Chapter 157 Jumping beam clown! (Second more)
"It's you?!"

Seeing that it was Luo Xuan, Mr. Zhao was taken aback for a moment, and his expression showed a strong resentment.

It's only been such a short time, so naturally he won't forget Luo Xuan.

At the entrance of the Spiritual Treasure Appreciation Association, Luo Xuan was clearly an ant that couldn't be smaller in his eyes.

But now, when he landed on the scene, Luo Xuan was still standing here, how could he not complain!
However, Song Xianming's reaction was completely different from Mr. Zhao's.

When Song Xianming saw Luo Xuan, he was slightly taken aback for a moment, then he thought about something, and finally, there was a hint of joy on his face.

"So it's Mr.!" Song Xianming said.

Song Xianming's attitude surprised Luo Xuan, and he said in a low voice, "Oh? You know me?"

Song Xianming said respectfully: "Although I don't know Mr.'s name, but Mr. Bai is the person next to Patriarch Bai, so I will not admit my mistake."

Hearing what Song Xianming said, Luo Xuan knew it.

The reason why Song Xianming respected him so much was because of Bai Shixiong.

Immediately afterwards, Song Xianming respectfully said: "Mr. is here now. Could it be that Patriarch Bai asked him to come here? Is Patriarch Bai already prepared to deal with that Mu Bingqing?"

In his opinion, now that Luo Xuan appeared here, it must be Bai Shixiong who asked Luo Xuan to contact the two of them, ready to deal with Bai Shixiong!

After Song Xianming finished speaking, Mr. Zhao was also terrified, and said: "It turns out that Mr. Bai belonged to Patriarch Bai. It was because I was too blind to see Mount Tai before. I hope Mr. will not blame you!"

When he taunted Luo Xuan at the gate of the Spiritual Treasure Appreciation Association before, he didn't know Luo Xuan's identity, he just looked at Luo Xuan's identity and dressed, obviously he was not a powerful person.

After that, Mu Bingqing suddenly became extremely cold, and he didn't know it was because of Luo Xuan.

At that time, only the Scarlet Blood Wolf was the one who stood out for Luo Xuan.

He originally thought that Luo Xuan had something to do with the Red Blood Wolf and was invited by the Red Blood Wolf, but he didn't expect that Luo Xuan would have a relationship with Bai Shixiong!

Mr. Zhao was thrown out by the wild elephant before entering the treasure auction, so naturally he didn't know this.

Hearing Song Xianming's words at this time, Mr. Zhao only felt incomparably horrified in his heart, for fear that Luo Xuan would blame him!

Without going to see Mr. Zhao, Luo Xuan glanced at Song Xianming, and said indifferently: "If I remember correctly, you were taught a lesson by Mr. Chen and Mr. Li just today. Why do you still treat the Bai family so respectfully?"

Song Xianming smiled and said: "Obviously, even if Patriarch Bai wants to deal with Mu Bingqing, he can't turn his face in front of so many people."

"Patriarch Bai asked Mr. Chen and Mr. Li to teach me a lesson. Obviously, it was just to impose a bitter plan. How could I hate Patriarch Bai?"

Hearing that Luo Xuan's expression did not show any turmoil, he said indifferently: "Bitter tricks?"

"That's right!"

Song Xian was clearly confident, and said: "Patriarch Bai asked Chen Lao and Li Lao to teach me a lesson, pretending to let everyone see that he has no intention of dealing with Mu Bingqing, but in fact, it is just to deceive people."

"Now that Mu Bingqing has relaxed his vigilance, Patriarch Bai will ask Mr. and I to come here to discuss how to deal with Mu Bingqing at night, and we will definitely be able to take down Mu Bingqing in one fell swoop!"

After finishing speaking, Song Xian was obviously full of confidence, obviously very confident in his inference.

Mr. Zhao's expression was also happy, and he obviously felt that Song Xianming's words made sense.

Luo Xuan's expression didn't change at all, but in fact, Song Xianming was no different from a clown in his eyes.

When I went to Wenren's house before, when I left, Luo Xuan heard Wenren Mu's speculation to himself, and thought that Wenren Mu's brain hole was comparable to a black hole.

But looking at it now, Song Xianming's brain hole is bigger than Wenren Mu's!
During the day, Mr. Chen and Mr. Li taught Song Xianming just to deceive others?

Now he came here to discuss with Song Xianming and Mr. Zhao about dealing with Mu Bingqing?
To use a common saying, it is not an exaggeration to say that Song Xianming looks ugly and thinks beautiful.

At this time, only Song Xianming said respectfully: "Dare to ask what your name is, sir. If you can easily climb over the window on the second floor, you must be a warrior, right?"

After glancing at Song Xianming, Luo Xuan said lightly, "Luo Jiuxuan."

Song Xianming and Mr. Zhao's life, he can undoubtedly take them away at any time, and they are all under his control.

He really wanted to see what other wonderful ideas this Song Xianming had.

Jiuxuan Emperor Zun is Luo Xuan's emperor title, it is not wrong for him to say that to Song Xianming.

As for another question, Luo Xuan did not answer.

To describe him as a warrior would undoubtedly be an insult to him!
After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Song Xianming's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and said, "Could it be that Mr. Luo Jiuxuan was the one who took over to protect Miss Wenren in the martial arts black market earlier?"

Hearing Song Xianming's words, Luo Xuan's expression remained calm, neither admitting nor denying.

He had known about the existence of the martial arts black market last time, and strictly speaking, it must not be disclosed to ordinary people.

And this Song Xianming not only knows about the martial arts black market, he even knows about the recent hot tasks in the martial arts black market. It seems that, as Song Xianming told Mr. Zhao, he paid a high price.

Seeing that Luo Xuan neither admitted nor denied, in Song Xianming's view, Luo Xuan was clearly acquiescing!
Thinking of this, Song Xianming's face became visibly excited.

He knew very well that the task of protecting Miss Wenren in the black market had already been completed, and the task of assassinating Miss Wenren had already failed.

You know, the person who took over the task of assassinating Wenren Zihan is Old Ghost Zhou!
Luo Xuan was able to protect Wenren Zihan under such circumstances, he was undoubtedly a master of masters!

Song Xianming became more and more excited, and said, "So it's really Mr. Luo! Since that's the case, can Mr. Luo also take over the task of kidnapping Mu Bingqing?"

"The difficulty of this task is far lower than the task of protecting Miss Wenren, and the two of us will give Mr. Luo a more generous reward, and we should treat Mr. Luo as a little favor."

After finishing speaking, Song Xianming's heart was full of joy.

The final victory was indeed on his side!
"Abduct Mu Bingqing? Very good."

Luo Xuan had heard these words just now when he was outside the window, but when he heard Song Xianming's words now, a cold light still flashed in his eyes and his tone became cold.

Song Xianming didn't hear the change in Luo Xuan's tone, and thought it was Luo Xuan who agreed.

Just as he was about to say something, Luo Xuan waved his arm, and a golden light flashed across the room!
Accompanied by this golden light, Song Xianming's smile and even his expression froze completely.

Because both his and Mr. Zhao's legs were chopped off under this golden light!

(End of this chapter)

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