Chapter 144 How Are You? (first update)
Luo Xuan did not expect that there would be an auction here tonight.

But why is it called the Treasure Auction? Could it be that the auctioned items are of a slightly lower grade than these auctioned spirit items?
The host was still enlivening the atmosphere, and after glancing at the spiritual objects on display, Luo Xuan knew it all.

These spiritual objects are all priced separately, so naturally they can no longer be auctioned, and the ones that are auctioned are naturally other things.

Seeing Luo Xuan glanced at these spiritual objects again, the Scarlet Blood Wolf thought that Luo Xuan was looking at these spiritual objects on purpose, so he opened his mouth cautiously.

"Mr. Luo, have you seen any of these spiritual creatures?"

He accompanied Luo Xuan here today, in addition to making friends with Luo Xuan, he also wanted Luo Xuan to give him the palm of his hand. Some spiritual objects that Luo Xuan didn't use, might be completely treasures to him!

It is worthwhile to find one or two pieces.

Luo Xuan naturally knew what the Red Blood Wolf was thinking, his expression didn't change at all, he pointed at something in the corner with his finger, and spoke lightly.

"That one is pretty passable. If your financial resources allow, you can buy it and wear it."

What Luo Xuan pointed out to the Red Blood Wolf was a piece of jade. Although it didn't have any effect on him and didn't have much aura, it was quite good among these spiritual objects.

When worn, it also has the effect of refreshing and invigorating blood circulation, so it is acceptable for the red blood wolf to accept it.

Of course, the effect of this piece of jade is far inferior to the elixir that Luo Xuan gave Mu Bingqing, otherwise, maybe Luo Xuan would also consider buying this jade and giving it to Mu Bingqing.

But it happened that such a piece of jade, which was still effective, was almost abandoned in a corner, and the selling price was not high.

It's not that the good things are all in the corner as the saying goes, but the things that really have aura. People with naked eyes like red blood wolves are really easy to fail to recognize them, and it's easy to make the spirit beads dusty.

From this piece of jade alone, one can tell what the vision of the Scarlet Blood Wolf and the others, and even the organizer of the Spiritual Treasure Appreciation Fair, is.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo! Blood Wolf will buy it now!"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, the Scarlet Blood Wolf was overjoyed, and hurriedly contacted the staff nearby to buy it directly.

Seeing that the Red Blood Wolf was so eager to buy this piece of jade, Luo Xuan's eyes were flat.

He owed the Red Blood Wolf a small favor, but it was just that black card, plus what happened at the Royal KTV that day.

Accompanying the Red Blood Wolf to this Spiritual Treasure Appreciation Meeting today, plus choosing such a piece of jade for the Red Blood Wolf, has already repaid the Red Blood Wolf's favor, and he no longer owes the Red Blood Wolf anything.

In fact, strictly speaking, when Luo Xuan rescued the Red Blood Wolf that day, he did not owe the Red Blood Wolf any favors, but the Red Blood Wolf owed him a great favor.

But Luo Xuan has his own principles, that day he really didn't want to save the Red Blood Wolf, but Bald Qiang provoked him, so he took care of Bald Qiang and his subordinate Xiong Er.

It is Luo Xuan's consistent principle to distinguish between public and private.

Watching the Red Blood Wolf buy this piece of jade, Luo Xuan couldn't help thinking about it when he thought of the upcoming treasure auction.

"Judging from this piece of jade, ordinary people's judgment of spiritual objects is undoubtedly very biased. The so-called treasures may be better than the spiritual objects in their eyes."

"In this case, I can barely take a look at it." Luo Xuan was indifferent in his heart.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the eyes of ordinary people judging these spiritual objects are completely opposite. Those treasures are not necessarily inferior to these so-called spiritual objects.

Anyway, Luo Xuan has nothing else to do, so it's not a bad idea to take part in that treasure auction later.

After choosing this piece of jade for the Red Blood Wolf, Luo Xuan saw Bai Shixiong and Su Qiancheng not far away, thought for a while, and walked over.

Just as the Red Blood Wolf was about to say something to Luo Xuan, he saw that Luo Xuan had already walked towards Bai Shixiong and the others.

Because Luo Xuan didn't let him follow, the Scarlet Blood Wolf still didn't follow after thinking about it.

"Uncle Su."

Coming in front of Su Qiancheng, Luo Xuan nodded slightly.

Afterwards, when looking at Bai Shixiong, his tone softened a little, and he said, "Patriarch Bai."

Obviously in Luo Xuan's eyes, Su Qiancheng is slightly more important than Bai Shixiong.

Naturally, Bai Shixiong also realized this, and now he is almost green with regret.

After talking with Su Qiancheng, he already knew that Luo Xuan brought gifts to visit Su's house that day because of Su Ningxue.

The strength of the Bai family is much stronger than that of the Su family, but now his son has provoked Luo Xuan, while Su Qiancheng's daughter is on good terms with Luo Xuan, and may even develop a closer relationship.

In such a comparison, the gap is not usually obvious.

In the future, in Jianglin City, the Bai family will inevitably be gradually overwhelmed by the Su family.

Luckily Luo Xuan didn't care too much about Bai Jingchen's matter, otherwise the entire Bai family might not exist now!
Bai Shixiong only felt regretful. Last time when Luo Xuan asked him to abolish Bai Jingchen's position as Patriarch, he asked him if he had any other children. He replied that Luo Xuan had two sons and a daughter.

Naturally, he didn't dare to lie to Luo Xuan, he did have two sons and a daughter, and even his daughter was very beautiful, not weaker than the so-called top five campus beauties of Tianhai University.

Bai Shixiong regretted why he didn't have the foresight to send his daughter to Tianhai University earlier, or even directly to Luo Xuan's class?
At that time, it will be near the water, and it will never be the current situation!

Even Bai Shixiong thought about hinting to Luo Xuan intentionally or unintentionally, if Luo Xuan didn't mind, he would wish to send his daughter to Luo Xuan's bed for nothing!

"Master Luo."

After Luo Xuan's greetings were finished, Su Qiancheng nodded.

Bai Shixiong also laughed and said, "Hehe, Mr. Luo, it's been a long time."

One of the two called Luo Xuan Mr. Luo, and the other called Luo Xuan Mr. Luo, which should have sounded a bit weird, but at this moment, there was not much sense of disobedience.

As for Mr. Chen and Mr. Li who were beside Bai Shixiong, they didn't dare to say a word. When facing Luo Xuan, they were extremely respectful.

Even though Bai Shixiong learned a lot of information about the martial arts world from them, Bai Shixiong is an ordinary person after all, and his concept of guru is still somewhat vague.

And the two of them are people in the martial arts world, so they naturally know what a guru means.

This kind of awe is completely ingrained in the mind from the inside out.

In front of Luo Xuan, they naturally didn't dare to say anything.

If Su Qiancheng knew that Luo Xuan was a guru, he might not be able to get along with Luo Xuan like this.

After Bai Shixiong finished speaking, Luo Xuan glanced at Bai Shixiong, and spoke lightly.

"Patriarch Bai, I don't know Young Master Bai, how are you doing recently?"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Bai Shixiong's heart skipped a beat!
(End of this chapter)

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