Chapter 135 Meeting Chu Shiyin Again (Please recommend)

Judging from the previous information on the black market, Zhou Laogui is a strong man in the late stage of internal training.

There is only a short distance from the completion of inner training!
The task of assassinating Wenren Zihan was issued by Wenren's family's enemies, and was taken over by Old Ghost Zhou early on.

For this reason, Wen Renmu also asked Luo Changsheng, the old man in Jianglin City, who had already entered the consummation of internal training, to take action, but the old man claimed that he would also face a strong enemy at the time, and escaped Wen Renmu's request.

At that time, the whole Wenren family was in despair. Unexpectedly, this time, Wenren Mu could invite a master to help him. This is simply a blessing from God!
But now, the situation is obviously not so optimistic, Luo Xuan may not make a move either.

But if Zhou Laogui hadn't reached the consummation of internal training, or even approached the late stage of internal training, Zhou Laogui and Song Lao would not be so afraid of Zhou Laogui based on years of cooperation.

"If you and I can resist Old Ghost Zhou, Master Luo doesn't have to make a move. The Patriarch's 1000 million can also make a favor for a master, which is not bad."

After thinking a little, Mr. Wu said to Mr. Song.

Elder Song nodded, obviously agreeing with what Elder Wu said.

Wenren Zihan was not in front of them, they called Luo Xuan, not Mr. Luo, but called Luo Xuan Guru Luo in awe.

If the two of them can really resist Old Ghost Zhou today, that would be the best result.

After finishing speaking, seeing that Wenren Zihan had gone far away, Elder Wu and Elder Song followed quickly, and then hid in the dark, protecting Wenren Zihan as before...

Both Elder Wu and Elder Song thought that Luo Xuan's departure was already a refusal to protect Wenren Zihan, and they would no longer protect Wenren Zihan.

But in fact, when Luo Xuan left just now, he had already made a mark on Wenren Zihan's body, which was similar to the mark he had made on Su Ningxue and others before.

If there is any danger in Wenren Zihan, he can feel it immediately.

Since he promised to protect Wenren Zihan this afternoon, he will naturally not abandon Wenren Zihan, even if he is completely stranger to her in the future, at least this afternoon, he must protect her well.

Luo Xuan left Wenren Zihan, Wu Lao Song Lao and others, and walked around the campus.

After an unknown amount of time, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Student Luo Xuan, please wait!"

A melodious female voice came, and Luo Xuan's footsteps stopped slightly.

Before turning around, he knew that the person calling him was definitely Chu Shiyin.

Not only did he remember Chu Shiyin's voice, but Chu Shiyin was the only one who would call him this way.

When he came back this time, apart from Su Ningxue, there were not many girls who had intercourse with him.

Even Su Ningxue, or Xia Mengxi, Luo Shuiyue and the others would only call him by his first name.

Only Chu Shiyin would call him 'Student Luo Xuan'.

Turning around, sure enough, it was Chu Shiyin standing in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Luo Xuan said lightly.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Chu Shiyin's eyes narrowed slightly, and said: "Student Luo Xuan, I'm your teacher, don't you think you should call me a teacher?"

After Chu Shiyin finished speaking, Luo Xuan's expression remained flat, and he said, "Teacher, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Chu Shiyin smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just want to thank you for healing the teacher's foot injury the other day."

Hearing what Chu Shiyin said, Luo Xuan's eyes remained flat, and he said, "It's nothing more than a little effort, teacher, don't worry about it."

Seeing Luo Xuan's performance like this, Chu Shiyin couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

Obviously now Luo Xuan's age should be several years younger than her, why does Luo Xuan seem to be much more mature than her?
"Student Luo Xuan, there are only two of us here, you don't have to do this, just treat the teacher as your peers~"

As she said that, Chu Shiyin blinked at Luo Xuan, obviously looking a little mischievous.

Looking at Chu Shiyin in front of him, a strange color flashed in Luo Xuan's eyes.

The current Chu Shiyin really gave him the feeling that he was about the same age as Su Ningxue and others, and that he was the same age as them.

Could it be that her faint sense of majesty before was all a faux pas?
Luo Xuan didn't delve into this issue either. At least, having such a head teacher is much better than Sun Jianren's disgusting, even disgusting head teacher.

Perhaps, life in the classroom will not be so boring in the future.

Seeing that Luo Xuan didn't respond, Chu Shiyin said: "Classmate Luo Xuan, don't you really want to be the monitor? In fact, I still think it's more appropriate for you to be the monitor."

"To be honest, although I don't know much about student Sun Lei, I don't like him now."

After Chu Shiyin finished speaking, Luo Xuan shook his head and said, "The position of squad leader is not suitable for me."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Chu Shiyin didn't insist anymore.

Thinking of Luo Xuan healing her foot injury before, Chu Shiyin smiled and said, "Student Luo Xuan, can I ask you a question?"

Hearing this, Luo Xuan nodded lightly, but did not refuse.

Seeing this, Chu Shiyin said expectantly: "Then I'll ask, classmate Luo Xuan, you healed my foot injury with that miraculous method that day."

"You don't know, are you the fairy mentioned in some novels?"

Hearing Chu Shiyin's words, Luo Xuan couldn't help but frown, and spoke in a nonchalant voice.

"Immortal? What kind of thing is that!"

Chu Shiyin was full of expectations, but when Luo Xuan finished speaking, she was completely stunned.

Xian, what is it? !

Even if she wanted to break her head, she never thought that Luo Xuan would say such a thing.

Could it be that even the legendary fairy is nothing in his eyes? !

When Chu Shiyin wanted to say something more, she found that Luo Xuan had gone far away.

Seeing this, she could only temporarily hold back what she wanted to say.

Looking at Luo Xuan's back, Chu Shiyin's curiosity grew stronger.

"What a strange boy..."

After speaking, Chu Shiyin also left here and walked towards her office.

"Ring Ling Ling ~"

Not long after leaving Chu Shiyin, Luo Xuan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Luo Xuan frowned, picked up the phone to check, but found that it was a completely unfamiliar number...

(End of this chapter)

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