Chapter 557 Restaurant Business Plan (Third Change)

The Cerberus Three-Headed Dog singled out the Bai family as a typical example, and directly said that they were idiots. Using this method to enlighten them, their attitude would naturally not be much better.

The reason why it picks the Bai family is naturally well thought out.

If the Luo family were singled out, Luo Shuiyue would most likely feel unwilling in her heart if it reprimanded the Luo family with this attitude.

And if it picked Wenren to come out for training, Wenren Zihan would most likely not want it in his heart.

In the same way, Su Ningxue's mood will also be affected if she chooses the Su family.

Apart from the Luo family, Wenren family, and the Su family, only the Bai family and the Scarlet Blood Wolf remained.

And the Red Blood Wolf can be said to belong to the bottom of this group of big bosses. If the Red Blood Wolf is picked out for training, the Red Blood Wolf's status is not enough to deter other big guys.

After thinking about it, only the Bai family is the most suitable.

Just as the three-headed hellhound thought before, who made your Bai family come to be a son, so you can't blame Master Dog for being ruthless!

"Well, in this case, the source of customers for the restaurant can be completely guaranteed. With these younger generations, it can be said that there will be a steady stream of customers." The hell three-headed dog thought so in his heart.

"And seeing so many people dining in the restaurant, many people will definitely come in again to check. Gradually, the concept that the customers in the restaurant are trustees will become less and less, and the source of customers will increase. a healthy development."

As for the source of customers, it can be said that there is no problem at all now.

The younger generation of these restaurants is completely inexhaustible, and if there are so many people dining in the restaurant, such a hot voice will definitely attract more passers-by and turn them into customers.

It can be said that this is an extremely virtuous circle.

"However, what the little old man of the Bai family said makes sense. There are still too few seats in the restaurant, and now I can only change batches after eating as I planned before."

"If this is the case, it is best to limit the dining time of each table, otherwise this hour will not be able to receive too many guests and effectively expand profits."

There are only so many seats in the restaurant now, even if you change one batch after eating, if someone stays on the seat and does not leave, or if they are too ink-stained and slow, one less table of guests will be received, and one table will be lost profits.

In this case, it is natural to directly limit the dining time of each table. When the time is up, let them leave directly, and then change the batch, so as to maximize profits.

The Hell Three-Headed Dog kept thinking in his mind, "However, in this case, it is only drinking poison to quench thirst, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. The best way is to expand the restaurant directly after the source of customers comes up."

"However, for such a matter, it is natural to ask the lord for instructions, and we must wait for the lord to come back."

Even if the dining time is limited, if there are too many customers, some people will still not be able to wait for their own meal. The best way is to expand the restaurant.

However, in such a matter, the Hell Three-Headed Dog naturally did not dare to decide without authorization, and had to ask Luo Xuan for instructions and obtain Luo Xuan's consent.

Thinking of this, the three-headed hellhound couldn't help but look at the walls on both sides of the restaurant.

Now on both sides of the restaurant, one is a computer store and the other is a women's clothing store. According to the three-headed dog's idea, if the restaurant is to be expanded, the locations of these two stores will be bought, and then the middle wall will be opened and refurbished. Just make it bigger.

But now the main desk of the restaurant does not need to be changed, it is better to be the main service desk.

Of course, those two may also disagree on the location of the selling store.

But this kind of thing is also very simple to the hell three-headed dog, even if they really disagree, it's okay, just be simple and rough, and just beat them until they agree!
"Besides, there is also the problem of the wine that the lord has ordered before. I don't know whether the lord will use spiritual wine, fairy wine, or divine wine, and whether he wants to brew it himself. These things also have to wait until the lord returns, and ask the lord for instructions. Make a decision later.”

Of the drinks that Luo Xuan told the Hell Three-Headed Dog before, the Hell Three-Headed Dog naturally dare not forget it at all.

And this drink was originally mentioned by Su Qianlin to Luo Xuan.

But for such a matter, it is natural to wait until Luo Xuan returns, and the Hell Three-Headed Dog consults Luo Xuan before making a decision.

Otherwise, if it makes any decision without authorization, if it doesn't suit Luo Xuan's wishes, it will be troublesome.

At this time, the series of business plans for the restaurant have already taken shape in the mind of the three-headed dog.

The hell three-headed dog has been thinking about these things, and it has finished talking to Bai Shixiong and others, so naturally it doesn't pay attention to the Bai family and his party.

Seeing that the hell three-headed dog hadn't spoken for a long time, Bai Shixiong couldn't help asking cautiously: "Master Dog, do you have anything else to say?"

"If not, can we sit down first and wait for the meal, so that we can quickly arrange for the disciples in the clan to come to eat."

Hearing Bai Shixiong's words, the hell three-headed dog also nodded lightly, and said, "Well, let's go."

Seeing that the hell three-headed dog had no more orders, the Bai family and others, as well as other bigwigs, all went to sit down and prepare to order food.

"Brother Gouzi, I didn't even know that you are so powerful!"

After Bai Shixiong and others sat down, Xia Mengxi said excitedly.

When facing Xia Mengxi and the others, the Hell Three-Headed Dog's expression changed instantly, and a smile appeared on his face immediately, and said: "It's nothing, nothing, it's just a small trick, and it's naturally far from the boss."

The face-changing speed was so fast that those who happened to see it among Bai Shixiong and others couldn't help but click their tongues instantly, feeling stunned!
Seeing that Bai Shixiong and other bigwigs had already sat down and prepared to order food, after a brief exchange with the three-headed dog, Xia Mengxi and the others also walked over to prepare the order for each table.

The location allocation is naturally still the same as before.

At most, because An Jinxi didn't want to go to the Bai's table more, Xia Mengxi sometimes took care of the Bai's table's ordering.

As for the table at the Luo family, after Luo Shuiyue came, Luo Changsheng couldn't help sighing: "Changming, Changqing, Changsong, Shuiyue, do you remember that I said earlier that this person named Er Gouzi The young man probably possesses the strength of the Astral Refining Realm."

"Now it seems that it is so!"

After Luo Changsheng finished speaking, Luo Changming also said with admiration: "That's right, father's judgment is still so accurate!"

Luo Shuiyue nodded slightly, but did not respond.

Looking at the hell three-headed dog, there was also a little uncertainty in her beautiful eyes.

Does the hell three-headed dog really only have the strength of the Gang Lian realm?

(End of this chapter)

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