Chapter 585 Lingyan Dance (Second Change)
Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Ling Yanwu couldn't help curling her lips.

"Bingqing, even if this is really the case, you should at least give some reaction."

What Mu Bingqing said was naturally true, she would definitely not hurt Mu Bingqing, and what she did just now was just playing around with Mu Bingqing, trying to scare Mu Bingqing.

However, Mu Bingqing was still the same as usual, she didn't respond at all.

"Bingqing, if you say something like this again, I can't say for sure. When will I really kick you while I'm not paying attention, and let you learn a lesson!" Ling Yanwu said with a ruthless look.

Seeing this, Mu Bingqing still shook her head lightly and said, "You won't."

Hearing this, Ling Yanwu's expression also became serious, and said: "Bingqing, how many times have I told you that you must never trust the people around you easily, even if there is only a slight possibility of a move that could threaten your safety, Avoid."

"Why don't you think about it, if I am bribed by someone, it will really cost your life, your life is so precious, all possibilities must be avoided!"

After Ling Yanwu finished speaking, Mu Bingqing remained calm and said, "Yan Wu, you won't. If you really want to kill me, I'd rather die by your hands."

As she spoke, Mu Bingqing slowly stretched out her finger, and flicked Ling Yanwu's forehead gently.

"Ah, it hurts!"

After Mu Bingqing flicked her forehead, Ling Yanwu couldn't help covering her forehead subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Bingqing said: "Yan Wu, with your reaction, you can dodge even a finger that is ten times faster than this, but you still didn't dodge, and I hit you on the forehead."

"Why don't you think about it, if my finger hides other hidden weapons, I also want to kill you. After all, you don't believe me the same, so you let me snap this finger?"

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Ling Yanwu wanted to say something for a moment, but in the end she was speechless.

In the end, she also said: "Forget it, Bing Qing, anyway, I can't beat you."

Immediately afterwards, she couldn't pretend any longer, and she lost the serious look she had put on before, she smiled and said, "My dear Bingqing, I miss you so much."

"Come on, let me hug one first."

As she said that, Ling Yanwu opened her arms, wanting to hug Mu Bingqing.

Hearing this, Mu Bingqing took a look at Ling Yanwu, and said with a slightly deep smile, "Yan Wu, you are not afraid of being hit this time, and being hit by me?"

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Ling Yanwu couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, she glanced at a certain part of Mu Bingqing's upper body, then at her own, and pretended to be angry, "Bingqing, if you behave like this, you will have no friends!"

As she said that, Ling Yanwu gritted her silver teeth lightly, and said, "Forget it, we haven't seen each other for so long, even if I was hit this time, I will admit it!"

With that said, Ling Yanwu stepped forward and hugged Mu Bingqing fiercely.

After she let go of Mu Bingqing, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but hiss.

Needless to say, the collision was not light!
After she regained her composure, Ling Yanwu smiled happily and said, "My dear Bingqing, you are tired from traveling and traveling, would you like something to drink?"

"You know." Mu Bingqing said.

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, other people might have been confused, but Ling Yanwu nodded and said, "Okay, wait."

After finishing speaking, Ling Yanwu's figure suddenly jumped up, and she rolled over to the wall, her hands alternately pressed on the wall like flowers and willows, and went directly to the refrigerator opposite.

And when she came back with two bottles of water, she didn't press the wall with both hands because of the water in her hand, but stepped back and stepped on it.

Then, as if her feet were directly attached to the wall, she walked up to Mu Bingqing like walking on the ground.

"Okay, Bingqing, here, the pure ice ore I left for you a long time ago is frozen at a temperature of minus one degree below zero, and there is absolutely no error in it." Ling Yanwu said.

After receiving the water from Ling Yanwu, Mu Bingqing felt a little helpless on her snowy face, and said, "Yan Wu, you are like this every time, you don't go on a good road, you have to go to the wall."

"Hee hee, I'm used to it, I'm used to it, and walking the wall is faster after all." Ling Yanwu laughed.

After speaking, he opened the water in his hand and drank it.

Seeing this, Mu Bingqing also opened the water in her hand and drank it.

Sure enough, it still smells familiar...

Not long after, the two sat down on the sofa next to each other.

"Bingqing, are you tired? Would you like me to help you squeeze your shoulders?" Ling Yanwu said.

Mu Bingqing shook her head lightly and said, "No need, I'm not tired."

Saying that, Mu Bingqing said again: "But you, Yan Wu, are you comfortable living here? Are you not used to it?"

The villa where Ling Yanwu lives now is naturally also Mu Bingqing's property.

However, Mu Bingqing and Ling Yanwu will naturally not have any relationship with each other, and Ling Yanwu has always lived in this villa.

If Ling Yanwu wanted to live in other places, Mu Bingqing would naturally have her property in every place. If there was no suitable one, it would be a big deal to buy another one.

After all, money is nothing to her, but she only has one best friend, so she can clearly distinguish which is more important between the two.

"It's comfortable, of course it's comfortable. It's so big, and there are so many entertainment facilities. The food is delicious and fun. When you want to go out, you can just pick a sports car from the garage, let alone how comfortable you are." Ling Yanwu said.

Hearing Ling Yanwu say this, Mu Bingqing was not too surprised. Ling Yanwu would say this, it is indeed her style.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yanwu said: "Even if you are not here, Bingqing, it would be great if you could come and live here."

Hearing that Mu Bingqing paused slightly, she didn't say anything.

Not long after, I heard Ling Yanwu say: "But I also know that for Uncle Lin, you will definitely not come to live with Zhong Hai until Uncle Lin recovers from his illness."

"Let's not talk about me now, what about you, Bingqing, I heard that you..."

Speaking of this, Ling Yanwu's tone clearly stagnated.

Then, she continued: "I heard that you... got married, this should be a rumor, right?"

Hearing Ling Yanwu's words, Mu Bingqing's movements couldn't help but froze slightly, and returned to normal in an instant.

After all, Ling Yanwu still asked this question, which was exactly what she thought.

She didn't answer Ling Yanwu's question directly, but said: "Yanwu, if I'm really married, what should you do?"

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, the smile on Ling Yanwu's expression also gradually subsided.

The tone gradually became more and more obviously cold.

"I will... kill that man!"

(End of this chapter)

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