made Luo Xuan's brows twitch involuntarily.

"Protect Wenren's daughter in Canghai City, reward 1000 million!"

Obviously, this post is completely opposite to the one just now.

The bounty of this mission is 200 million higher than that of the assassination mission. It is conceivable that the person who issued the mission must have a lot to do with this famous daughter.

The person who issued the mission did not show unknown this time, but three words.

Wenren Mu!
Obviously, this is someone from Wenren's family, even if he is not a direct relative of Wenren's daughter, there must be some other relationship.

Seeing this task, Luo Xuan couldn't help thinking for a while.

"Canghai City, I heard someone's daughter..."

This task is not in Jianglin City, but in Canghai City. Although Canghai City is adjacent to Jianglin City, there is still some distance between them.

The distance is still second, mainly because compared with the assassination mission, this kind of protection mission is more time-sensitive.

Assassination mission, if the assassination target's life is taken, the mission is completed, but the protection mission is obviously not the case.

After all, who knows when the person who is going to assassinate Wenren's daughter will come, and Luo Xuan can't be the personal bodyguard of Wenren's daughter for the next month.

Naturally, Luo Xuan couldn't do such a thing.

At this time, Luo Xuan noticed something, and his eyes couldn't help but move slightly.

Because behind this protection task, a note was added: the time is only tomorrow afternoon!
If this is the case, Luo Xuan's worries can be completely eliminated.

Seeing the accept button at the back, Luo Xuan directly clicked it!
"Sure enough, you need to register your identity."

Glancing at the information that popped up on the page, Luo Xuan thought for a while and directly typed a name.

Luo Jiuxuan!
(End of this chapter)

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