Chapter 547
Since he had promised to spend more time with Mu Bingqing in the morning and not go to the restaurant, Luo Xuan naturally would not go to the restaurant at this time.

But in the morning, the restaurant is still open as normal.

The rules can't be broken, Luo Xuan is a very principled person, since the restaurant's rules state that there are three meals a day, and the restaurant opens at three time slots in the morning, noon and evening, naturally the rules can't be broken casually.

It's not that if he doesn't go to this restaurant, he can't open it. He thought that when there are more members in the restaurant, he can be a shopkeeper with peace of mind and don't care about anything.

Now that the restaurant has begun to take shape and has stabilized, Luo Xuan can temporarily experience the feeling of throwing away the shopkeeper.

Luo Xuan originally opened this restaurant for Mu Bingqing. Now, since Mu Bingqing didn't go to the restaurant this morning, Luo Xuan naturally wouldn't go to the restaurant. Why not let the hell three-headed dog open the restaurant?
Walking to the yard outside the villa, Luo Xuan walked up to the hell three-headed dog.

Seeing Luo Xuan, the Hell Three-Headed Dog's expression was both respectful and terrified, and said: "My lord, why do you have to serve me food yourself, Er Gouzi can't bear it!"

Luo Xuan's expression remained calm, and he said calmly, "There's nothing I can't bear. I brought food here to feed you, so that your mistress wouldn't be suspicious."

"In case I don't even need to feed you all day, let Bingqing realize that you are not an ordinary dog."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, the hell three-headed dog also knew that what Luo Xuan said was also reasonable.

After all, if Luo Xuan didn't feed it for a whole day, or if he didn't feed it for several days, it would be no ordinary dog ​​at first glance.

After finishing speaking, Luo Xuan said again: "Besides, I won't go to the restaurant this morning, so you can open the door and open business with Ningxue and the others."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, the hell three-headed dog couldn't help but froze for a moment.

After that, he didn't say much, and said respectfully, "Yes, my lord."

It naturally dared not refute Luo Xuan's order.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xuan glanced at the hell three-headed dog, and said: "About going to the restaurant, remember, you can leave a clone here and go with the main body, or you can go with the main body and leave a clone here, all of this It's up to you to decide."

"However, you must not go on your own and leave this kennel empty, otherwise, your mistress will definitely find out!"

Luo Xuan knew that the restaurant would open soon, and the three-headed hellhound would definitely go to the restaurant, but if the kennel was vacant, Mu Bingqing would be able to spot it at a glance.

After all, the family dog ​​disappeared for no apparent reason, and it was in such a conspicuous location that no one would miss it.

With the ability of the hell three-headed dog, there is naturally no problem in separating the clone.

Just as Luo Xuan said to the three-headed dog, the three-headed dog's body can stay here and go to the restaurant as a clone, or the clone can stay here and go to the restaurant as the main body, but this kennel cannot be vacated.

The Hell Three-Headed Dog also understood Luo Xuan's meaning, and said respectfully at the moment: "My lord, don't worry, Er Gouzi will leave a clone here, and the main body will go to the restaurant."

Even the three-headed hellhound can't help but think that it can do the same in the future, leaving a clone here, so that the main body doesn't have to rush back after the restaurant is closed.

Hearing this, Luo Xuan didn't say much, and said calmly: "Yes, as I said, it's all up to you to decide."

After saying that, Luo Xuan put down the food for the hell three-headed dog, then turned around and prepared to go back to the villa.

Just after taking two steps, Luo Xuan couldn't help but stop. Seeing this, the hell three-headed dog didn't know if Luo Xuan had anything to say, and still had a respectful expression on his face.

Luo Xuan didn't turn around, and said calmly: "Also, I won't go to the restaurant these few days, or the number of times I go to the restaurant will be very small. These few days, don't forget to open the door for business when it's business hours."

After asking the hell three-headed dog to open the restaurant this morning, Luo Xuan had already planned to leave, but he suddenly thought that it seemed that he didn't need to go to the restaurant these days.

He opened this restaurant for the sake of Mu Bingqing. Whenever he saw Mu Bingqing coming in the restaurant, his mood would become extremely good.

But now, since Mu Bingqing is not in Jianglin City for the past few days, if he goes to the restaurant by himself, he will feel dull, and there is really no need to go.

That being the case, let the hell three-headed dog directly take care of the restaurant's affairs, and Luo Xuan will just be a hands-off shopkeeper for a few days.

At most, during this period, I took the time to go to the restaurant a few times to see Su Ningxue and the others, but I definitely wouldn't go every time the restaurant opened.

Most of the time, it is enough for him to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, the hell three-headed dog couldn't help but froze.

Afterwards, it naturally did not dare to disagree, and respectfully said: "Yes, my lord."

After entrusting this series of matters, Luo Xuan did not stop here, but walked directly to the villa.

After all, the time he spent with Mu Bingqing was only this morning. To be more specific, it could even be said to be the time before he went to school this morning.

He was full of plans, and there was only more than an hour. Luo Xuan naturally cherished this short time, so he naturally wanted to seize the time to get along with Mu Bingqing, and would not waste time with the hell three-headed dog.

Luo Xuan returned to the villa, and when he entered the villa, his eyes couldn't help but glance at some sundries piled up in the corner.

These sundries were nothing but the so-called treasures that Mu Bingqing took back at the treasure auction.

Luo Xuan basically regarded these things as rubbish all the time, and Mu Bingqing didn't pay much attention to these things. After all, Luo Xuan also knew that the last time Mu Bingqing took pictures of these things, it was just a cover.

Her real purpose, of course, was for the Breath Adjusting Pill that he photographed at that time. Taking pictures of these things was nothing more than deceiving people, making people confused about her real purpose, making people think that she just wanted to bid on a whim, so she photographed them all.

As for the expenses that Mu Bingqing spent that seemed huge to others, they were nothing to Mu Bingqing. Anyway, Mu Bingqing was not short of money at all.

And Luo Xuan glanced at the so-called treasures in the corner, his eyes fixed on two things, he couldn't help but pause slightly.

Monkey Sailei (male): It looks like a funny cartoon Lei, but it has amazing explosion damage. It is a pair with the female Lei.

Monkey Sailei (female): The seemingly funny cartoon Lei has amazing explosive damage. It is a pair with Xiong Lei.

A strange color flashed across Luo Xuan's eyes.

These days, even such a cartoon Lei can show affection?
(End of this chapter)

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