Chapter 579 Father-in-law? (Second more)
After Lin Yunhai finished speaking, the class burst into thunderous applause, which lasted for a long time.

In such an unconventional class meeting, Lin Yunhai undoubtedly completely conquered the students in the class with his unconventional education method, making them all admire him.

Naturally, Su Ningxue and the others were also applauding, and Xia Mengxi said sincerely: "Mr. Lin is very good, I feel that Mr. Lin is really insightful about some issues!"

Hearing this, Luo Xuan nodded lightly, and said: "Naturally, after all, Mr. Lin was a brilliant graduate of Huaxia University before."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Su Ningxue and the others couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Xia Mengxi was even slightly stunned, and said, "Eh? A talented graduate from Huaxia University? Teacher Lin is so amazing!"

She naturally knows the height of Huaxia University.

Huaxia University is the highest institution of higher education in Huaguo, far surpassing Huaqing University, Jiangsu-Zhejiang University, Danfu University and a series of other universities!

To be precise, Huaxia University is not even considered a university. In terms of its size, it is not as good as a college of most universities.

Because in Huaxia University, there are only two classes, and each class accepts 50 students!

There are only 100 students at the same level, and the total number of students at the four levels of the university, including teachers, does not exceed 500. It is enough to imagine how difficult it is to enter Huaxia University!

Each level only recruits 100 students, each class only recruits 50 students, and these 50 students are divided into different majors, that is to say, there are basically only two or three people studying the same major.

There is no doubt that after these people come out, they are all the elites among the elites in the relevant industries in the society!
Luo Xuan actually said that Lin Yunhai was a talented graduate of Huaxia University, all of this is really unbelievable!
In addition to being shocked, Xia Mengxi couldn't help being a little puzzled, and said: "But, how did my good brother know?"

Others naturally have the same question.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Xia Mengxi felt a little funny.

How powerful Luo Xuan is, now, she is naturally very clear.

With Luo Xuan's abilities, it's not surprising that he knows this news.

Just when she wanted to say that Luo Xuan didn't need to answer this question, she just heard Luo Xuan say indifferently: "Mr. Lin, it's my father-in-law."

Fifth girl: "..."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, not only Xia Mengxi, Su Ningxue and the others were all stunned.

Lin Yunhai is Luo Xuan's father-in-law?

All of this is too surprising!

And Xia Mengxi was undoubtedly even more confused. Just now she thought she had guessed the correct answer, but she did not expect that what Luo Xuan said was completely different from what she thought the correct answer was.

Lin Yunhai is Luo Xuan's father-in-law, and he came to the class as the head teacher again?

Who would have imagined this!
At this time, An Jinxi also said weakly: "Brother Luo Xuan, what do you mean, Mr. Lin... is Sister-in-law Bingqing's father?"

"Not bad." Luo Xuan nodded lightly.

As for the fact that Lin Yunhai was Mu Bingqing's adoptive father, Luo Xuan did not tell them, because it was really unnecessary.

Furthermore, although Lin Yunhai is only Mu Bingqing's adoptive father, not Mu Bingqing's biological father, in Mu Bingqing's heart, Lin Yunhai has long been regarded as her biological father. no difference.

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Su Ningxue and the other five did not speak for a while, and they were not about to recover from the shock.

And the few of them are ice and snow smart, and they quickly thought of something.

Now, they finally knew why Lin Yunhai said that he felt very kind when he saw Luo Xuan's name at the beginning.

It is more clear why Lin Yunhai asked Luo Xuan to answer the questions later, and directly gave Luo Xuan full marks for his usual grades.

Could it be that this is the legendary...relationship household?

After regaining her senses, Su Ningxue said: "It turns that's the case. No wonder Uncle Lin speaks so methodically and insightfully. It turns out that Uncle Lin is a talented graduate of Huaxia University."

After Su Ningxue finished speaking, Luo Xuan nodded and said, "That's natural, and besides, I don't even look at whose father-in-law it is."

The girls: "..."

Luo Xuan's words undoubtedly boasted himself.

Also, I'm really not humble at all...

However, they all knew that what Luo Xuan said was naturally the truth, and with Luo Xuan's strength and level, they did have the capital to say such words.

And at this time, Luo Xuan was also thinking about what Lin Yunhai said just now.

Gou Liguo's family lives and dies, *****...

Even though he has been away from the human world for thousands of years, he naturally knows this sentence, which is the most famous line of Lin Zexu.

The meaning of this sentence is that if it is beneficial to the country, you can give your life. Is it possible to avoid disasters and accept blessings?
For this sentence, Luo Xuan also deeply agrees.

Only in other non-peaceful places will you understand how precious it is to live in a peaceful and powerful country.

Although Luo Xuan's current level is far beyond the level of the human world, Luo Xuan has never forgotten everything that the country has brought him.

If he didn't live in the extremely peaceful and powerful Hua Country, but in a country full of wars, Luo Xuan might have died prematurely before he grew up, so how could he have reached his current height?
It's a pity that there are too many people who don't know their blessings when they are in the blessings. They always feel that what they can't get is the best, and what they get in other countries is the best. As everyone knows, when they really go to other countries, they will find that they are far better than what they don't have. Shanghua Kingdom.

When Luo Xuan was a boy, he left China early to go to Europe and other places, and he has a deep understanding of the general situation of other countries at this time.

Not to mention anything else, the vast majority of young people now regard the network and communication of mobile phones as their life.

At the time when Luoxuan came back, it was the time when 4G has become popular. There are more than 4 million 500G base stations in the world, and nearly 400 million of them are in China, and there are signals almost everywhere you go.

In many foreign countries, there are only more than 100 million base stations. Not to mention people who immigrate to foreign countries, even people who travel abroad, they often have to suffer from the situation that their mobile phones have no signal, and they have to shout to find someone.

Thinking of this, Luo Xuan had to admit that Lin Yunhai's class meeting today really did not take an unusual path.

Lin Yunhai first aroused the students' interest by their usual grades, and then asked the students to speak to make them aware of their own problems.

In the end, I will teach it by myself, follow the guidance, and achieve the most ideal effect.

Really, it is an extremely clever method.

As Luo Xuan said, as expected, it was his father-in-law...

(End of this chapter)

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