Xiuxian returns, what the hell are multiple arrogant wives?

Chapter 149 Bringing Humiliation on Himself!

Chapter 149 Self-Humiliation! (Second more)
After Mu Bingqing's words fell, Mr. Song, that is, Song Xianming's complexion suddenly turned pale.

Indeed, if he provoked someone else, there might be room for maneuver, but if he provoked Mu Bingqing, how could Mu Bingqing spare him so easily!
But in the end, he still couldn't help begging for mercy again in fear, saying: "President Mu, please forgive me, all the bidding just now is invalid, okay, I really dare not, never again!"

Although he knew that Mu Bingqing would basically never spare him, Song Xianming could only beg for mercy.

[-] million!He couldn't afford such a large amount at all, but the [-] million is nothing to the Bingmeng Group!
Only if Mu Bingqing is willing to spare him, can he be safe today!

However, after he finished speaking, Mu Bingqing's expression did not change at all, it was still extremely cold.

On the contrary, it was the host on stage, whose complexion had become very unsightly.

"Boss Song, if you say it's invalid, it's invalid. Don't you think that the rules of our auction house don't exist at all!" the host shouted in a deep voice.

To be able to hold such a large-scale auction and invite so many big names from Jianglin City to participate, the owner behind the auction house naturally has a good background.

Maybe the Bai family and the Bingmeng Group's auction house really can't afford to provoke them, but Song Xianming and the Song Group are not included in this list at all!

After the host finished speaking, Song Xianming's face became extremely pale.

He couldn't help looking at Bai Shixiong, as if grasping the last life-saving straw, he said, "Master Bai, please help me to talk, please help me to plead for mercy, from now on, my life will be yours!"

However, Bai Shixiong ignored Song Xianming's words.

Although he knew in his heart that this Song Xianming was probably trying to curry favor with him, but at this moment, how could he stand up and speak for Song Xianming.

Instead of trapping Mu Bingqing, Song Xianming trapped himself in it. Bai Shixiong helped him speak at this time, so why should he take the [-] million for him and wipe Song Xianming's ass?

Naturally, Bai Shixiong would not do such a thing!

Seeing that Bai Shixiong didn't react at all, Song Xianming only felt a coldness in his heart.

Today, he originally thought of taking advantage of the characteristics of the auction house to trick Mu Bingqing on the price in order to please Bai Shixiong.

But now, not only did Mu Bingqing not be fooled, nor the Bai family, but Mu Bingqing and the entire auction venue were provoked.

Simply, it can no longer be simply described as stealing a chicken without losing money!

At this time, Mu Bingqing said coldly: "Director Lin, if Boss Song can't come up with the [-] million funds, should he re-auction the breath-adjusting pill?"

"People like Boss Song who flout the rules of the auction house should be kicked out!"

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Song Xianming couldn't help but gritted his teeth. If he was kicked out in public like this, he would undoubtedly lose face!
But he really has nothing to do, and even if he is kicked out and his face is disgraced, it is much better than the Song Group going bankrupt and non-existent.

As if seeing what Song Xianming was thinking, Mu Bingqing said with a blank expression: "Boss Song, please rest assured that after today, the Song Group will no longer exist, and I, Bingmeng Group, will give you a push behind your back! "

"You! Mu Bingqing, don't go too far!"

In Song Xianming's gaze, there was a thick ruthlessness.

Mu Bingqing's icy face turned cold, and she said in a cold voice: "I'm going too far, how dare you treat me!"

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Song Xianming's expression froze.

Indeed, as Mu Bingqing said, even if Mu Bingqing makes the entire Song Group cease to exist, he can't do anything at all!
He has no place to deal with the Ice Dream Group!
In the end, he could only speak harshly: "I'm standing here, I want to see, just relying on those ordinary security personnel, who dares to throw me out!"

Hearing Song Xianming's words, Mu Bingqing's icy eyes flashed a cold light, as if she knew Song Xianming would say such a long time ago.

But if Song Xianming thought that there was nothing she could do about it, he was totally wrong!
After Song Xianming finished speaking, Luo Xuan glanced at Song Xianming indifferently, stared at Mu Bingqing for a while, and then turned his gaze to Bai Shixiong.

"I don't know Patriarch Bai, what do you think of people like Song Xianming who break the rules?" Luo Xuan said lightly.

Hearing this, Bai Shixiong was startled, he didn't know what Luo Xuan meant, so he said cautiously: "What is the master's opinion?"

Luo Xuan's eyes were indifferent, "I don't dare to talk about high opinions, but I don't like people like Song Xianming who break the rules, and I don't like such noisy people who disturb people's cleanliness."

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, before Bai Shixiong could say anything, Mr. Chen and Mr. Li said in awe: "Master, don't worry, I'll throw him out after this, so as not to stain the eyes of the master!"

Mr. Chen and Mr. Li are people in the martial arts world. They know how much power a guru has, and they also know how much opportunity a guru can give them.

They were absolutely in awe of Luo Xuan, and when they heard that Luo Xuan hated Song Xianming, they were naturally the first to express their opinion!
Then, like two angry lions, the two walked towards Song Xianming quickly.

Seeing Mr. Chen and Mr. Li approaching angrily, Song Xianming didn't know what was going on, what was on his mind, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Immediately afterwards, he directly looked at Mu Bingqing triumphantly.

"Mu Bingqing, what about your prestige in front of me? Patriarch Bai finally couldn't stand it, and sent Mr. Li and Mr. Chen to help me!"

"I advise you to hurry up and beg for mercy, otherwise you will definitely be the one who suffers in a short while!"

At the end, Song Xianming became more and more complacent.

Mr. Chen and Mr. Li have been by Bai Shixiong's side all year round, so Song Xianming naturally knows their identities and what kind of strength they have!
After hearing Song Xianming's words, Mu Bingqing's expression didn't change at all, she was still extremely cold.

Not long after, Mr. Chen and Mr. Li had arrived in front of Song Xianming.

Song Xianming cupped his hands respectfully at the two of them directly, and said, "Thank you, Patriarch Bai, for your help, and I ask you two to act immediately to teach that ignorant Mu Bingqing a lesson!"

After finishing speaking, Song Xianming looked at Mu Bingqing with an extremely smug expression.

The other group bosses in the auction house also felt that Mr. Chen and Mr. Li were sent by Bai Shixiong to help Song Xianming get ahead.

From their point of view, Mu Bingqing must temporarily bow her head to Song Xianming today.

However, just after Song Xianming's words fell, he only felt a sharp pain, and he couldn't help but screamed out.


Because the most irritable Mr. Li directly kicked him down!
This kick took a lot of force! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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