Chapter 49 Soul Phase! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Seeing this scene, Wang Song, Wang Sen, and even Dao Scar himself were stunned!

Dao Scar said incomprehensibly: "Brother, you are the famous Sanda King in Jianglin City, why should you be so respectful to this kid!"

"What, Mr. Luo, you must have admitted the wrong person!"

The person who came was none other than Mad Elephant!
Hearing Scar's words, Wild Elephant became even more furious, and said angrily, "You bastard! Even the boss of the Scarlet Wolf is respectful to Mr. Luo, what are you!"

Snapped! ! !
After finishing speaking, the wild elephant slapped him hard again, knocking Scar to the ground!
Now in his heart, he was filled with anger, shock and regret!
Dao Scar actually wanted to provoke Luo Xuan recklessly, how could he not be angry!
And that day by the Red Blood Wolf's side, he had already seen Luo Xuan's terrifying power.

Kuang Xiang's own strength is not as good as that of Xiong Er, Luo Xuan can slap Xiong Er directly to death, let alone himself.

If Luo Xuan was angered, it would be a question of whether people like himself could leave alive, how could he not be surprised!

After being rescued by Luo Xuan that day, the Scarlet Blood Wolf has been sending people to look for Luo Xuan, and the Wild Elephant has also assigned some of its men to look for Luo Xuan.

But he didn't want to, Scar actually provoked Luo Xuan, how could he not regret it! ! !

The red blood wolf must respect Luo Xuan!
Being slapped to the ground by the wild elephant again, Scar no longer cared about the severe pain on his face, and when he heard what the wild elephant said, he felt like a fool!
The level of the red blood wolf is completely out of reach for him, and even now he is only barely familiar with the wild elephant, and has never seen the red blood wolf at all.

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows that the person whom the red blood wolf respects is definitely not someone he can provoke!
Scar no longer showed any arrogance, and his whole body began to tremble.

Wang Song and Wang Sen began to shiver non-stop at this time.

Even the boss of Scar has to be so respectful to Luo Xuan, how can they provoke Luo Xuan!

Both Wang Song and Wang Sen felt endless remorse in their hearts. If time could come back again, they would never provoke Luo Xuan!
Luo Xuan glanced at the wild elephant in front of him, and said calmly: "If you are all such bullying people, then there is no need to talk between us."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Wild Elephant panicked, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Luo, don't misunderstand, sir, do you still remember the bald Qiang that day?"

Seeing that Luo Xuan didn't speak, Wild Elephant didn't dare to hide it, and said: "The people like Scar are all those who belonged to the bald-headed strong. The boss of the Red Blood Wolf has studied business, and he just took them in temporarily."

"But I don't want to, they actually provoked the sir, sir, you have to believe that their wishes definitely do not represent the wishes of the boss of the red blood wolf!"

"The boss of the Red Blood Wolf has always remembered the grace of saving your life, and has been looking for him hard!"

Looking at the wild elephant's gaze, Luo Xuan could tell that he was not lying.

Luo Xuan said indifferently: "I have always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. If this is the case, let's forget about what happened before you and me."

Luo Xuan has always been very clear about grievances and grievances, just like the hell three-headed dog provoked him outside the gate of Nether without knowing his identity, and he only targeted the three-headed hell dog, and did not vent his anger on the whole Nether.

Only King Abi knew his identity but still wanted to offend him, and King Abi was acting as the agent of Hades, which to a certain extent represented Nether's wishes, which aroused Luo Xuan's sullen anger.

Since the scar has nothing to do with the wild elephant, nor does it have anything to do with the red blood wolf, Luo Xuan naturally wouldn't take his anger out on the wild elephant.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Wild Elephant heaved a long sigh of relief, feeling like he had walked through the gates of hell!
Luo Xuan walked past the wild elephant and walked in front of Scar.

Dao Scar was already so frightened that he was almost paralyzed, begging for mercy repeatedly: "Mr. Luo, I know I was wrong, I deserve to die, please get around me!"

Scar's voice was trembling, which was enough to tell how frightened he was!
Looking at the scar who repeatedly begged for mercy, Luo Xuan's expression was still extremely indifferent.

"Do you remember what I just said?"

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Dao Scar was slightly taken aback, and then suddenly remembered something, and a chill appeared all over his body instantly.

"As I said just now, I want you to abolish Wang Sen and Wang Song, then cut off your limbs and kowtow to plead guilty. Otherwise, if I do it myself, the consequences will be much more serious than you imagined."

After the words fell, before Scar could say anything, a black glow suddenly flashed in Luo Xuan's eyes.

Vientiane Heavenly Art, Soul Phase!
Scar felt as if struck by lightning, his whole body was completely frozen in place, and his eyes became completely empty.

Kuangxiang and the others didn't know what Luo Xuan had done, so they didn't dare to breathe.


After a while, Scar actually laughed, but the smile was a smirk.

While laughing, Scar was drooling.

Seeing this scene, Kuang Xiang and the others were a little shocked. Scar's current behavior is completely like a fool!

What Kuang Xiang and the others thought was right, Scar is no different from a fool now!
Even, he is worse than a fool!
Because under the soul of Wanxiang Tiangong, Scar's two souls and six souls were taken away, and now he only has one soul and one soul left!
After giggling for a while, Dao Scar walked directly towards Wang Sen and Wang Song.

Seeing Scar walking over, especially seeing Scar's current appearance, Wang Sen and Wang Song only felt creepy.

Seeing Scar getting closer, Wang Sen boldly said, "Brother Scar, I'm Wang Sen, you don't know me...Ah!!!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Sen let out a scream.

Because one of his hands was completely abolished by the scar!

Then, in the alley, Qi Qi's screams came to mind!
It was even accompanied by the sound of bones cracking!

Not long after, Wang Sen and Wang Song were completely crippled by the scars, and collapsed on the ground. Even the bones in their bodies were almost intact!
Wang Sen and Wang Song were not the opponents of Scar in the first place, not to mention the wounds caused by the two of them who provoked Luo Xuan before have not healed, so naturally it is even more impossible for Scar to resist.

Don't look at Dao Scar's stupidity now, when he really wanted to do something, he was still unambiguous at all.

Even his current silly appearance has a feeling of disapproval, a bit more brute force than usual.

Dao Scar just lost one hand by Luo Xuan, more than enough to deal with Wang Sen and Wang Song!
After abolishing Wang Sen and Wang Song, Scar continued to walk towards them with a smirk.

In the next second, the eyes of Wang Sen and Wang Song immediately showed a feeling of panic.

Even more terrified than when Scar abolished them just now!

Because of the scar, he was actually picking off their pants!
(End of this chapter)

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