Chapter 138 The Sword Comes! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Old Ghost Zhou felt utterly astonished. Although Elder Wu and Old Song both called Luo Xuan a guru, Old Ghost Zhou didn't think Luo Xuan was a guru.

Even if Elder Wu and Elder Song didn't show any tension on their faces after Luo Xuan's arrival, as if they had already relied on them, Elder Zhou only thought that it was Luo Xuan who had tricked Elder Wu and Elder Song in some way.

After all, some methods of hiding breath, or using some magic weapons, can temporarily increase one's breath, so it is not difficult to deceive some people.

But until this moment, old ghost Zhou knew that Luo Xuan was really a guru!
It is clearly the sign of the guru to point out the vigor!

If Luo Xuan is a guru, then it is quite normal that he could not get information about Luo Xuan before.

How can he get information about a master!
As if he had thought of something, Old Ghost Zhou looked like he was insane, and said in a daze, "Impossible, Luo Jiuxuan, if you are a guru, how could you come to the martial arts black market in your capacity!"

Hearing Old Ghost Zhou's words, Luo Xuan's expression remained calm, but his eyes moved slightly.

Although Zhou Laogui was already insane at this time, but hearing Zhou Laogui's words, it seemed that warriors who had reached the realm of guru would not go to the black market of martial arts.

Thinking about it, Luo Changsheng and Yang Fenghu were only a small difference in realm, and Luo Changsheng was completely helpless in front of Yang Fenghu.

As for Yang Fenghu, he was only at the stage of Gang Lian's initial stage.

In the face of a guru, there is no power to fight back!
If a guru joins the martial arts black market to pick up tasks, it is no different from an adult watching a group of children play house.

Although there is no clear rule in the black market of martial arts that stipulates that the guru cannot accept tasks in the black market of martial arts, it may already be some kind of unwritten rule-the Supreme Master of the black market of martial arts!

Thinking about it this way, it is reasonable for Old Ghost Zhou to be so arrogant before.

After all, Old Ghost Zhou is in the realm of internal refinement and perfection, which is already very good among warriors.

As for Yang Fenghu, who was driven out of Jianglin City by Luo Changsheng and others 30 years ago, and came back to take revenge after 30 years of painstaking training, naturally he can't talk about it in the same way as Old Ghost Zhou.

Obviously, in the black market of martial arts, not only does the guru not exist, but even the realm of astral refinement is extremely rare.

Even Luo Changsheng is only at the perfect state of internal training, he is already the number one master in martial arts in Jianglin City, and Zhou Laogui is also at the perfect state of internal training, which is indeed enough to be proud of.

Unfortunately, his luck was really bad today, and he met Luo Xuan.

Looking at Old Ghost Zhou, Luo Xuan's expression was flat, and he said, "Old Ghost Zhou, I originally thought about letting you go."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Old Ghost Zhou was taken aback, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

And Mr. Wu said anxiously: "Master, no! If Old Ghost Zhou is allowed to leave, then from now on, there will be future troubles..."

Before Elder Wu finished speaking, Elder Song tugged on his sleeve to hold back the rest of his words.

Looking at Elder Song, he had already read the meaning in Elder Song's eyes, and he didn't speak any more at the moment, but his face was unwilling.

Indeed, how Luo Xuan behaved was beyond their ability to intervene.

As for Wenren Zihan, he is still a little confused.

"Isn't his name Luo Xuan? Who is Luo Jiuxuan... Could this be his real name?"

Hearing Old Ghost Zhou call Luo Xuan Luo Jiuxuan, Wenren Zihan felt a little confused.

She couldn't help thinking of it with Wenren Mu, thinking that Luo Xuan's real name was Luo Jiuxuan, and Luo Xuan was just his pseudonym.

It's a pity that she, like Wenren Mu, had completely reversed her mind.

Old Ghost Zhou's face was full of ecstasy, at this moment, Luo Xuan said indifferently: "It's just that you wanted to put me to death just now, so I will spare you."

What Luo Xuan said was right. Originally, he did consider letting Old Ghost Zhou go.

After all, the mission he took was to protect Wenren Zihan, not to kill Old Ghost Zhou.

He also didn't want to pay attention to the grievances between his family and other families.

But Zhou Laogui shot with all his strength just now, clearly wanting to put him to death.

Although it seemed that Old Ghost Zhou would have to kill Wenren Zihan first if he wanted to assassinate Wenren Zihan, but Old Ghost Zhou also had the option of directly assassinating Wenren Zihan instead of confronting him head-on.

Since Old Ghost Zhou didn't make such a choice, but wanted to put him to death, Luo Xuan naturally couldn't spare Old Ghost Zhou.

Old ghost Zhou's face was full of ecstasy just now, Luo Xuan's words made him fall into the abyss in an instant.

His pale and frightening face became even paler at this time, and he said in great panic: "Master, I was blind to Mount Tai just now, and I definitely did not intentionally offend Master!"

"I have quite a status in the Voldimen. The owner of the Voldimen is my master. If the master spares me today, I can convince the master that the entire resources of the Voldimen can be used by the master!"

After Old Ghost Zhou finished speaking, Luo Xuan's expression didn't change at all, and his eyes still had the same indifference from ancient times.

Seeing this, Old Ghost Zhou bowed his body even lower, his posture humbled to the extreme.

But in the next second, his entire body was directly reflected, fleeing desperately towards the distance.

The corners of his mouth, even more so, kept leaving traces of blood.

Burning essence and blood, old ghost Zhou is already desperate!
Now he just wants to escape, desperately escape, escape from this place far away!

If he could escape today, he would never set foot in Jianglin City again in this lifetime!

However, he was seriously injured by Luo Xuan's two fingers before, and now even if he burns blood essence, his speed is not as fast as when he was in full bloom, how can he escape?
Looking at Old Ghost Zhou who was desperately fleeing, Luo Xuan felt more and more dispirited.

Whether it's Yang Fenghu or Zhou Laogui, it's okay to be weak, but they are all so spineless.

Since he had already said that he would not spare Old Ghost Zhou, Luo Xuan would naturally not let him leave like this, even though he was not even an ant in Luo Xuan's eyes.

"Sword come!"

Luo Xuan spoke indifferently, and in an instant, the energy of the surrounding world surged wildly!

Accompanied by his words, a huge cyan sword quickly took shape above Luo Xuan's head at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This this……"

Seeing the scene in front of them, Elder Wu and Elder Song were so shocked that they could not speak.

This, what a terrifying strength to do it!

Wenren Zihan was completely stunned, feeling that his cognition of the past 19 years was almost completely subverted.

Zhou Laogui noticed something, looked back, his pupils instantly shrank to the size of pinholes, and then fled forward like crazy.


As Luo Xuan's words fell, the whole blue giant sword flew directly towards Old Ghost Zhou.

The speed at which Old Ghost Zhou fled was nothing compared to the speed of this giant blue sword!
This blue giant sword pierced into Zhou Laogui's back in an instant, and Zhou Laogui was twisted into powder in an instant, leaving no fly ash!
(End of this chapter)

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