Chapter 41 Empress? (ask for a recommendation ticket)

To extend Lin Yunhai's fate for another 50 years, all of this was already planned by Luo Xuan when he stepped into Huangquanhai.

If it really extended Lin Yunhai's life for thousands of years, maybe it would have the opposite effect.

50 years, at this stage, is quite enough.

Even if Lin Yunhai wants to have more longevity in the future, Luo Xuan can also choose a cultivation method for him. Even if he does not become a god, just cultivating the immortal way is enough to have a lifespan of thousands of years.

In fact, if Lin Yunhai's fate had not been broken and his body was completely human, Luo Xuan could have used this method to extend Lin Yunhai's life.

Hearing Luo Xuan say that 50 years is enough, Yan Luo Wang also heaved a sigh of relief.

Even he can't change the fate of ordinary people too much. For him, 50 years is really a small thing that can be done easily.

But in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little doubtful.

For what he considered to be a trivial matter, Luo Xuan actually came here in person. What is the relationship between Lin Yunhai and Luo Xuan?
Of course, even if he had doubts, King Yama didn't dare to ask.

Not to mention him, I am afraid it is their great emperor who dare not ask Luo Xuan such a question easily!
After the matter was over, Luo Xuan was ready to leave, but just after taking a step, he stopped his steps when he thought of something.

Luo Xuan's expression was unremarkable, "Yan Luo Wang, show me Mu Bingqing's fate again."

"Follow the emperor's orders."

Naturally, King Yan Luo didn't dare to object, and with another move, a life wheel book in the life wheel platform appeared in his hand

However, King Yan Luo just glanced at it, and his whole body froze completely.

" is this possible!"

Yan Luo Wang lost his voice, with an expression of seeing a ghost!
Although strictly speaking, he is also a ghost...

But the important thing is not here, the important thing is that Mu Bingqing's life wheel book is too unbelievable!
Luo Xuan's eyes also moved slightly.

Because Mu Bingqing's life wheel did not show a specific year, but a row of question marks!

Her lifespan is far beyond what the Netherworld can spy on!
"Emperor, this..."

King Yan Luo felt very puzzled. He had been in the Netherworld for an unknown number of years, but this was the first time he had seen such a life wheel book.

Although the Nether Realm is the most special realm among all the realms, in fact, the Nether Realm can control only the most common Human Realm.

Fairies, demons, gods and demons have already jumped out of reincarnation, and are far beyond the jurisdiction of the Netherworld. Here, there is no life book of any immortals, demons, gods and demons.

It can be said that the life wheel book that appears here is only for mortals.

For ordinary people, a hundred years old is already a long lifespan, even those martial arts masters among human beings, even if they have obtained a complete inheritance of martial arts, and do not enter the immortal way, their lifespan is at most a thousand years.

In the life wheel book of the nether world, the longest life span he saw was around a thousand years.

However, this was the first time he had seen someone's lifespan appear as a row of question marks on the wheel book!
Could it be that this Mu Bingqing was already a fairy, demon and god?

As soon as this idea appeared, it was completely rejected by King Yan Luo.

If Mu Bingqing was a fairy, demon, god, and demon, there would definitely not be her life book here!
All this is simply unscientific!

Luo Xuan's expression was still extremely indifferent, "Since she has been nourished by the emperor's Yuanyang, her longevity naturally cannot be regarded by ordinary people."

Although Mu Bingqing's life wheel surprised him a little, he wasn't overly surprised. In his opinion, it should have been like this.

Yuan Yang nourishes...

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, King Yan Luo was completely dumbfounded!
Luo Xuan's words shocked him more than anything he had ever heard or experienced before!
Nine Profound Emperor, unexpectedly...

Afterwards, Yan Luo Wang's face was full of fear, he put his posture to the lowest, bowed and said: "Congratulations to the emperor, you have found the empress!"

After Yan Luowang's words fell, Luo Xuan's tone became a bit colder, and he said in a nonchalant voice: "Who told you, she is the empress."


Yan Luo Wang originally thought that even if Luo Xuan was not overjoyed, he would definitely not have any anger after he finished speaking, but the reality was obviously completely different from what he thought.

What Luo Xuan said just now was Yuanyang nourishment, so naturally he could not get it wrong.

As for what Yuanyang Nourishing means, even King Yan Luo can understand it if he is a fool.

But Luo Xuan said that she was not the empress.

Is this what humans often say, put on your pants and don’t recognize it...

Thinking of this, Yan Luo Wang broke out in a cold sweat, even if he stopped the thought.

The thoughts of people like Luo Xuan are not something he can easily guess.

King Yan Luo knew that with Luo Xuan's ability, it was completely easy to spy on his thoughts.

If it made Luo Xuan unhappy, it would be easy to kill him directly!

Glancing at King Yan Luo, Luo Xuan said in a low voice: "This emperor has no empress, and there will never be one in the future. What Mu Bingqing said about being an empress is even more ridiculous! If you talk nonsense again, don't blame this emperor for being ruthless." !"

Luo Xuan didn't add any force to his words, but Yan Luo Wang felt his chest was hit hard, as if his chest was overwhelmed!

King Yan Luo couldn't help being shocked again.

It's no wonder that their great emperor has to argue with Luo Xuan's younger generation, how strong is the Emperor Jiuxuan!
Luo Xuan didn't go to see King Yan Luo again, and left the entire Nether world with a flash of his figure.

King Yan Luo hurriedly bowed, "Congratulations to Emperor Jiuxuan!"

However, after a long time, I only knew that the time was extremely long. After confirming that Luo Xuan had left, King Yama slowly straightened up and let out a long sigh of relief.

Today's matter, fortunately, he handled it properly, otherwise the entire Netherworld would have been destroyed.

However, thinking about what happened to the empress just now, Yama still couldn't figure it out for a while.

For ten thousand years, he has never heard that Emperor Jiuxuan favored any woman, only this woman named Mu Bingqing made him an exception, but why...

Thinking of this, Yan Luo Wang glanced at Lin Yunhai and Mu Bingqing's life book, and was stunned for a moment.

Only then did he notice that Lin Yunhai was actually Mu Bingqing's adoptive father!

He was still thinking before, how could Luo Xuan come here in person just for such a small matter as a human being's 50-year life extension.

But now he understands a little bit, Emperor Jiuxuan is here to save his father-in-law's life!

"As Emperor Jiuxuan, I have bowed down to come here personally to renew the life of Mu Bingqing's adoptive father. That woman named Mu Bingqing is not the empress, who would be the empress..."

With such thoughts in King Yan Luo's mind, he undoubtedly became more determined to say that Mu Bingqing is the empress.

Thinking of Luo Xuan's reluctance to admit just now, Yan Luowang's expression also took on a weirdness.

"Could it be that this is what some humans say, that the mouth is... integrity?"

(End of this chapter)

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