Chapter 177 Jiang Lin Shi Yin (Part [-])
Luo Xuan realized that if his powers of gods and demons were left aside, maybe he and Mu Bingqing did get along like Bai Fumei and Xiaobailian before.

If so, where is his majesty, where is his dignity as a man, what is the strength of his husband!

Besides, in Jianglin City, although Mu Bingqing's Bingmeng Group has always been very mysterious, but thinking about it, it is still far from reaching the level that Lin Yunhai said.

After thinking about it, Luo Xuan said: "According to what uncle said, Bingqing's Bingmeng Group in Jianglin City should be far from reaching the level that uncle said."

"Could it be that the Ice Dream Group in Jianglin City is just a branch of the entire Ice Dream Group?"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Lin Yunhai nodded slightly.

"Yes, the Ice Dream Group in Jianglin City is indeed just a branch."

Not many people know about this matter, only a few of Mu Bingqing's cronies in the Bingmeng Group, such as Mu Suyi, Bai Shixiong and Su Qiancheng, will know a little bit.

But even beings like Bai Shixiong and Su Qiancheng only have a vague idea of ​​how huge the Bingmeng Group is, and naturally they are not as clear as Lin Yunhai.

Luo Xuan was not too surprised by what Lin Yunhai said.

Earlier, he had this feeling faintly, but it was just confirmed by Lin Yunhai.

Besides, if according to what Lin Yunhai said, Mu Bingqing has such a huge amount of assets, then the Bingmeng Group in Jianglin City will naturally only be a branch.

Even so, it seemed that Mu Bingqing didn't need to come here in person.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Xuan said, "Uncle, forgive me, since Bingqing is the president of Bingmeng Group, as for branches like Jianglin City, just let her subordinates manage them."

"It seems that she doesn't need to come here in person, and I have never seen her go to other cities during this period of time. Could it be that all the affairs of her headquarters can be ignored?"

As Luo Xuan said, this is also a point that he can't figure out. If Mu Bingqing really has such a huge amount of assets, why does she have to live in this small Jianglin City.

Even if it is to build a branch in Jianglin City, it can be randomly assigned from among the subordinates to manage it, and it is completely impossible to do it yourself.

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Lin Yunhai sighed softly, and said, "Xiao Luo, what you think is indeed right. If the situation is normal, Xiaoqing really doesn't need to come to Jianglin City."

"The reason why she came to Jianglin City in person was entirely because of my illness, because a few years ago, she had bought countless life-sustaining elixir from an expert nun at a great price."

Lin Yunhai paused, and continued: "Besides, Xiao Qing also asked the nun to do a divination. The senior said that the divination showed that if possible, he could let me come to Jianglin City."

"She even said that Jianglin City is a place full of spiritual energy, which is very helpful for my illness. For this reason, Xiaoqing created a branch of the Ice Dream Group in Jianglin City to accompany me here."

Life-sustaining elixir, a place full of aura...

Hearing what Lin Yunhai said, Luo Xuan couldn't help but understand a little bit.

When he saw Lin Yunhai for the first time, Lin Yunhai's fate had already been cut off, and he relied on various elixir to forcibly continue his life until then.

Although the techniques of the people who refine the medicine are poor, and the properties of the medicine are wasted by as much as [-]%, the medicinal materials used are indeed very precious.

Such an elixir, if Mu Bingqing wanted to buy it, she would naturally have to pay a considerable price.

As for Jianglin city being a place with abundant aura, it is not wrong.

Luo Xuan returned this time, but he has not gone to other places, at most he has only been to Canghai City once.

And even Canghai City, which is adjacent to Jianglin City, has much lower aura than Jianglin City.

Perhaps on the entire planet, Jianglin City has already been called a place full of aura.

If it weren't for this, noble and rare fish such as Piao Piao fish would not breed in Hongming Lake.

When Luoxuan's Vientiane Heaven Art broke through, he also vaguely sensed that although Jianglin City's aura of heaven and earth was far from being comparable to that of the two worlds of gods and demons, it should indeed be considered sufficient in terms of the earth.

"Uncle, that is to say, because of these two reasons, Bingqing founded the branch of Bingmeng Group in Jianglin City, and accompanied you to see a doctor in Jianglin City, right?"

Lin Yunhai smiled kindly, and said: "Hehe, there is actually a third reason, but the third reason is a bit too metaphysical."

"Besides these two reasons, the nun once said that when I came to Jianglin City, Bingqing and I would meet noble people to help me. Now that I think about it, Professor Li who treated me lives in Jianglin City. That's right."

Hearing Lin Yunhai's words, a strange color flashed in Luo Xuan's eyes.

He naturally knew that compared to Lin Yunhai, he was Lin Yunhai's favorite person, not that Professor Li.

After all, without his destiny to return to Lin Yunhai, even thousands of Professor Li would have nothing to do with Lin Yunhai's illness.

However, the master nun that Lin Yunhai talked about naturally couldn't figure out the existence of Luo Xuan.

I think it was that Professor Li who was counted by the nun.

In this way, the nun is quite capable, and I am afraid that she is not limited to the so-called guru.

At this time, Lin Yunhai said: "As for Bingqing, why didn't she go back to the headquarters of Bingmeng Group... It's because Bingqing has a very high talent in business."

"She can complete the work that other people have to complete in less than a day, so she usually returns to the headquarters only once in a few months."

Luo Xuan: "..."

Hearing what Lin Yunhai said, even he never thought that Mu Bingqing had such a talent in business.

With a sigh of relief, Luo Xuan said calmly: "Everyone has their own strengths, but with Bing Qing's wisdom and courage, it's normal."

The conversation with Lin Yunhai today made Luo Xuan's understanding of Mu Bingqing even deeper.

My own wife is really... not an ordinary person.

All the doubts were answered by Lin Yunhai one by one. Lin Yunhai's body was slowly recovering, and Luo Xuan had no intention of staying here any longer.

Taking a last look at Lin Yunhai's physical condition, Luo Xuan said, "Since that's the case, uncle should rest well. I believe that uncle will be discharged from the hospital soon."

"Hehe, okay, then I will borrow your good words from Xiao Luo." Lin Yunhai said with a smile.

After bidding farewell to Lin Yunhai, Luo Xuan left the intensive care ward and walked out of the ward.

When he walked out of the door of the ward, the bodyguards outside the ward looked at him hostilely.

The captain of the bodyguard, Yang Hao, had unsteady eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

Luo Xuan left the intensive care unit on the top floor, and then left the hospital.

And when he walked to the riverside last time, a voice suddenly came from behind him.


(End of this chapter)

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