Chapter 528 Rules, Welfare, Attraction (Part [-])
After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Chu Shiyin couldn't help being stunned.

Seeing Chu Shiyin's slightly sluggish look, and considering that Chu Shiyin might not understand what he meant, Luo Xuan said, "Shiyin, if you regret it, there is still time."

"Even if your resignation report has been approved, I can let you go back to school."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Chu Shiyin couldn't help returning to his senses.

Afterwards, Chu Shiyin also smiled and said: "I know you have great powers, as long as I regret it now, even if the resignation report has already been approved, you can ask the school to cancel it for me."

"But it's really unnecessary. I won't regret the decision I've made. Besides, haven't I told you all the reasons, especially now that you're still my boyfriend. If we have a relationship like this, we can't be you again." Even my teacher would feel weird."

After Chu Shiyin finished speaking, Luo Xuan took a deep look at Chu Shiyin, and didn't say anything more.

"Okay, since you still insist, then I naturally respect your decision." Luo Xuan said.

Chu Shiyin smiled, and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this. After all, the food in your restaurant tastes really good, it's almost like being enchanted."

"I'm an employee of your restaurant now. According to the rules of your restaurant, I can take a takeaway later, right, don't try to renege on it!"

Hearing Chu Shiyin's words, Luo Xuan nodded lightly, and said flatly: "It's natural, I won't renege on my debt."

When Luo Xuan set the rules of the restaurant at the beginning of opening the restaurant, he set five rules.

But in fact, among these five rules, only the first three are really important.

For example, regarding the regulations on business hours, each person can only order one staple food and main course per meal, and the staple food and dishes ordered can only be eaten by oneself and not given to others. Such rules determine the operation of the restaurant. Strategy.

And the last two rules, if they are rules, it is better to say that Luo Xuan gave Su Ningxue and the others benefits.

The fourth rule is exactly what Chu Shiyin said. Luoxuan's restaurant is now forbidden to take away food, but as long as it is an employee of the restaurant, each meal can be taken away for free.

And when Luo Xuan made this rule, basically, it could be said that it was for An Jinxi.

Luo Xuan met An Jinxi for the first time after his return, that is, the time he accompanied Su Ningxue to dining hall No. [-], and met An Jinxi working part-time at the window.

At that time, he noticed that An Jinxi would take out one after each part-time job, and she brought so much profit to that window, what she took out was only a small one.

After helping An Jinxi punish those extremely annoying relatives of hers, Luo Xuan naturally knew that the portion that An Jinxi took away must be for her mother Wang Mei.

Therefore, when Luo Xuan opened the restaurant, he directly added such a rule, so that all of them can take a take-out, so as to avoid her psychological pressure.

Apart from An Jinxi, it could also be said that it was for Su Ningxue. Others didn't know that Su Ningxue had a little sister, Su Xiner, and he had already seen that Su Ningxue loved her very much.

Although children's appetites are relatively small, Xiner Su can only eat one meal in the restaurant, and I don't know if this little girl can eat enough. Luo Xuan added this rule, which is also for Su Ningxue to be able to eat outside. Bring it to Jasmine Su.

Even if Xiner Su can eat enough in the restaurant, Su Ningxue can also give the takeaway portion to her mother Shen Lan, or to her father Su Qiancheng or her father like An Jinxi. Uncle Su Qianlin is fine.

In addition to the fourth rule, the fifth rule, which is the rule that the employees in this restaurant have unlimited meals, is not even a rule, it is tantamount to a benefit for Su Ningxue and the others.

After all, they are all my younger sisters, and they should be pampered when it is time to pamper them. The rules of fourth and fifth are also their benefits.

Besides the benefits for them, Luo Xuan also has other considerations of his own, that is, these two rules will also play a big role in recruiting new employees!
Because non-restaurant employees can only eat one meal and one dish in the restaurant, but the employees in the restaurant can eat unlimited meals and take out, which is a great temptation in itself.

The first three rules in the restaurant are the kind of rigid and dead rules, which seem a little unreasonable, and are undoubtedly a kind of threat.

But the last two rules are full of temptation, enough to arouse the envy and jealousy of anyone, which is undoubtedly a kind of grace.

The combination of kindness and strength wins people's hearts. With such complementary rules, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the development of the restaurant, and it will also be of great help to the recruitment of new employees.

With Luo Xuan's [-] years of experience, he has already reached the extreme in controlling such emotions.

However, when Chu Shiyin mentioned the restaurant's takeout, Luo Xuan knew that she was just trying to change the subject, and she didn't really value the restaurant's takeout.

After all, An Jinxi, Su Ningxue and the others can bring the takeaway back to their families, but Chu Yueyin and Chu Shiyin seem to have come to Jianglin City alone to work hard. , There are no parents and family members around.

Obviously, they didn't have anything to take away. Since they had unlimited meals at the restaurant, the two of them must have already eaten enough, so it was useless to take them out.

When Chu Shiyin brought up the takeaway, it was undoubtedly to change the topic just now.

After leaving Chu Yueyin and Chu Shiyin's table, Luo Xuan also returned to the back kitchen, and started cooking Su Ningxue's and the others' unlimited meals, as well as the takeaway meals.

At this time, there were hardly any new guests in the restaurant, so Su Ningxue and the others were naturally free.

After Luo Xuan's meal was ready, Su Ningxue and the others all started eating one after another because they were free at this time.

The tangy aroma that radiated in all directions really made Bai Shixiong and other big shots want to cry!

After Su Ningxue and the others finished their meal, the restaurant was almost closing time.

At this time, Bai Shixiong and others all got up and said goodbye to Luo Xuan.

"Master, thank you for curing my father, since it's the closing time of the master's restaurant, let's take our leave first." Bai Shixiong bowed his hands respectfully to Luo Xuan.

Hearing Bai Shixiong's words, Luo Xuan just nodded lightly.

And Bai Canghe soon sighed: "Master Luo's kindness in rebuilding, Canghe will never forget. From now on, my Bai family will be ordered by the master, even if we go through fire and water, we will not hesitate!"

(End of this chapter)

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