Chapter 180 Forgot (Fourth)
Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Nianyun's mouth.

"President Mu, before answering this question, can I ask President Mu a question first?"

Hearing that Mu Bingqing's icy eyes didn't have any ripples, she said, "Professor Li, please tell me."

Li Nianyun nodded and said, "Just now, when I heard President Mu mention the young man in the video, his tone seemed a little unnatural."

"This young man has also been here several times. Last time I asked President Mu, I didn't get an accurate answer. I want to ask President Mu and him, what is the relationship?"

Hearing Li Nianyun's words, Mu Bingqing was speechless for a moment.

Last time, Li Nianyun asked her this question, but she changed the topic and prevaricated.

This time, it was obviously not so easy to avoid.

Besides, this question, perhaps, does involve the real reason for her contact barrier.

After a long silence, Mu Bingqing finally said slowly, "He is my boyfriend..."

To Li Nianyun, Mu Bingqing still adopted the same statement to Lin Yunhai.

After all, it would be too surprising to directly say that Luo Xuan is her husband.

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Li Nianyun showed surprise on his face, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

"Hehe, I didn't expect President Mu to take action so quickly. It seems that I have the right vision. It is impossible for any young man to resist the charm of President Mu." Li Nianyun smiled kindly.

Hearing Li Nianyun's words, Mu Bingqing was slightly taken aback, then shook her head slightly.

"Professor Li misunderstood."

Mu Bingqing knew that Li Nianyun had undoubtedly misunderstood.

Last time Li Nianyun didn't know about her relationship with Luo Xuan, so he gave such a suggestion that made her go after Luo Xuan, and even... use force.

Undoubtedly, Li Nianyun must have thought that he took her suggestion and turned Luo Xuan into his boyfriend.

But in fact, before Li Nianyun spoke last time, Mu Bingqing and Luo Xuan were already husband and wife, there was no such thing as backtracking or using force.

Seeing Li Nianyun's puzzled gaze, Mu Bingqing said, "When Professor Li spoke last time, we already established a relationship."

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Li Nianyun understood a little.

It turned out that Mu Bingqing and Luo Xuan were already boyfriend and girlfriend last time, but Mu Bingqing didn't tell her at that time and just changed the topic.

Looking at Li Nianyun, Mu Bingqing said: "Professor Li, after knowing this, can you determine the real reason for my contact barrier?"

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Li Nianyun thought for a while and said, "President Mu, can I ask you another question?"

Hearing this, Mu Bingqing nodded lightly, but did not refuse.

Seeing this, Li Nianyun thought for a while, as if he was thinking about how to speak. After a while, Li Nianyun only heard Li Nianyun say: "President Mu, have you...have you ever had sex?"

Mu Bingqing: "..."

Have she and Luo Xuan ever had sex?

Even she never thought that Li Nianyun would ask such a question at this moment!
Li Nianyun said: "President Mu, don't misunderstand, I was just thinking that if you want to have sex with that young man, there must be physical contact."

"If you had no barriers to contact with him when you had sex, or you had barriers to contact with him before and then disappeared, maybe you can infer one or two based on this."

Hearing Li Nianyun's words, Mu Bingqing was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, he finally opened his mouth and said, "There was once..."

Hearing Mu Bingqing's answer, Li Nianyun's eyes became more and more surprised. Although she asked this question just now, she didn't hold out much hope.

Unexpectedly, Mu Bingqing would give her an affirmative answer.

After regaining his senses, Li Nianyun hurriedly said: "President Mu, do you remember that when you had sex that day, did you have any obstacles in contact with that young man?"

"Or, is it because you didn't have any barriers to contact with him?"

After Li Nianyun finished speaking, Mu Bingqing was speechless for a long time.

Afterwards, Mu Bingqing said, "I forgot..."


Hearing Mu Bingqing's answer, Li Nianyun didn't know what to say for a moment.

What happened that day had a lot to do with Mu Bingqing's barrier to contact.

If Mu Bingqing didn't have the slightest obstacle in contact with Luo Xuan before having sex with Luo Xuan, it meant that she herself had no obstacle in contact with Luo Xuan.

If Mu Bingqing had no barriers to contact with Luo Xuan before having intercourse, and no barriers to contact Luo Xuan after having intercourse, it means that it is very likely that this kind of intimate communication made Mu Bingqing no barriers to contact with Luo Xuan.

The two results, the answers that can be inferred, are completely different!

But Mu Bingqing just said that she forgot what happened that day, without this most important link, no matter what she naturally couldn't figure it out.

Mu Bingqing didn't say anything, so she naturally didn't lie to Li Nianyun. Under the influence of alcohol, she really forgot everything that happened that day.

She only vaguely remembered that Luo Xuan had tossed and tossed on her body for a whole day and night!
If it weren't for her physique being naturally different from ordinary people, and her physical fitness and flexibility after doing yoga all the year round, she might not be able to bear it.

On the first day Luo Xuan returned to Tianhai University, he recalled the incident with Mu Bingqing, and the timeline was also the night before yesterday.

For the rest of the time, especially the next day, Luo Xuan didn't do anything else, the two of them basically spent all their time on this.

At the end, Mu Bingqing's alcohol had already awakened, but because Luo Xuan tormented her so much that she didn't even have the strength to open her eyelids, she finally fell asleep with Luo Xuan in a deep sleep.

She really couldn't remember anything else, and how could she remember anything about contact barriers.

But she also vaguely remembered that Luo Xuan seemed to be in a state of unconsciousness that day, not the kind of person who took advantage of others.

In addition, after investigation later, she also found out that Luo Xuan was not the kind of person with low moral character, and finally, under the influence of various factors, she made the decision to marry Luo Xuan.

"This...Why don't President Mu ask your boyfriend about this?" Li Nianyun said.

Mu Bingqing shook her head slightly, and said: "He was also in a state of unconsciousness that day, and he doesn't remember it, so there is no need to do useless work."

She only vaguely remembered that Luo Xuan seemed to be in a state of unconsciousness that day, and she was not very sure.

But even if Luo Xuan was in a conscious state, it was naturally impossible for her to bring up this matter with Luo Xuan.

With her character, anyone who knew her a little bit would find it impossible for her to ask Luo Xuan such a thing.

Furthermore, if such an embarrassing topic is brought up, how will she and Luo Xuan get along with each other...

(End of this chapter)

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