Chapter 523 Amazing Time, Defeating Time (Second)
Luo Xuan didn't know about Mu Suyi's existence before, so with his ability, he could easily find out about Mu Bingqing's people around him.

Even if he didn't want to use his own abilities to investigate, given how much Bai Shixiong, Luo Changsheng, and the others liked him now, he could still find out by asking them to use their connections.

But Luo Xuan, of course, did not do this, and certainly would not do so.

Mu Bingqing has always had unreserved trust in him, and he has always had unreserved trust in Mu Bingqing.

This is not just an equivalent feedback for Mu Bingqing's trust in him, but that he really trusts Mu Bingqing 100%.

He doesn't have the habit of casually checking on his wife. Mu Bingqing has her own way of life and everything that belongs to her, and Luo Xuan doesn't want to interfere too much in her life.

Luo Xuan's understanding of Mu Bingqing has always been limited to what he has seen and heard. Even the Bingmeng Group where Mu Bingqing belongs, he has only been there once.

And even this time he has been there, he did not enter the Ice Dream Group, but directly burned the Fengman Tower into nothingness outside the glass window of the Ice Dream Group.

That time, he only saw Mu Bingqing, not Mu Suyi. Today was the first time he saw Mu Suyi.

Noticing that someone was spying just now, Luo Xuan naturally glanced at Mu Suyi's identity immediately, and learned that she is Mu Bingqing's female secretary, or a personal female secretary, and she is Mu Bingqing's most trusted person in the Bingmeng Group. people.

Mu Suyi, on the other hand, has deep admiration and respect for Mu Bingqing, obeys all orders from Mu Bingqing, and always strives to follow Mu Bingqing's example.

As a result, when he saw Mu Bingqing and him just now, Mu Suyi's almost skeptical mood, Luo Xuan also felt it thoroughly...

Regardless of these, the point is that Mu Suyi's face is already beautiful, not inferior to Su Ningxue and the others, and her figure and temperament are even more excellent.

Such Mu Suyi is naturally in line with the general direction of restaurant management that Luo Xuan had set in mind before.

It’s just that you can’t recruit male employees, so as not to covet Su Ningxue and the others, and you can’t recruit ordinary female employees, so as not to be jealous of Su Ningxue’s appearance and crowd them out everywhere, you can only recruit those who are not inferior to them in appearance and body. This is the general direction of business for female employees.

To put it simply, Luo Xuan's new employees in the restaurant in the future must look at the entire Huaguo like Su Ningxue and the others, and they must be top-notch beauties. People who are not good-looking are not qualified.

Such women are naturally very rare, and there are very few in Huaguo. Luo Xuan didn't expect to recruit any employees quickly.

Luo Xuan even thought that if he couldn't find it, the restaurant would continue to develop at its current scale without expanding it.

Unexpectedly, so soon, Luo Xuan met such a qualified beauty, and she was far away in the sky, and she was also his wife's secretary. It couldn't be more coincidental than this.

But at this time, it is naturally not the time to think about these things. Compared with any restaurant, it is naturally more important to be with my wife at this time.

After all, even if it is a restaurant, Luo Xuan created it for Mu Bingqing's sake. The restaurant's affairs are naturally more important than Mu Bingqing's failure.

Luo Xuan quickly threw this series of thoughts about Mu Suyi out of his mind, it can only be said that Mu Suyi has now attracted part of his attention.

Looking at Mu Bingqing in his arms, Luo Xuan's mouth slightly curled up, and said: "My Bingqing is really the most beautiful woman in the world."

Even though Mu Bingqing was still wearing that layer of camouflage, with Luo Xuan's ability to see through everything with the third level of vision, it was naturally as if she hadn't.

In his eyes, Mu Bingqing will always have that face that is so beautiful that even a goddess can hardly match it.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing turned away from her snowy face, a little unnaturalness flashed over her snowy face, but then she snorted and said, "Hmph! Could it be that I'm old and ugly? Don't want me!"

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, seeing her somewhat arrogant look, Luo Xuan's smile grew wider, and said: "My Bingqing will never grow old, let alone become ugly."

"Whether it's in my eyes or in my heart, my Bingqing is now this amazing girl who has defeated the years."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Mu Bingqing's snowy face also flushed slightly.

Afterwards, she forced herself to snort again, and said, "Hmph, full of nonsense!"

"A lot of nonsense?"

Hearing what Mu Bingqing said, Luo Xuan smiled lightly and said, "It's not bad if you understand it this way. I'm also considered the boss of ghosts, so naturally I want to talk nonsense."

Luo Xuan is now the lord of the nether world, so if he really wants to say nonsense, it's not bad.

After all, he is indeed the boss of the ghost, so what he said is naturally nonsense.

It is said that men's mouths are deceiving ghosts, but in fact... the ghosts are always provoking others, and it is a waste of nothing.

"Boss ghost? Hmph, are you lying to a three-year-old kid by saying so, and saying that it's not a bunch of nonsense!" Mu Bingqing said.

However, when Mu Bingqing didn't expect it, Luo Xuan nodded slightly and said, "That's right, the ghost boss's nonsense is naturally very reasonable."

"As for what you said about deceiving a three-year-old child, at worst, I will go back to when you were three years old and tell you that again."

Mu Bingqing: "..."

Shaking her head lightly, feeling a little powerless in her heart, Mu Bingqing said: "Forget it, you are all lying, I won't argue with you about this, first help me up."

Now she is still half lying in Luo Xuan's arms, it's not easy to get up, naturally she needs Luo Xuan's help to get up.

As for the second half of Luo Xuan's sentence, she naturally ignored it.

Why go back to when she was three years old and tell her that again, if she believed it, she would really be a three-year-old child.

However, after Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Luo Xuan shook her head lightly, and did not immediately help her up.

"Bingqing, call me husband, and I'll help you up." Luo Xuan said.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing couldn't help being startled.

Afterwards, her snowy face also took on a faint blush, and she insisted: "How many times have you used this method, this time I, Mu Bingqing, will never give in!"

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, there was no trace of displeasure on Luo Xuan's face.

"Since my Bing Qing is so disobedient, then I will punish her, but don't worry, my punishment has always been gentle with my Bing Qing."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Mu Bingqing couldn't help feeling a bad premonition...

(End of this chapter)

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