Chapter 572 Big Beauty? (first update)
Watching Mu Bingqing's figure slowly go away, Luo Xuan couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart.

After Mu Bingqing left like this, he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, and at the same time, there was an inexplicable emotion.

Luo Xuan never imagined that one day, he would care so much for a woman.

When Mu Bingqing's figure disappeared, Luo Xuan seemed to be talking to himself, and also seemed to be saying to Mu Bingqing: "Bingqing, the promise you owe me will be paid off when you come back." ..."

The kiss agreement between the two today is not over yet.

And in the next few days, Mu Bingqing was going to leave for Zhong Hai, so the kiss agreement between the two of them was naturally impossible to fulfill.

It's not that Luo Xuan didn't think about asking Mu Bingqing to complete the kiss agreement with him today, but in the end she still didn't do it.

One of the reasons is naturally that there is not enough time today.

After all, only this morning's time is indeed far from enough.

Furthermore, even if Luo Xuan didn't know how many days Mu Bingqing would be gone, naturally there was no possibility of making it up in advance. Without a specific number of days, how could he know how many times to make up.

Therefore, it was better to wait until Mu Bingqing came back, and then make up all of this together.

After Mu Bingqing was completely out of sight, Luo Xuan also closed the door of the villa, then left the villa and walked towards Tianhai University.

After all, it was already time for him to go to school, even, it was already a little bit late, so he had to hurry up on the way.

When Luo Xuan walked into the classroom, there were still a few minutes before class time, so Luo Xuan would naturally not be late.

However, as soon as he walked into the classroom, Luo Xuan felt something was wrong.

Because the atmosphere in the classroom today is a bit dignified...

To be more specific, there is a sense of dignity amidst the heaviness.

Heaviness is naturally easy to understand. After all, Chu Shiyin has just left and is no longer the head teacher in the class. Many people have not yet come out of that sad mood.

Especially since most of the students in the class are girls, they are naturally more sentimental.

As for the solemnity... I think it has something to do with the new head teacher.

Chu Shiyin left, and today, the new head teacher will naturally come. With such an atmosphere in the class, it is normal to think about it.

However, this feeling similar to Plants vs. Zombies is a bit too much...

Luo Xuan had nothing to do recently, and wanted to experience more of what it was like to be a human being, so he also played a few video games, but his abilities, especially his intelligence, manipulation, and reaction, far surpassed Ordinary people, playing any game is all the way through the customs.

In this case, he naturally won't experience much fun in the game, but it's still okay to feel the atmosphere of the game.

Among the several games Luo Xuan played, the so-called Plants vs. Zombies was among them.

And the atmosphere in the classroom is obviously similar to the atmosphere in Plants vs. Zombies before the zombies appeared...

Seeing Hou Ji and Chen Xueyao sitting in the front row, Luo Xuan walked over after thinking about it.

After Chen Xueyao said hello to Luo Xuan, and Luo Xuan nodded to her, he couldn't help but look at Hou Ji again.

"Monkey, you all seem a bit nervous, are you all because of the arrival of the new head teacher?"

Hearing this, Hou Ji smiled and said, "Of course, Brother Xuan, this is naturally a big reason."

Hearing Hou Ji's words, Luo Xuan asked again: "Hou Zi, do you know who the new head teacher is?"

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Hou Ji looked around, and said to Luo Xuan mysteriously: "Brother Xuan, according to reliable gossip, the new head teacher is a beautiful woman, she is very good-looking."

This answer was somewhat beyond Luo Xuan's expectation.

And Chen Xueyao lightly kicked Hou Ji's foot with her jade feet, wondering if she was jealous.

Naturally, Luo Xuan would not pay attention to these small actions of Hou Ji and Chen Xueyao, but Hou Ji's answer really surprised him.

Su Ningxue, Xia Mengxi and the others, as well as Chu Yueyin and Chu Shiyin, who are not the beauties of the country and the city.

The beautiful head teacher Chu Shiyin just left, and now the new head teacher is another big beauty?

Luo Xuan naturally knew that Jianglin City was a beautiful place surrounded by mountains and rivers. It might not be noticeable outside of the human world, but if you look at the entire Hua Kingdom, it is undoubtedly a place full of spiritual energy.

If not, the nun that Mu Bingqing met back then would not have suggested that Mu Bingqing should leave Lin Yunhai here for treatment. The aura here is indeed helpful to Lin Yunhai's condition.

Luo Xuan also understood in his heart that that master nun was quite capable, and in the human world, she should be considered extremely good, at least at the level of a guru, and maybe even higher.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for this so-called expert nun who suggested that Mu Bingqing should leave Lin Yunhai in Jianglin City for treatment, and Mu Bingqing would also use this to stay in Jianglin, it would be impossible for Luo Xuan to meet Mu Bingqing. It is impossible to marry Mu Bingqing.

In fact, that being said, the expert nun can be regarded as a half-matchmaker for Luo Xuan and Mu Bingqing, if one day he really meets that expert nun again, Luo Xuan doesn't mind giving her a chance.

However, even if Jianglin City is a beautiful place surrounded by mountains and rivers, full of aura, most of the women are beautiful, and there will be more peerless beauties than other places, but there are not too many...

Su Ningxue and the others, plus Chu Yueyin and the others, a total of seven peerless beauties, all appeared in Jianglin, which is really shocking enough.

Even if Chu Yueyin and Chu Shiyin were not natives of Jianglin City, and the Wenren Zihan was also from Canghai City next door, the number of Su Ningxue and the others was quite a lot.

Could it be that with the addition of this new class teacher, the number of eight people must be directly made up?
If this new homeroom teacher is really a peerless beauty and is from Jianglin, then Jianglin City will really have five local peerless beauties!

If there are beauties of this level in Jianglin City, Luo Xuan will naturally not know about them, and he will definitely not be unknown in Jianglin City, and it will definitely cause a sensation.

But even if Chu Yueyin and Chu Shiyin came from other places, it was surprising enough.

After all, there are not many beauties of their level in the entire Huaguo. How could it be such a coincidence that they came to the class again and became everyone's head teacher.

"Beautiful beauty... the authenticity of this matter may have to be discussed again." Luo Xuan thought in his heart.

However, Luo Xuan didn't know that there was a mistake in what he thought just now, and there was indeed a fifth beauty in Jianglin City who could compare with Su Ningxue and the others in appearance.

The daughter of the Bai family, Bai Qingqing.

Luo Xuan doesn't know this yet, but he will soon know...

(End of this chapter)

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