Chapter 518 The Surprise (Fourth Change)

Among the Wenren Mu and others who were in the restaurant at this time, there were both men and women, and the gender aspect was very comprehensive.

Looking at the age group, the old ones naturally refer to Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe, and even Chen Lao Li Lao Wu Lao Song Lao, the middle-aged and famous Mu Bai Shixiong and others, and the young people. Bai Jingyang.

Even the youngest, there is Jasmine Su, who really covers everything from an 80-year-old grandfather to an eight-year-old child.

The lineup of this support is undoubtedly too comprehensive, and it can completely confuse the real with the fake!

Hearing Qi Liang and Qi Bei's words, Jasmine Su suddenly became a little unhappy. She naturally knew that the young person in the two populations was referring to her.

At that moment, Long Xin'er also said in her immature childlike voice: "Hey, you two uncles are not ashamed, if you really don't want to eat, you can leave, and no one wants you to stay here."

"What kind of unscrupulous shops and untrustworthy ones, if you really don't leave, you can eat the food in the big brother's restaurant in a while, but don't be so delicious in an instant!"

Seeing that such a little girl hated herself like this, Qi Liang and Qi Bei looked even more ridiculous.

"It's really fragrant? We don't know how to be really fragrant. What kind of food can make us really fragrant!"

However, after the voices of the two fell, the two only felt a shadow directly covering them.


The hell three-headed dog came in front of several people, threw the three portions of golden egg fried rice and three servings of mandarin fish in tomato sauce on the dining table, and said harshly: "Eat quickly, and walk slowly after eating!"

Seeing the hell three-headed dog, Qi Liang and Qi Bei wanted to say something, but seeing the size of the hell three-headed dog, they finally swallowed what they wanted to say.

After serving the dishes to several people, the hell three-headed dog didn't even stop, and went straight back to the back kitchen.

Qi Liang and Qi Bei directly took the food in front of them, and even picked up the chopsticks.

The two of them had already made up their minds that even if it was really delicious, they would say it was not delicious after eating it.

Whether it's because their third brother can help them pay the bill because they say it's bad food, or because they can feel at ease because they say it's bad food. tasty!

With this in mind, the two picked up the chopsticks in a fit of anger, took a piece of mandarin fish in tomato sauce and put it into their mouths.

At that moment, the expressions of the two froze instantly.

The expression on Bai Canghe's face just now completely appeared on the faces of the two of them.

They wanted to say something bad, but no matter what, they just couldn't open their mouths, as if facing such a meal, saying something bad was a deep blasphemy.

In the end, both of them said almost subconsciously: "It's really... really fragrant!"

Afterwards, they all picked up the food with big mouthfuls, eating more exaggeratedly than Bai Canghe just now!
Seeing this, Jasmine Su didn't even bother to say anything, these people are still grown-ups, they are not ashamed, just now they said they don't smell really good, but it didn't happen in the blink of an eye!
Seeing the reaction of Qi Liang and Qi Bei, Qi Ai also knew that he didn't need to take the money for their meal. Qi Liang and Qi Bei obviously couldn't even say a word about the bad taste.

After Qi Liang and Qi Bei, Qi Ai also put a piece of mandarin fish in tomato sauce into his mouth,

Although he was mentally prepared to a certain extent, he was not as exaggerated as Qi Liang and Qi Bei's reactions, but he felt like he was going to bury his face in the rice almost instantly, and he ate it directly.

At the speed of the three of them, the three meals were eaten up by the three of them in no time!
Glancing at the hall, Luo Xuan of the back kitchen said indifferently: "Er Gouzi, go and drive the people on the gray list away."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, the hell three-headed dog was taken aback for a moment, and then said respectfully: "Yes, my lord."

Afterwards, it didn't dare to delay, so it did it directly.

During this period, the three of them naturally begged their grandpa to tell their grandma, and even the middle-aged man asked if he brought two guests to Luo Xuan's restaurant, could he order an extra dish.

Naturally, the three-headed hellhound would not agree to such a request. It knew better that with Luo Xuan's character, it was impossible to break the rules for the sake of the three of them.

As for Qi Liang and Qi Bei, they have already regretted so much that they can no longer regret it, they just feel that Luo Xuan's shop should not be said to be a black shop and a consignment shop, which resulted in being on the gray list now.

In the end, the three of them left Luo Xuan's restaurant after repeatedly promising that they would definitely come over for dinner tomorrow morning.

Especially Qi Liang and Qi Bei, who seemed to leave in despair...

Bingmeng Group Building, the top floor office.

Mu Bingqing stood by the glass window of the Bingmeng Group building. From this position, overlooking Luoxuan's restaurant, her snowy face was so cold that no waves could be seen.

After calculating the current time, Mu Bingqing said to Mu Suyi who was behind her: "Suyi, I'll go to that restaurant to have a look, and I'll come back when I go!"

"If I don't return for a while, you can take care of all the affairs in the group!"

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Mu Suyi said, "Yes, President."

After the explanation, Mu Bingqing didn't stop any longer, and went directly to the outside of the Bingmeng Group building through the exclusive passage that only she could enter.

After Mu Bingqing left, Mu Suyi also had a little doubt on her brows.

She couldn't understand why Mu Bingqing went to that restaurant to check at this moment.

If it is for the Feng family, the current Feng family has already been destroyed, so naturally it is no longer necessary.

The loser naturally has no qualifications to be remembered.

And if it wasn't for the affairs of the Feng family, why did Mu Bingqing want to go to that restaurant? Could it be because of the gathering of those big bosses that Mu Bingqing wanted to go and check it out?
Such words are barely plausible, but Mu Suyi knows that even if it is the gathering of these big bosses, Mu Bingqing is not interested in checking it out, and she doesn't even bother to check it out.

Mu Bingqing will go to that restaurant, there must be other places that attract her more.

"The president went to that unknown restaurant twice, not sure if it's safe or not..."

Mu Suyi hesitated a bit in her heart, if Mu Bingqing asked her to stay in the group well, Mu Suyi would naturally not disobey Mu Bingqing's order, and would stay here well.

But Mu Bingqing didn't let her stay here all the time, but said that if she didn't return for a while, let her handle the group's affairs on her behalf.

After hesitating for an unknown amount of time, Mu Suyi finally left the office on the top floor of the Bingmeng Group building, ready to go outside the Bingmeng Group.

Out of worry and loyalty to Mu Bingqing, she had no choice but to go to Luo Xuan's restaurant.

At the same time, she was naturally very curious about the restaurant Mu Bingqing went to twice...

(End of this chapter)

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