Chapter 189 Two rewards (first update)
After removing the piece of black silk and looking at Luo Xuan, Wenren Mu sighed sincerely.

"Master Luo is really good at predicting things. I would have given you a supercar when I arrived, so I asked me to send it to the underground parking lot."

"The master's ability is indeed no less than that of a god and man. I really admire it!"

Hearing Wenren Mu's words, Luo Xuan didn't say anything, but turned his gaze to the Lamborghini supercar.

He asked Wen Renmu to send the reward to the underground parking lot. Of course, he didn't know that he was going to give him a supercar, but he thought that there were few people in the underground parking lot, so it could be used as a cover-up.

But since Wenren Mu thought so, Luo Xuan didn't bother to explain.

Anyway, it is not the first time that Wen Renmu has made up his own brain, and his brain hole is comparable to a black hole.

Looking at Luo Xuan, Wenren Mu said cautiously: "As for the reward, does Master Luo still like it?"

"Fair." Luo Xuan said lightly.

When he was a teenager, he left Huaguo to go to Europe and other places, so he was naturally exposed to this kind of sports car. From his point of view, the performance of this supercar is already very good.

Even, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is top-notch.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Wenren Mu felt relieved, and said with a chuckle: "It's good that Master Luo has seen this thing, as far as I know, Master doesn't seem to have a suitable means of transportation yet."

"With this means of transportation, it will be much more convenient for the master to do some things. Moreover, if the master wants to visit Wenren's house, he can also drive it to Canghai City very quickly."

After hearing Mu's words, Luo Xuan didn't say much.

However, he also had to admit that Wen Renmu is indeed a person who knows how to do things, and he gave him a very practical thing.

After all, Luo Xuan does lack a means of transportation right now.

Although it is possible to fly to some places, sometimes, especially when there are many people, it is not so convenient.

If you need to take people out to do something, you will need a car.

It would be nice to have such a car for transportation.

If the only disadvantage is that this car is too expensive and too high-profile.

It's nothing to others, and Luo Xuan naturally doesn't care about others' opinions, but for Mu Bingqing, if she asks, maybe she has to spend some time explaining it to her.

At this moment, Mu said, "Master Luo, this car is the Lamborghini Centenario. Although it is not the latest model this year, it is a centennial commemorative model commemorating the [-]th anniversary of the birth of the founder of Lamborghini."

"Such an important model, naturally there will be no perfunctory work, and the performance is also at the crushing level. Moreover, this car is limited to [-] units worldwide, which is not an insult to your status as a master."

Hearing Wenren Mu's words, Luo Xuan nodded lightly.

"You have a heart."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Wenren Mu was finally completely relieved, and said with a smile: "Hehe, it's good that this car can still enter the eyes of the master."

After handing over the car keys to Luo Xuan, Wenren Mu took out a gift box from the side, opened it, and inside was a string of blue necklaces.

Seeing the necklace, Luo Xuan couldn't help but frown slightly.

He can naturally see that the material of this necklace is also kyanite!

When he went to the Su family that time, from the reactions of everyone in the Su family, especially the reactions of Su Qian and others, Luo Xuan already knew that kyanite was very valuable.

After the last auction, he had a clearer understanding of the value of kyanite.

In the last auction, the first piece was a kyanite necklace, and the final transaction price was 8000 million!
This was due to the price that Bai Shixiong yelled, and the other family owners and group bosses did not dare to compete with Bai Shixiong, otherwise the price would definitely be higher.

And although this string of kyanite necklaces is not the same string as that string of kyanite necklaces, its value will not be lower than that of the string that was auctioned that day, or even higher.

This kyanite necklace, at least, is also worth [-] million!
Apart from Mu Bingqing, only the Bai family, or as famous as the Bai family, could afford such extravagant things, and the Wen family in Canghai City could afford them.

After all, even the Su family, whose financial power in Jianglin City is almost second only to the Bai family, was extremely shocked when they saw this kyanite.

After taking out the kyanite necklace, Wen Renmu said: "The material of this necklace is kyanite, the master must have a certain understanding."

"This string of kyanite necklaces may not be used by the master, but you can give it to your beloved woman."

After finishing speaking, Wenren Mu carefully watched Luo Xuan's reaction.

The Lamborghini supercar he gave Luo Xuan was naturally based on practicality and Luo Xuan's needs, and to a certain extent, it was also to curry favor with Luo Xuan.

As for sending this string of kyanite necklaces, he has some careful thoughts.

He deliberately said that Luo Xuan could give it to his beloved woman, just to see how Luo Xuan would react.

If Luo Xuan directly refuses, it means that Luo Xuan doesn't have a woman he likes now, and his daughter still has a chance.

If Luo Xuan accepted it, it would be hard to say.

It is normal for Wenren Mu to have such small thoughts, after all, in terms of other aspects, he has nothing to curry favor with Luo Xuan.

Money, luxury cars, important gifts, what he can give, others can also give, at least the Bai family can also give.

At this time, you can only look at other aspects.

From Wenren Mu's point of view, although Luo Xuan is extremely powerful, he is still young after all.

As the saying goes, a hero is saddened by a beauty. Perhaps the greatest attraction to this young hero is the beauty.

And Wenren Zihan happened to be studying with Luo Xuan at Tianhai University now, and he had a certain connection with Luo Xuan because of protection before, so Wenren Mu couldn't be indifferent.

Not to mention, Wenren Zihan is one of the five famous campus beauties of Tianhai University, and she is undoubtedly the number one beauty in Canghai City!

At most, there are several other beauties in Canghai City who are equal in beauty to the famous Zihan, and tied for the title of the number one beauty, but no one can surpass her in beauty.

Even in Jianglin City and Canghai City, Wenren Zihan's beauty is only weaker than the number one beauty in Jianglin City, that is, Mu Bingqing, the president of Ice Dream Group.

If it was Mu Bingqing, Wenren Zihan really couldn't compare with her, but there was nothing to worry about for the others.

As long as the person Luo Xuan likes is not Mu Bingqing, then Wenren Mu is confident that his daughter will definitely be able to compete.

As for the previous assumption, Wen Renmu didn't even think about it.

The person Luo Xuan likes is Mu Bingqing?

This, no matter how you look at it, feels impossible.

If this can be achieved, Wen Renmu also said that he is talking to the God Emperor now!
(End of this chapter)

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