Chapter 187 Self-knowledge of emotions (third change)

Luo Xuan carried Mu Bingqing upstairs to their room, and did not directly put her on the bed, but put her down beside the bed.

After standing on the ground, Mu Bingqing's snow clothes instantly heaved violently, and her eyes were a little dodgy.

"Okay, the hug is here, you can go!" Mu Bingqing said coldly.

Looking at Mu Bingqing's back, Luo Xuan's eyes didn't change at all, and said: "I said, I'm not in a hurry to go out tonight, and I can stay for a while."

What Luo Xuan said was of course the truth, he was not happy about the meeting tonight.

It's just because Chu Shiyin is Chu Yueyin's younger sister, and Chu Yueyin helped him a lot when he was a teenager, and even saved his life.

For this reason, in order to avoid any accidents to Chu Shiyin tonight, and since Chu Shiyin is his homeroom teacher after all, he really has nothing else to do tonight, that's why he agreed to go to the meeting.

But even if he promised to go, he would naturally not go early, at most, he just went in at that time.

Of course, he didn't want to see the faces of Sun Lei and others.

Thinking of Mu Bingqing's reaction when the two kissed just now, Luo Xuan said calmly: "Mu Bingqing, you don't know, you already like me, right?"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing's expression froze slightly.

Afterwards, she snorted coldly and said, "Hmph! Will I like you? It's ridiculous!"

Even though she said that, her gaze was a little afraid to meet Luo Xuan's gaze.

As she said that, Mu Bingqing's snowy face forced another icy coldness, and said, "What about you? You didn't behave like you usually do today. Could it be that you have fallen in love with me?"

"Perhaps." Luo Xuan said lightly.

Hearing Luo Xuan's answer, Mu Bingqing's expression was a little more surprised.

She originally thought that Luo Xuan would deny all of this at this moment, no matter whether Luo Xuan was in love with her or not.

But she didn't expect that she would get an affirmative answer when she was here with Luo Xuan.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xuan said indifferently: "It's just that I don't have many human emotions. As you said, I am not human enough. It will take some time to confirm all of this."

"But there is one thing that I can be sure of now."

"What is it?" Mu Bingqing asked.

Looking directly at Mu Bingqing's beautiful eyes, Luo Xuan said: "I can be sure of one thing, that no matter what, I, Luo Xuan, will only have you, Mu Bingqing, as a woman in this life!"

After Luo Xuan's voice fell, the time in the bedroom seemed to be completely frozen.

This was already the second time Luo Xuan said these words in front of Mu Bingqing.

And this time, Mu Bingqing's touch was undoubtedly bigger than last time.

Mu Bingqing's chest heaved violently, she didn't meet Luo Xuan's gaze, she turned around directly

After Luo Xuan's words were finished, Mu Bingqing was speechless for a moment, and she turned around. If Luo Xuan didn't use his strength, he wouldn't be able to see her expression, and he didn't know what kind of emotion was in her heart.

Luo Xuan said indifferently: "Speaking of which, when we had a relationship that day, that kind of date seems to be a bit intriguing."

Luo Xuan was right. After he returned, the time he kept thinking about was May 5th, which was the day Su Ningxue died.

On that day, he also taught Chen Mei, Chen Feng and others a thorough lesson, and sent them all to be punished by the devil!
It was May 5rd when Luo Xuan first recovered his spiritual sense at Tianhai University.

It was the night before May 5rd that he and Mu Bingqing had a relationship by accident, and that day was also May 23st!
Compared to Su Ningxue's deliberate 52.0 in No. 521 cafeteria, this [-] obviously gives people a more destined feeling.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing's delicate body couldn't help but tremble.

After that, without turning around, she forced herself to speak in a cold voice: "I have forgotten what happened that day... don't mention it again!"

Hearing this, Luo Xuan glanced at Mu Bingqing, and said calmly, "Okay, then let's not mention it."

Saying that, looking at Mu Bingqing's beautiful back, Luo Xuan slowly stepped forward, and gently hugged her from behind.

After embracing for a short time, Luo Xuan slowly let go of it again.

"Since it is a step-by-step process, other things will be done later. The time has come, and I am leaving."

After speaking, Luo Xuan didn't stop any longer, and walked out of the room of the two of them, then walked downstairs, and disappeared here soon.

After Luo Xuan left, Mu Bingqing still stood where she was, without moving her footsteps for a long time.

In her heart, she didn't know what kind of emotion it was at this moment, whether she should breathe a sigh of relief, or something else.

In Mu Bingqing's eyes, more and more complex colors emerged...

Luo Xuan walked down from the second floor and returned to the first floor, his eyes fluctuated slightly.

In all honesty, Mu Bingqing's figure is really too good.

Even if Luo Xuan left China early in his youth to travel to Europe and other places, in the whole China or other countries, he has not seen anyone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Mu Bingqing in terms of body.

Even among the gods and demons of the heavens, even in the demon world, the demon saint You Yingmei, who used charm to kill people invisible, could not compare with Mu Bingqing in terms of stature.

Luo Xuan came back this time to experience human nature, but unexpectedly got such a wife who was of the highest quality to the extreme, and only he knew his inner feelings.

"Ring Ling~"

However, just when Luo Xuan was about to leave the villa.

His cell phone rang suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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