Chapter 13 I want to fight!

Tianhai University!

Fengshan Martial Arts Club!
At this time, it was already evening, and most of the members had already left.

But in the Martial Arts Club, there were still two people who did not leave.

One of them is Wu Shan!

"President, you want to avenge me for what happened today!" Wu Shan said angrily.

In addition to Wu Shan, there is another person, who is wearing a martial arts uniform, punching forward non-stop.

This person is surprisingly the president of Fengshan Martial Arts Club, Yang Tianfeng!
"The skills are not as good as others, and it is natural to lose. Why should I avenge you?"

Yang Tianfeng didn't look at Wu Shan, but still kept his eyes on the punch ahead, and the air was blowing with gusts of punches, looking like a master.

"President, but I'm not reconciled, you know, that's Su Ningxue, one of the top five campus beauties! I don't know how many people are chasing him, how can I take advantage of that trash boy!"

As he said that, Wu Shan said flatteringly: "Such a beauty is of course more suitable for the president. If the president takes action to teach Luo Xuan a lesson, how can Su Ningxue fall into your arms obediently?"

Hearing that Yang Tianfeng's movements finally stopped, Yang Tianfeng, who was just like a master just now, had already shown an obvious movement.

"Wu Shan, I remember, you seem to like Su Ningxue, right?" Yang Tianfeng asked casually.

Hearing Yang Tianfeng's words, Wu Shan knew that Yang Tianfeng had already moved his mind on Su Ningxue!
Wu Shan seemed very sensible, and said: "Look at what you said, I'm just putting on a show. Such a superb beauty is of course suitable for you, the president."

"Furthermore, that brat Luoxuan is really too arrogant. He even said that the martial arts of our martial arts club are children's tricks. If you don't teach him a lesson, President, what will be the face of our Fengshan Martial Arts Club!"

"Oh? Since he dared to humiliate our Fengshan Martial Arts Club like this, then as the president, I must teach him a lesson!" Yang Tianfeng said.

"After a while, I'll give him a gauntlet. Just look at Yang Tianfeng's gauntlet. Will he dare to accept it?"

Although Yang Tianfeng seemed to be angry, in fact, Wu Shan knew that any child's tricks, such as humiliating the Martial Arts Club, were all Yang Tianfeng was looking for a way to step down.

The real reason is because of Su Ningxue!
Wu Shan didn't care about all of this. Now he just wants to see Luo Xuan beaten into a dead dog!

"Luo Xuan, now, you're not dead yet!"

The corner of Wu Shan's mouth is also sneering again and again!

The next morning, the villa where Luo Xuan and Mu Bingqing were staying.

When Mu Bingqing woke up, Luo Xuan naturally sensed it.

But he didn't open his eyes, he didn't get up from the bed until he sensed that Mu Bingqing had completely left the villa.

When they came downstairs, Mu Bingqing had already left, and on the dining table was the breakfast she left for Luo Xuan.

It's still like yesterday, very simple fast food, so simple that it doesn't fit Mu Bingqing's identity.

If it was someone else, they might think that Mu Bingqing ate a good meal by herself, and left some ordinary breakfast to Luo Xuan, giving Luo Xuan a big blow.

But Luo Xuan already knew from the wreckage in the trash can and the lingering smell of Mu Bingqing on it that she also ate these things in the morning!

Luo Xuan directly picked up the breakfast on the table. Even though he could not eat for a long time, it is extremely beneficial to experience the human nature, eat the food on the earth, and feel some of the feelings of being human.

Even though he is a god emperor and devil emperor, he has never disliked these foods on earth.

Just like yesterday, he also had lunch with Su Ningxue.

Furthermore, this was Mu Bingqing's wish after all, and he couldn't easily discard it.

After eating, Luo Xuan left the villa.

The villa where Mu Bingqing lived was very close to Luo Xuan's school, so Luo Xuan ran directly to the school to enjoy the feeling of running in the morning.

After running for a while, Luo Xuan frowned slightly.

He found that there was also a person running in the morning in front of him!
It was an extremely slender figure, wearing a sports vest and sports shorts, and his figure was extremely tall.

Regardless of appearance, just talking about such a figure, you can envy ordinary girls.

Luo Xuan's expression changed slightly, and he sped up a little bit. Although the girl was not running slowly, at his speed, he quickly overtook the girl.

When running past the girl, Luo Xuan's eyes turned slightly to the side, and then a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes!

This morning jogging girl not only has an exquisite figure, but also has a beautiful face. She is definitely no less beautiful than Su Ningxue and Xia Mengxi.

But Luo Xuan has no interest in her beauty or ugliness at all.

The girl who attracted his attention just now was not because she was also jogging in the morning, but because of her back, which resembled an old friend of Luo Xuan's!
But now, Luo Xuan has confirmed that she, no!
Chu Shiyin was also extremely surprised to see someone passing by her.

"It must be that he wants to attract my attention. He speeded up for a while, and then he will definitely slow down and wait for me, ready to strike up a conversation." Chu Shiyin thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, she was no longer surprised.

She has seen many such men!
If he had no interest in him, how could he have looked sideways at him just now.

But then, Chu Shiyin was a little confused!
Not only did Luo Xuan not slow down to wait for him, but the distance between her and her grew further and further.

Obviously, he didn't mean to wait for her at all!
This plot is wrong!
After that, she didn't know what was causing the psychological troubles, she directly fought with Luo Xuan, and also increased her speed, chasing after Luo Xuan.

But no matter how she ran, she just couldn't catch up with Luo Xuan.

Chu Shiyin was even more shocked, not because she couldn't catch up with Luo Xuan, but because Luo Xuan obviously didn't seem to run very fast, as if she could catch up soon, but she just couldn't get close!

How could she not be shocked by such a scene that almost went against common sense!

Luo Xuan naturally also noticed that Chu Shiyin was chasing him, but he didn't look back, let alone stop.

It's just a girl who has never masked her face. At most, her back looks a little like her old friend's, so it's not worth his attention.


At this moment, Chu Shiyin suddenly let out a scream.

She had been trying to catch up with Luo Xuan just now, but she didn't pay attention to her step, she stepped on a stone and twisted her foot.

Now, he fell down and sat on the side of the road, unable to even run.

"You won, your playing hard to get is really clever!" Chu Shiyin thought.

Even she had to admit that Luo Xuan's playing hard to get was really clever, even she became interested in Luo Xuan and wanted to chase him.

Now that she has fallen down, it's time for Luo Xuan to stop and come over and take care of himself, right?
However, in the next second, Chu Shiyin suddenly had a feeling of doubting life.

Because instead of stopping, Luo Xuan ran farther and farther!
Seeing this scene, Chu Shiyin also understood something, and she was so ashamed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

She knew that she was playing hard to get just now because she was being sentimental. From the very beginning, Luo Xuan had no intention of approaching her.

Luo Xuan was still running forward without turning his head. At this moment, Chu Shiyin suddenly saw his hand wave so casually.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Shiyin felt a warm current in the sprained place just now, and the sprained place also recovered as before, and there was no pain at all.

Feeling all this, Chu Shiyin couldn't help but parted her cherry lips in surprise.

"Why is he so powerful, is he... an immortal?"

(End of this chapter)

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