Xiuxian returns, what the hell are multiple arrogant wives?

Chapter 191 Helping others is fun, fulfilling this expectation

Chapter 191 Helping others is fun, fulfilling this expectation (third update)
Luo Xuan was naturally no stranger to this voice.

It is none other than Sun Lei!
Turning around, sure enough, Sun Lei was not far from Luo Xuan, driving a Cayenne, and just finished honking the horn with an arrogant face.

"Luo Xuan, you are standing in this underground parking lot, I am afraid that the good cars in this underground parking lot have already dazzled you?"

Sun Lei said proudly, "See if I have this car, the Porsche Cayenne, even if you work hard for the rest of your life, you still won't be able to drive it!"

Hearing what Sun Lei said, Luo Xuan's eyes didn't change at all.

Porsche Cayenne is not a top-notch existence among sports cars, and it is even a mid-to-low existence.

The Porsche Cayenne driven by Sun Lei is not a new model this year, and even if it is a new model this year, its value is only around 190 million.

I don't know where Sun Lei got this bragging confidence.

Sun Lei still looked smug, and said: "Luo Xuan, have you never seen a Cayenne, let me tell you, even if my car is placed in the entire underground parking lot, it is..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Lei didn't know what he saw, his face froze completely, his eyes widened completely, and he couldn't speak the following words.

Without a doubt, he saw that Lamborghini supercar!

"Lamborghini Centenario?! How can there be such a luxury car here!" Sun Lei said in shock.

He likes to use cars to show off himself, so he naturally has a good understanding of this kind of sports car, this kind of super luxury car.

Sun Lei is very clear that the Lamborghini Centenario is the centennial model of Lamborghini, and it is even limited to [-] units worldwide!
Even if he sold all of his current Porsche Cayenne, it wouldn't even be worth a single part of the car!

"This is the car you just looked at? Even I can't help but take a second look at this car. It really will open your eyes!" Sun Lei snorted.

Luo Xuan's eyes were flat, and he said lightly: "I look at my own car, of course there is no problem."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Sun Lei couldn't help being stunned.

Then, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Haha, you said this is your car? It's ridiculous! If this is your car, let me become a eunuch tomorrow!" Sun Lei said.

Clearly, it was a look of disbelief.

Luo Xuan's eyes couldn't help but move slightly.

This Sun Lei provoked him several times. The reason why he hasn't punished this Sun Lei more is because he wants to keep him temporarily and feel the dark humanity.

But now, whether it's in Mr. Zhao, or in that Song Xianming, or in other people, he has felt a lot of dark human nature.

Now, there is no need to continue to keep Sun Lei in the class, or even in the world.

Luo Xuan was thinking about what would happen to Sun Lei, but after thinking about it, Sun Lei himself gave him such a good suggestion.

Let Sun Lei become a eunuch, although this punishment may be a little lighter for Sun Lei, but it is still acceptable, Luo Xuan has already made a decision.

After all, sometimes it is human nature to help others. Since Sun Lei has this expectation, he will help him out.

Sun Lei didn't say anything to Luo Xuan, but carefully parked his Porsche Cayenne in the underground parking lot, not even daring to approach the Lamborghini Centenario.

In his opinion, tonight, there must be a top boss coming here, most likely, a boss at Bai Shixiong's level!
Of course, even with such conjectures, Sun Lei didn't have any intention of making friends or curry favor.

After all, although Sun Lei's family has some assets, they can be regarded as small assets, that is, they are similar to Hou Ji's father's Hou Tian Building Materials Company, and at most they are slightly better.

Sun Lei couldn't even compare to the previous Zhang Zichen, so how could he talk to Bai Shixiong?
To really try to curry favor with Bai Shixiong is undoubtedly self-defeating, even self-defeating!
After parking the car, Sun Lei couldn't help but look at the Lamborghini Centenario a few more times before walking outside the underground parking lot.

During this process, Sun Lei never said a word to Luo Xuan, let alone told Luo Xuan to hurry up.

After all, in his opinion, it would be better if Luo Xuan temporarily regretted not going.

If Luo Xuan doesn't go tonight, all his younger brothers will go, all of them are his cronies, and there will be fewer obstacles in his pursuit of Chu Shiyin tonight, and it can even be said that there will be no obstacles at all.

In Sun Lei's heart now, he naturally wished that Luo Xuan would not go up!

When Sun Lei left, Luo Xuan didn't even look at him.

For tonight's wind reception, he naturally wouldn't go in the morning, and at most he would go in at the last moment when it was about to start.

If you see the faces of Sun Lei and others more often, it will be really unpleasant.

As if thinking of something, Luo Xuan couldn't help looking at the tattoo on his arm.

"Since that's the case, everything makes sense." Luo Xuan's eyes were indifferent.

This type of arm pattern is not even as good as the lower arm pattern in the fairy world, it can only be activated with thoughts, and because of this, when the black widow attacked Mu Bingqing, Mu Bingqing had no chance to activate this arm pattern.

When facing the Black Widow and the others head-on in the back, Mu Bingqing was naturally confident when she was conscious and had this arm tattoo.

And when he rescued Mu Bingqing that day, he imprisoned Mu Bingqing's whole body, and at that time, he also vaguely felt a negligible tiny force that seemed to want to resist.

Thinking about it now, Mu Bingqing must have wanted to activate the arm lines at the time, but found that she couldn't.

If Luo Xuan had only used the strength of his body at that time, perhaps Mu Bingqing's arm tattoos could still have a slight effect.

But when Luo Xuan rescued Mu Bingqing that day, he went directly without changing his appearance, and used very little divine power. How could such a small amount of power be contained by such small arm lines?
It was probably at that time that she realized the gap in strength between the two of them, she was always facing a big enemy, and even wanted to surpass that him, and even kill him!

He also said in front of Mu Bingqing today that he was the one who saved Mu Bingqing at that time, but according to Mu Bingqing's reaction, he didn't seem to believe it.

Thinking of Mu Bingqing, Luo Xuan's expression couldn't help but fluctuate slightly.

Mu Bingqing was really nice to him, but at most her attitude and tone towards him were a bit cold.

In fact, compared to other people, Mu Bingqing's attitude and tone towards him were not cold at all.

After all, Mu Bingqing was so cold to other people, such as Mr. Zhao and Song Xianming, every word was heartbreaking!
It was already extremely polite to him.

Luo Xuan's heart also fluctuated slightly.

"Forget it, let's not think about it for now, it's time to watch this event."

Without thinking about these things any more, Luo Xuan left the underground parking lot and came to the entrance of the Wanwei Hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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