Xiuxian returns, what the hell are multiple arrogant wives?

Chapter 405 I will never change in this life

Chapter 405 I will never change in this life (first update)
Mu Bingqing and Luo Xuan were in the dining room, feeding each other mouthfuls of food, with an intimate look, as if they didn't mind other people's eyes at all.

In fact, Luo Xuan really didn't mind at all. After all, he did this to let other people know about his relationship with Mu Bingqing.

As for Mu Bingqing, when she made such a decision, she naturally didn't mind other people's gazes.

What's more, all the people present were the top leaders in Jianglin City.

They naturally know what to see and what not to see, and pretend not to see what they see.

Looking at Mu Bingqing, Luo Xuan said, "Bingqing, in your opinion, do the entire Jianglin City need to know about the relationship between the two of us?"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing said calmly: "It's possible, but it's not necessary."

Luo Xuan nodded slightly, what Mu Bingqing said was exactly what he thought.

Even if the relationship between the two is made public, it is completely enough to make it public at this time.

After all, those present are all the top leaders of Jianglin City and Canghai City, and they are the only ones who are qualified to witness all this.

In fact, if you have to say it, even if Bai Shixiong and others are not here today, it doesn't matter, as long as Su Ningxue and others know about the relationship between Luo Xuan and Mu Bingqing.

In contrast, letting Bai Shixiong and others know is not so important.

But letting Bai Shixiong and the others know all this is somewhat helpful, allowing them to recognize all this earlier, so that they don't want to send their daughters to him all the time.

As for the people in Jianglin City, there is no need to know about such things.

Even knowing it would be of no benefit, after all, Luo Xuan wanted to experience human nature, and Mu Bingqing's identity was so special, I don't know how many people would be curious about him, so he wouldn't have to experience human nature.

Furthermore, it was inevitable that Luo Xuan would feel that it was too petty to announce that the two of them were married in the entire Jianglin City in such a way similar to the "declaration".

Even if Luo Xuan really wanted to do this, the scope would not be limited to Jianglin City.

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Luo Xuan said: "Okay, then, as Bingqing said, there is no need for the entire Jianglin City to know that we are married."

"Even if we want to do it, we need to do it in the most expansive world. How can it be limited to Jianglin City."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing couldn't help but look slightly sideways.

"Oh? Do you want to let the whole world know that we are married one day?"

The vastest world Luo Xuan mentioned, in Mu Bingqing's understanding, is naturally the entire earth.

And hearing what Luo Xuan said, Mu Bingqing couldn't help feeling a little disturbed.

The vast majority of women attach great importance to their status and fame.

If Luoxuan really did this, she should... be very happy, right?
However, after Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Luo Xuan shook his head lightly.

"No, look at the entire starry sky, the earth is so small, I will let the entire universe, people from all heavens and myriad worlds, know that you, Mu Bingqing, are my Luo Xuan's woman, the only woman in my Luo Xuan!"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Afterwards, she said lightly: "...The words are boring, exaggerated, eat your meal!"

As she spoke, Mu Bingqing scooped up another spoonful of golden egg fried rice and put it into Luo Xuan's mouth.

But on her snowy face, an unnatural look flashed more and more.

On it, there was even a faint blush that flashed away.

She naturally didn't believe Luo Xuan's words.

Not just her, even anyone else, probably wouldn't believe it.

But for her who attaches great importance to her status and fame, Luo Xuan's words are, in a certain sense, extremely sweet words of love...

"Bingqing, when the time comes, you'll know if I'm exaggerating." Luo Xuan said without the slightest turmoil.

He was not surprised that Mu Bingqing would not believe it.

After all, what he just said is indeed beyond the understanding of ordinary people, and it is human nature to find it hard to believe.

All that, let the facts speak for themselves.

And noticing the flash of blush on Mu Bingqing's snowy face just now, Luo Xuan's mouth showed a faint smile, and he couldn't help stretching out his palm again to stroke Mu Bingqing's snowy face a few times.

"My Bingqing is getting cuter and cuter."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing's snowy face became even more unnatural, and she couldn't help but look away, not daring to look at Luo Xuan, but she didn't say anything.

When Luo Xuan delivered the next mouthful of golden egg fried rice, he also opened his red lips lightly, with a rather cute feeling.

It was only in front of Luo Xuan that Mu Bingqing would gradually reveal this little girl-like gesture.

Seeing this, the slight smile at the corner of Luo Xuan's mouth became more intense.

Being able to be with Mu Bingqing like this, this kind of happiness, really wouldn't be exchanged for anything.

Between the two, Mu Bingqing had been waiting for Luo Xuan to announce their relationship to others, and Luo Xuan was also waiting for Mu Bingqing to announce their relationship to others.

It can be said that both of them handed over the choice to the other.

If Luo Xuan hadn't taken the initiative to make such a decision, perhaps it would have taken longer for the relationship between the two to be exposed.

In addition, the two have an important choice to give to each other, perhaps it can be said that it is a small contest between the two.

Luo Xuan and Mu Bingqing undoubtedly love each other to the core.

At the very beginning, both of them didn't recognize their hearts clearly, but after this period of time and a series of assists, the two of them have already completely recognized their hearts.

Between the two of them, they both deeply know how much they love each other.

But until now, the two have never said a word of love to each other.

Even Luo Xuan, who said Mu Bingqing was cute so many times, never said a word of liking.

Not because of anything else, but the two of them are waiting for the other to speak first.

With Mu Bingqing's temperament, although she already knew that she loved Luo Xuan to the bottom of her heart, she was still arrogant and unwilling to admit it in front of Luo Xuan.

She was waiting for Luo Xuan to take the initiative to speak to her and admit that she liked her before she would admit that she liked Luo Xuan.

But in fact, the same is true for Luo Xuan, he was waiting for Mu Bingqing to be the first to admit that he likes him, why this happened, maybe it was because of some psychology of him as a man.

Until now, he has not been the first to let go of his posture and admit all of this first.

This led to the fact that the two obviously loved each other to the bottom of their hearts, and liked each other very much, but they never said a word of liking to each other.

It can be said that the way the two of them get along is completely like two deadly tsunderes falling in love!

This kind of deadly and arrogant love may look tiring to others.

But only Luo Xuan and Mu Bingqing knew how happy and sweet they were enjoying it...

(End of this chapter)

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