Chapter 520 Black Belly? (Second more)
Seeing Mu Bingqing, the corners of Luo Xuan's mouth couldn't help but curl up subconsciously.

Afterwards, he directly picked up the food for him and Mu Bingqing from the back kitchen, and walked towards Mu Bingqing's direction.

He has been in the back kitchen for such a long time, so naturally he didn't just cook the meals for Chu Yueyin and Chu Shiyin, but more importantly, he prepared the meals for him and Mu Bingqing to eat next time.

When Mu Bingqing came to the table where she was sitting at noon, Luo Xuan had already come to her side.

"Bingqing, are you hungry? Since you're here, you can eat quickly." Luo Xuan said.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words and looking at the food in Luo Xuan's hands, Mu Bingqing's beautiful eyes could not help being a little surprised.

"How do you know that I want to eat these?" Mu Bingqing asked.

What Luo Xuan held in his hands were two servings of steamed sea bass and two servings of fried rice with golden eggs.

She came here today to order steamed sea bass, but Luo Xuan had already prepared it.

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Luo Xuan said: "We are husband and wife, so we naturally have some kind of mutual understanding. As a husband, how can I not know what my Bingqing wants to eat?"

Hearing Luo Xuan say this, especially words like husband and wife, husband, my Bingqing... Mu Bingqing's snowy face couldn't help but feel a little unnatural.

Afterwards, she forced herself to snort coldly, and said, "Hmph! You hit me by mistake!"

As she spoke, she took the initiative to take the food from Luo Xuan's hand and put it on the dining table, wondering if she was worried that Luo Xuan would feel tired from carrying the food all the time.

Seeing Mu Bingqing's actions, the corners of Luo Xuan's mouth curved even more.

But when Mu Bingqing was about to sit down, her crescent eyebrows couldn't help but frown.

"Why is there only one row of benches at your table?"

In Luoxuan's restaurant, the dining tables are all square ones, and the stools are not the kind of stools or chairs that can only sit one person, but rather long benches.

Even if two people or three people sit on it, there is no problem.

And the benches are divided into two rows, or two, facing each other. Therefore, Luo Xuan can hold the most customers at a table, that is, six people.

But at this time, there was only one bench left at Luo Xuan's table, and the other one had disappeared.

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Luo Xuan said calmly: "The other one was damaged before, the value of this kind of bench is not high, and the repair is not worth it, so I just ignored it."

"Besides, this seat is only for you. If there are no more than three people, a bench is enough. You can just sit next to me."

With that said, Luo Xuan sat down on one side of the bench.

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, the hell three-headed dog in the back kitchen was stunned.

Looking at the bench in the back kitchen, the hell three-headed dog simply didn't know what to say, Luo Xuan was simply opening his eyes and talking nonsense!

The purpose of Luo Xuan's words was naturally to let Mu Bingqing sit beside him.

The hell three-headed dog is a little skeptical about his life. Why did his master become so black-bellied when he treated the mistress!
Recently, the three-headed dog has been studying the culture of Huaguo, whether it is ancient or modern.

With Luo Xuan's current appearance, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a so-called scheming boy!
Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing frowned even more.

She naturally had doubts about what Luo Xuan said about the damage to the other bench.

You know, Luo Xuan's restaurant just opened at noon, and now it's only evening.

When Luoxuan restaurant was open at noon, it was still fine when she came, how come it was directly damaged at this time?
When Luo Xuan's restaurant opened at noon, this batch of tables and chairs were all new. Even if Luo Xuan said that the value of these benches was not high, the quality might not be much higher.

But even if the quality is really not that high, the new tables and chairs that were replaced at noon broke down in the evening. Is this quality too much to disagree with?
What's more, it was such a coincidence that only one of the benches at her table was broken, while the other tables were fine.

If the quality is really bad to the point where the newly replaced at noon will be broken in the evening, then why do Bai Shixiong and others sit well?
Luo Xuan naturally saw what Mu Bingqing was thinking, and a little helplessness arose in his heart.

Having a wife like Mu Bingqing with super high EQ and IQ is really not easy to fool.

But Luo Xuan also believed that no matter what, Mu Bingqing would still choose to sit next to him in the end.

It seemed to correspond to what Luo Xuan was thinking, just when Luo Xuan was thinking this way, Mu Bingqing snorted coldly.

"Hmph! I really don't agree with the quality of your bench. If that's the case, I'll sit next to you!"

As she said that, she was ready to sit down beside Luo Xuan.

Regardless of the truth of what Luo Xuan said just now, no matter what, the bench is indeed not here at this time, and Mu Bingqing really has no choice.

Naturally, she can sit at another table. Besides her table, there is another table that is empty, which is the table where Qi Liang and the three Qi brothers sat just now.

But Mu Bingqing was already used to the current table, and she didn't want to change to other seats for a while.

Of course, she can also directly move a bench from the table where the three Qi brothers were just now, so she doesn't have to change positions, and she can also sit opposite Luo Xuan as before, but...

It would have been fine if Luo Xuan didn't say what he said just now, maybe she would have done so, but since Luo Xuan had already said to let her sit next to him,

In this way, it would be bad for her to move some benches to other tables.

Almost everyone present did not know that Luo Xuan was her husband and she was Luo Xuan's wife.

Regardless of being at home, outside, no matter what, it is natural that Luo Xuan's wishes should be the first, and he cannot lose face as a man.

Besides, just sitting next to Luo Xuan is not a big deal, the length of this bench can seat three people, and naturally it is more than enough to seat two people.

There are still so many people in the restaurant now, presumably in front of so many people, Luo Xuan would not do anything to her.

Just as Mu Bingqing was thinking so, she just sat down beside Luo Xuan, even before she could sit still, Luo Xuan hugged her directly.

Then, he directly hugged her onto his lap!

Sensing Luo Xuan's actions, Mu Bingqing only felt a subconscious flash in her brain.

Afterwards, Xueyan also felt somewhat unnatural, and forced herself to speak: "You...what are you doing, let me go!"

However, upon hearing her words, Luo Xuan had no intention of letting go of her.

"Bingqing, if I don't let you go, what will happen to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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